Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How to Cheat and Win

Soon after Ed Wedig became president of FunDancers, he and the club's founder / caller met for lunch. They talked about many things including how Ed makes a ton of money by cheating at casinos. Read on for details.
A roulette wheel is a mechanical device.  Mechanical devices have flaws. Ed goes to a casino and watches the roulette wheel for about 5,000 spins. He keeps track of which numbers come up more often than expected. This phase of his scam takes 2 to 3 weeks.

After accumulating enough data, Ed exploits the weaknesses in the wheel. He bets and wins until the casino eventually catches on and throws him out. Ed claims that he typically wins $300,000 per casino.

In addition to stealing the casino's money, Ed seems to enjoy the notoriety. He brags about being immediately recognized at casinos. He's delighted when the casino manager asks him to please find a different casino to visit.

Here's something important:  Ed Wedig does not merely go into a casino and randomly cheat should the opportunity arise. Instead, he very carefully plans a cold pre-meditated scheme to steal 300 grand. Let's agree that _most_ people do _not_ earn money by swindling, cheating and robbing others.

So if your question is, "Where did you get the idea that Ed Wedig is a known casino cheat?" the answer is simply "From Ed's own bragging".

This same cunning, conniving, methodical and experienced crook is now president of a square dance club. Obviously, you can steal far more money from a casino than from a square dance club. Still, you'd be surprised by just how much money Ed and his band of thugs managed to steal from The Shukayrs.

Using cold, calculated maneuvers, Ed and his accomplices ripped off Nasser and Jeanna for thousands of dollars. His pre-meditated plan included defaming and discrediting his victims so that people will blame the victim instead of the criminal. Ed cheated an innocent couple out of their money, their club, their friends, and years of hard work.

If you find this report difficult to believe, it's probably because Ed and his cohorts worked very hard to discredit and defame the source.

Here is the current situation at FunDancers.
  • Most of the stolen money is already spent and will never be recovered.
  • The club's reputation is hopelessly tarnished: the club will never regain its pre-robbery stature as the region's strongest club.
  • Many fair-weather friends are now alienated against the club's founder due to Ed's expertly executed defamation campaign.
  • The years of hard work required to build up the club are forever lost.
 So, if the money is gone, the club is gone, the friendships are gone, the hard work has vanished ... how on earth can we turn this into something positive?

There is only _one_ option. We must shut down the crooks completely, BEFORE they can find and rob any NEW victims. We must not support ANY activities at the stolen club.

We must act together to rid the local square dance activity of a terrible disease. For months, the bad guys (robbers, crooks, slanderers, thieves, cheaters, swindlers, con artists, liars, etc.) have won, big-time. Let's turn it around. It's time for us good guys to win for a change.

Let's do the right thing. Ed Wedig and his band of thugs cooked up a crafty methodical plan to cheat, steal, swindle, defame and discredit their way to success. Let's turn out the lights on their party by actively AVOIDING their dishonest events. Tell all your friends and acquaintances:  together we will rid the area square dance scene of vile corruption and disease. Let's stop the cheaters cold, BEFORE they can find and rob any MORE good innocent people.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

You have a choice

Today you have an important decision to make.  I'll explain.

FunDancers elected a new president earlier this year.  He discovered that the club owed a lot of money to their founder and caller.  Instead of doing the right thing, the new president made a "shrewd business decision" to default on the debt, outright steal the money (thousands of dollars) the club owed to their caller, use the stolen funds to continue operations, then tell a huge pack of lies to try to cover up his crimes.  Sadly, many people immediately believed the lies, without even checking to find out if they contained even one shred of truth.

So now YOU have a decision to make.  Will YOU continue to support this dishonest club's events?  If so, you're sending a clear vote in favor of cheating, swindling, stealing, lying and just downright rottenness. 

Many of you have -already- chosen to support the crooks.  While it's far better to never support crime in the first place, you still have some opportunity to do the right thing.  You can still choose to STOP supporting any more activities from lying, cheating swindlers.

If you go to FunDancers dances, you are a knowing and willful participant in robbery, theft, slander, swindling and crime.  It's that simple.  This is not rocket science.  It's merely a matter of knowing the difference between right and wrong.  Supporting crime is wrong. Avoiding crummy lowdown rotten crooked stealing lying swindling cheating robbers is right.

Surely your mother taught you the difference between right and wrong?

The one and only purpose of this message is to persuade YOU to stop aiding and abetting the petty thieves and con-artists who took over FunDancers and stole the club by cheating innocent people.  Bad guys must not win.  The purpose of this message is to enlist YOUR help so that the bad guys will stop winning.

Yes, in 2012 a local club swindled and cheated their founder and caller. It is NOT okay to steal, cheat and lie.  It is NOT okay for you to pretend that it never happened.  It is NOT okay to participate or even listen to the rumors and lies swirling around.  NOTHING about this CRIME is okay.  To pretend that it's all okay is just plain wrong.

YOU have a choice.  You can stand up for what's right, or you can ignore all the facts and do exactly the wrong thing.  It's your choice.  Choose wisely.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Right or Wrong ... what's the difference?

Be sure to avoid the square dance club on Sunday in Schertz.  As you probably know, that club owed their founder and caller thousands of dollars.  They chose to outright steal the money and to use the stolen funds to hire other callers.  The club broke every guiding principle upon which they were founded.  Today the club operates dishonestly by using stolen funds to hire immoral callers.  It's a huge theft ring and, if you participate, you're being played for a fool.

Good people just do not steal, lie, cheat or swindle ... yet the Sunday club in Schertz did all of those horrible things and more.  Do you really want to spend YOUR spare time associating with a bunch of liars, robbers and cheaters?  Surely you can find a better class of people with whom to socialize.

The local area has many (okay, some) good honest square dances.  If you enjoy square dancing, simply choose a good honest club which does not participate in robbing people, telling lies, swindling their supposed friends, immoral crimes, etc.

Please don't pretend that you have no alternative. Your mission is actually quite easy.  Just stop supporting dishonest square dance events.

For those fake friends among you who see nothing wrong with cheating, lying, stealing and robbing a fellow square dancer, shame on you.  You really do need a major wake-up call.  You desperately need to figure out the fundamental difference between right and wrong (hint: robbing someone is wrong, telling lies to try to weasel out of what you owe is wrong, bilking someone out of thousands of dollars is wrong, using stolen money to run a square dance club is wrong, etc.).

Once you finally realize that there's a difference between right and wrong, here's your next step: merely gravitate towards "right" and avoid "wrong".  It's easy.  You should try it.  You'll feel better after you stop supporting theft.

Avoid the lying, robbing, cheating, swindling, slandering, stealing, criminal, low-life, back-stabbing, embezzling, crooked jerks on Sunday in Schertz.  Choose an honest dance event instead.  You'll respect yourself a whole lot more, from the very first moment that you decide to no longer support wrongdoing.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Whose fault is it?

Whenever a crime occurs, people often tend to blame the victim.
A crime occurred at FunDancers earlier this year.  A square dance club owed their caller and founder many thousands of dollars.  Instead of making arrangements to pay this rightful debt, the club decided to default on the debt, pay absolutely nothing, outright steal the money they owed, and use the stolen money to continue operations.  When the victim of their crime protested, the criminals made up a bunch of damaging lies in an effort to justify their crime and blackball their crime victim.

Despite repeated attempts by the victim to spread the truth and set the record straight, people still tend to blame the victim.  So let's analyze this.  Exactly what did the victim do wrong?  How did the victim cause this crime to happen?

Here's the answer.  The victim (club caller) made the mistake of trusting certain people (Ed Wedig and The Wheatleys) who happen to be liars, cheaters, swindlers, rumor-mongers and deadbeats.

Many of you who are reading this message are making the exact same mistake.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

If you can't be good, please be careful

Let's be truthful, always.
FunDancers stole a lot of money from me.  The club still owes me thousands of dollars.  They have not paid even one penny. It's more than just money:  they also swindled me out of the square dance club which I personally founded and bankrolled.

Even if you have heard stories to the contrary, the actual fact is that I was robbed.  The club operates today by using money they stole from me earlier this year.
Now I need your help.

Our region is fortunate to have many good honest square dance clubs. It's simply not fair to all the good clubs, if we let a bad club get ahead by cheating, stealing and lying. Are you willing to help stamp out wrongdoing?  There's only one way to put the cheaters and robbers out of business. Here's how you can help: Stop supporting wrongdoing!  It's really that simple. Stop rewarding theft!
If you dance at FunDancers, you're helping the cheating lying immoral crooks get away scot-free with robbery. Surely your mother taught you the difference between right and wrong. Surely you know that stealing is wrong.  Good honest people pay their bills, honor their agreements, keep their word, tell the truth, treat people fairly, etc. The officers of FunDancers did none of the things that good honest people are supposed to do.

I will continue to broadcast these messages as long as dirty lowdown crooks continue to use my stolen money to operate my stolen club. Your own willingness to ignore the facts does not alter the truth. If you dance at FunDancers, you're a participant in theft. You're as guilty as the robbers are. Hopefully you can do the right thing and simply walk away from the crime scene. 

I've given up on ever recouping what the robbers stole. I'm only trying to prevent these same bad people from harming more good people in the future. It was a shame (and a surprise) when it happened once. It would be no surprise (but it would be a preventable tragedy) if it happens again. So let's all do whatever we can.

Whether or not you can face up to the truth, it's nevertheless an unfortunate fact that the officers of FunDancers are cheaters, liars and swindlers.  For example, current president Ed Wedig has been banned from several casinos because he is a chronic cheater and swindler.  Treasurers Ken and Fay Wheatley were thrown out of a previous square dance club for embezzlement. The officers have a history of wrongdoing.  Earlier this year, this group of bad people robbed a good honest square dance caller for many thousands of dollars, bilked him out of the club which he established, then attempted to discredit and smear his good name. When he protested, they are now attempting to put that same caller out of business permanently, instead of doing the right thing which is to simply pay their bills.

We will not be bullied by thugs.   We will achieve the correct and proper outcome, which is to stop the criminals from doing even more damage to more good people in the future.

If you still decide to completely ignore the difference between right and wrong, please do your own self a favor and "Watch Your Wallet". Some terribly awful club leaders viciously cheated and robbed a caller for no reason.  It's a continuing pattern:  these same people have cheated and robbed other good people in the past. It's time for the crime spree to end.  Let's prevent it from happening to someone else. If you just cannot find the internal strength to stop supporting robbers, liars and cheaters, then please at least be careful.  Stay aware.  Watch your own back.  Please do not become the next target of their next crime.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

There are many Good Honest Square Dances in the local area

There are many good honest square dance clubs in the area. 

It's simply not fair, to all the honest clubs, if we allow a dishonest club to get ahead by stealing, lying and cheating.

If you go dance at FunDancers then you are helping a dishonest club get away with wrongdoing.

Please do not support illegal or immoral activities. We must not allow cheaters and robbers to prosper.  Stop going to square dance clubs which steal and cheat and swindle. Stop supporting callers who knowingly accept stolen money. Send a clear message to these lowlifes that you will not tolerate theft, lying, slander, dishonesty or wrongdoing.

Do the right thing and avoid situations which are gravely and seriously wrong.  My one and only goal is to improve the local square dance scene by shutting down the bad guys so that the good guys can continue.

With so many honest clubs from which to choose, why would you even think about going to a dishonest one?

Here's hoping that you enjoy many square dances at good honest ethical clubs, and that you avoid clubs which engage in massive intentional wrongdoing.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Story of California Mike

A friend of mine was a square dance caller in California.  Once upon a time, he was booked to call a dance. The club decided to cancel him out of that calling date because they wanted to book another caller instead. The club did not ask if he is okay with being cancelled.  Instead, they voted to violate my friend's contract and to confiscate my friend's dance and booking and money ... and just hand it over to another caller.  It was theft by committee.

When my friend objected to this shoddy treatment, the club started all kinds of shenanigans.  They spread nasty rumors about how my friend went crazy, is a bad person, is a bad caller, etc.  The club did all kinds of bad things, simply because my friend would not silently put up with the terrible injustice of having his calling date outright and forcibly stolen from him.

This caused my friend to drop completely out of square dancing and calling.  This happened more than ten years ago.

Well, it happened again recently, except instead of California it happened in Texas.  And instead of just one dance, the club stole a bunch of dances and a bunch of money as well.  And instead of the caller dropping out of the activity, he has vowed to stop the cycle of injustice and to prevent this crime from happening to others.

The dance in question occurs today, October 14, 2012.  That dance originally belonged to Nasser Shukayr.  The club voted to steal that dance from the rightful, without even asking.  They voted to confiscate that caller's booking and paycheck ... and to hand it all over to Johnny Preston.  When the caller objected, the club went berserk.  They told all sorts of nasty lies which I won't list here. 

You can read the complete story at
 Why would a club do all those things?  Simply put, people do not like to get caught in wrongdoing.  They'll make up all kinds of excuses ("he's crazy, he can't call well, he pulls wings off butterflies, nobody likes him", etc.).  Yet the excuses do not hide the true fact:  the club stole from someone, and now they're trying to get away with it.

So, the big question is:  WILL the club get away with theft?  The answer is:  if you go dance at FunDancers, then they did get away with it.  So, it's your choice.  I choose to try to end the vicious cycle.  Will you please help me put a stop to the crime spree?

With so many honest dances from which to choose, why would you even think about going to a dishonest one?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Good News

Nasser Shukayr is now the club caller for Belles N Beaus on Thursday nights. This was Les Hughes' club for years.  Things change.
Here's what happened:  Belles N Beaus owed a lot of money to their longtime caller, Les Hughes. Les asked his club to start making payments on their debt. The club decided that it's cheaper to simply cheat their caller out of the money, so they outright stole the amount they owed (and still owe) to their caller.  They're using the stolen funds to continue operations.  Nasser gladly agreed to "help out" by accepting stolen money to call for Les Hughes' group.
The only remaining task is to organize a smear campaign to spread bad rumors so that Les Hughes won't be able to call in the region again.  Some of the best liars and rumor-mongers of all time are working on the smear-campaign right now. The main idea is to convince people that Les went crazy (which makes it okay to cheat him).  This is actually easy to do because dancers are gullible and will believe any cockamamie story they hear. 

Executive Summary:  Les Hughes was unceremoniously cheated out of his club and thousands of dollars. We're in the process of ruining his calling career permanently.  This is all normal procedure in the local square dance scene.  Nasser will gladly step in and help the club get away with theft.
Wait a minute .... let me double-check the facts ...

OOPS!  The STORY is right but the NAMES are REVERSED!  It's actually LES HUGHES who is helping a club commit robbery!

Don't miss FunDancers this Sunday, when they use stolen money which they outright cheated from the club's founder and internationally-known caller, to hire local caller Les Hughes.  Be a participant in dirty politics, dysfunctional people, theft, cheating, slander, etc. 

The excuse "I Didn't Know" does not hold water. Les has already been notified (repeatedly) that when he calls for FunDancers, he will be paid with stolen funds.  The fact that he's participating in a robbery doesn't even slow him down.  Don't let it slow you down either.  Go ahead and do your part to reward criminal activities.

Or, here's an alternative.  DON'T participate in any more robberies. Let the club know that you will gladly do business with them AFTER they return the stolen funds.  It's really quite simple.  A club stole money, which is just plain wrong.  There's an easy way to make things right. It's a fundamental rule of life: if you steal something, GIVE IT BACK.

You can make a difference. For those who are tired of hearing about all the cheating, theft, robbery, slander, etc .... there's a simple way to put an end to it. Stop rewarding robbers and cheaters! Wow, there's a simple solution for almost every problem. If you're tired of hearing bad news, STOP enabling bad things to happen.

It's your choice.  With so many honest dances from which to choose, why would you choose to go to a dishonest one?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

FunDancers Update August 2012

It's been a while since I've written so it's time for an update. Otherwise, people might misinterpret the silence as approval.
As a quick review, in April the officers of FunDancers found themselves in a dilemma. They wanted to strip all voting rights from their caller, yet they owed him substantial money. What to do, what to do? Through the magic of dirty politics and secret meetings, the club decided to default on their debt (not pay one penny) and to use the stolen funds to hire guest callers.
The exact amount of the theft, along with many other details, can be found on the club's official website (which they never paid for) at:
The good news is that this month's update also suggests a solution to the problem. First, let's define the problem, which is:  "The Club Stole Thousands of Dollars". Here's the proposed solution: "GIVE IT BACK".  Simple, elegant, do-able.
Let's remain positive.  Let's all try to do the right thing as individuals and let's urge other people to do the right thing as well.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Regional Square Dance Listings are now back online

Good news!  After much hard work, the interactive square dance listings for the Austin / San Antonio region are back online.  These listings appeared on until they were inexplicably removed a month ago.  Apparently Sam no longer wants to do the listings?  That's completely understandable because it does take quite a lot of hard work to maintain the data tables.  Therefore, I set up similar listings as a gift to the area dancers.
Rumors continue to swirl.  While I -could- address the rumors, I choose to ignore them. Frankly I have nothing to say to people who enjoy gossip and rumors.  You know who you are. You know that gossip and slander are wrong, but you just can't stop doing it.  I have nothing to say to chronic gossips.
Let's stick to the facts.  After I invested years of work and thousands of dollars into FunDancers, the club started holding meetings and making decisions in my absence.  Even though I was not allowed to vote, I still had to bear the cost of the decisions.  This phase lasted about a year until one day the club decided to default on the thousands of dollars they owed me and to steal my money and my club completely.  They continue to operate today, using the stolen funds. To say that I'm unhappy with their atrocious actions is an understatement. I've been all over the world in square dancing and this ranks among the very worst things that a club has ever done to a caller.
Many choices abound.  I choose to simply walk away.  I have no desire to be around, nor to spend any time with, dishonest people.  With so many honest square dance events in the local area, why would you choose a dishonest one? If you go to FunDancers events then you support and endorse grand theft.
The club president started a rumor that I suffer from mental illness.  His rumor was so successful that several friends actually sent me Get Well wishes!  It's certainly unique to receive a Get Well card when you have -no- idea that you're infirm.  For those nice people who are genuinely worried about my health, your worries are over.  Actually, you never had any cause for worry at all.  Fortunately, there is NO connection between the proven fact "Ed is a thief" and the wild conjecture "Ed is qualified to render a medical diagnosis".  The only possible mental illness in the local square dance scene is when the new officers of FunDancers believe that huge masses of people will rally behind them in enthusiastic support of dishonesty and theft.
But let's stick to today's message.  Until a month ago, our region had extremely handy square dance listings on the internet.  You'll have to agree that most regions lack a similar resource.  It takes many hours of hard work to make this resource happen.  Our region is fortunate to once again have such a nice, handy and freely-available information source online.
You can view the square dance listings at .  I hope you'll find a good honest dance and go have a great time.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The future of square dancing in the local area

This message goes out to all area square dancers.  I'm concerned about the future.

Here's a quick question for FunDancers (a club which stole thousands of dollars and years of hard work from Nasser and Jeanna).  How's it going?  In other words, how are the stolen funds holding out? Will the thousands of dollars you stole last long enough? Or will you need to steal again in the future, in order to keep operating the club which was outright stolen from the very couple who founded it?
The reason I ask is that these things take time. Patience is a virtue! It took over two years for Nasser and Jeanna to build up their club to the point where it was even worth stealing. Let's admit it, most clubs nowadays are not worth the bother it takes to steal 'em. That's the main problem with square dancing today. There are so very few "builders" (like, for example, Nasser and Jeanna) who can actually build up a club so that people would even want to steal it. And there are so very many "takers" (like, for example, the officers of FunDancers) who hold meetings and vote to steal from people who cannot be at the meeting.
Planning is essential. If you ever hope to steal another club in the future (like you illegally stole FunDancers from its founders) please be aware that it can take years for your next victim to build a club to the point where it is finally stealable. Therefore you need to find another trusting caller right now and dupe him into starting immediately on the years of hard work and investment.  Allow your next victim enough time to build up something tangible and worthwhile. Then steal it.
I'm just afraid that you are not planning your next theft properly.  This sets the stage for major disappointment whenever it's time for your next crime.  Plan ahead!  Start building something big today so that you can tear down something big in the future.

Also, start making as many legally-binding contracts as you can. That's the only possible way to continue your long streak of ruthlessly and immorally breaking long-term contracts. Think about it:  the only way to break long-standing contracts (like you did to me) is to already have those contracts in place for a long time.  So, get those contracts in place right NOW (like we did over two years ago) so that you can break those contracts after they become long-term agreements (like you did to me recently).
In other words, get busy!  Time's a-wasting!  Start right now and build up a brand-new load of debt with an innocent caller, so that you can default on your debt in the future.  Huge debts don't just happen overnight!  It takes years to build up enough debt so that you can finally get the satisfaction of stealing thousands of dollars from someone.  So get started now!

Set up a bunch of new agreements today, so that you can break those contracts years from now! Dupe a trusting new victim today into spending years to build up a nice club, so that it will grow into something you'll be proud to steal in the future.  I'm afraid that if you don't start planning today, you won't be able to steal a nice big juicy club (like the one you stole a couple of months ago) in the future.  You'll only be able to steal a small pitiful club (like the club which you transformed FunDancers into).  Clearly, it pays to plan ahead, so that your future thefts can be grand.  With careful planning today, you can enjoy a continuous lifestyle of lying to, stealing from and double-crossing good honest people in the future.
Always remember:  rip someone off first and then start the rumors and gossip. It's easy to slander someone nowadays because people gladly believe almost anything they hear.  Don't leave out the slander:  it's an important step.  Stealing two and a half years of someone's hard work and thousands of their dollars ... is important. Smearing their name into the mud after you're finished ripping them off is equally important.
Hopefully, a nice crowd will visit FunDancers to show their support for the key ingredients which make this club unique: operating on stolen money, violating long-term agreements, immoral cheating, unethical leadership, kangaroo court meetings, defaulting on your debt, ruining someone's career through gossip, and plenty of good old-fashioned plain-old down-home bald-face lying.

It takes more than two years to build up a club so that it's even worth stealing.  Get started today so you can rip off other innocent people in the future!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Right or Wrong

Mothers try to teach kids the difference between right and wrong. Their efforts are not always successful because some people have no clue.  Here's a handy guide to "Right or Wrong" for the month of June at FunDancers.

June 3 - K O Jeanes - RIGHT.  Nasser is in Australia. Whenever Nasser is out of town, the club gets a guest caller. (However, guest callers always get paid far more money than Nasser, which is kinda sorta wrong.) Still, the club needs a local caller on June 3 because their internationally-known club caller is calling in another country.

June 10 - Chet Miles - WRONG.  Nasser is home on June 10.  The club has a very simple rule. The club caller calls for his own club (which he founded and into which he invested thousands of dollars of his own money, only to have it illegally stolen).  For the dance on June 10, the club wants to use stolen funds to hire a guest caller, in direct violation of the club's "raison d' etre" (pardon my French).  So, just in case you don't know the difference between right and wrong, here's a clue:  June 10 is WRONG because it uses stolen funds to break a long-standing club rule.

Hint:  following rules is RIGHT.  Using stolen money to break rules is WRONG.

June 17 - RIGHT.  Nasser is calling in Missouri.  I wonder if Missouri clubs have idiots for officers, like FunDancers does?  Anyway, it's simple:  Nasser is out of town so FunDancers gets a guest caller.  (Interestingly, the  guest caller, who invested nothing into the club, gets far more money than Nasser, who invested thousands only to have it illegally stolen). So, while it's "WRONG" to pay a local fill-in caller more than the club's own internationally-known caller, hey, it happens. Anyway, the dance on June 17 is "RIGHT", so ... enjoy.  Club caller out of town, get a guest caller. Simple, right?  Can you believe there are people so stupid (such as FunDancers officers) who just can't figure it out?  But as they say in Australia (where the club's own international caller is right now) "No Worries, Mate".  Hey, that's why I'm here:  to explain the difference between right and wrong.  Club caller is out of town on June 17, so it's "RIGHT" to get a guest caller.

June 24 - WRONG.  If you can't figure out why, then you probably can't do the calls anyway and you should not even try to dance.  The club illegally broke every rule in the book.  They're using stolen money to hire a guest caller on June 24. This is wrong (and it's also immoral, unethical and illegal) to intentionally cheat the club caller (who invested thousands of dollars) out of his own dance at his own club.  Wrong Wrong Wrong Wrong.  There is no rightness whatsoever about June 24.  Everything about it is just as wrong as wrong can be.  Here's a handy chart.

  Club follows their long-standing agreed-upon rules = RIGHT
  Club officers act crazy and use stolen money to break the rules = WRONG.

July 1 - Wayne Weston - both RIGHT and WRONG.  Nasser is out of town (in Seattle, Washington) on this date. So the club needs a guest caller.  (Did you know that the club pays local callers FAR more than they ever paid their own internationally-known club caller??).  Anyway, the dance itself is "RIGHT".  Club Caller out of town, get a guest caller.  Simple.

However, the club plans to provide free hot dogs and hamburgers prior to the dance.  While this might sound great, it's actually quite WRONG.  Have you ever thought about how the club might pay for the free grub?  Wait a minute!  Don't tell me!  Let me guess!  Could it possibly be from the thousands of dollars the club stole from Nasser and Jeanna?  BINGO!  (Bells ring, confetti fills the air, and you win the prize which in this case is officers with no morals and no brains).

The dance is RIGHT but using stolen funds to pay for free grub is WRONG.  It's even more wrong because the club stole thousands of dollars but all you get is a lousy hot dog?  Whaaaat's up with thaaaat?  The club stole THOUSANDS ... they oughtta feed you prime rib and caviar!  Here's a recap.  Using stolen money is WRONG.  The "wrongness" starts at 5:30 pm.  Doing exactly what the rules say (getting a local guest caller when the club's internationally-known caller is out of town) is RIGHT.  The Rightness starts at 7 pm. 

 = = = =

Always remember:  Do "right" things.  Don't do "wrong" things. This handy guide to Right and Wrong is necessary because some people (such as your club officers) did not learn the difference between right and wrong from their mommy.  Pity. For those who don't know right from wrong, here's a handy chart:

  June 3 & 17 = RIGHT
  June 10 & 24 = WRONG
  July 1 = WRONG at 5:30 pm, RIGHT at 7 pm
Happy dancing!

Monday, May 28, 2012

No dancing this Wednesday May 30

There will be no dancing at FunDancers in New Braunfels this Wednesday (May 30) ... nor on any other Wednesday.

We are a bit sad because we spent two and a half years building up a nice club, only to have some misguided people tear it down in a matter of weeks.

Looking on the bright side, this same kind of catastrophe can never happen again because ... WE QUIT! We choose to drop completely out of the local dance scene.

You can believe malicious slander, or you can read the truth (kinder, gentler version ... updated just moments ago) for yourself at .

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Tell the truth

No dancing this Sunday at FunDancers, in observance of the Memorial Day holiday.

People like to gossip, which is unfortunateFacts get twisted and truth gets lost.

Anyone seeking true facts may find them at

Monday, May 21, 2012

Good Times on Wednesday, May 23

In many areas of the country, caller-run clubs are the biggest and best. The reason is obvious. You just dance and have fun ... with NO politics. Politics have shut down more clubs and have caused more people to quit dancing than anything else! That's why we did away with all the meetings, voting, bickering, worries and such. However we KEPT all the fun, fitness and friendship which make square dancing so wonderful!

Come try European Style Square Dancing on Wednesday night in New Braunfels.  This is a "limited time offer"! Nasser is in final negotiations to do a big computer programming contract in Dallas.  We've pretty much decided to accept the offer in Dallas but the start date has not yet been decided.  So although we do not know which Wednesday in New Braunfels will be the final one, we do expect that our participation in the local dance scene will end very soon.

Executive Summary:  Square dance on Wednesdays with Nasser and Jeanna from 7 to 9:30 pm.  Continuous dancing for all levels including January Beginners, Mainstream, Plus and Advanced.  Several people who were there last week said it was the most fun they've had in years!

Location:  Westside Community Center, 2932 South I-35 (exit 185), New Braunfels, Texas. It's a two-story building on the southbound frontage road, just past the Presbyterian Church. We dance in the "Classroom" which has its own entrance on the north side of the building, or you can go through the gym.

For more info visit
Extras"Free Split the Pot Ticket" ... we give you a free dollar toward your Split the Pot purchase!  This makes things more fun and interesting.  Someone's gotta win big-time.  It just might be you!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

More Dancing and More Fun on Wednesday nights

We're on a roll!  European Style dancing was a smash hit!  It happens again this coming Wednesday, May 23!
If you like square dancing, you'll love a European-style square dance.  You get short tips (and lots of 'em) for all levels from January Beginners through Advanced-One.  Think about satellite TV, where you get far more channels than anyone can possibly watch.  A European-style square dance gives you far more dancing than you ever imagined.  Most local square dance evenings give you 7 tips. Last night we danced 17 tips!  That's a lot of dancing and a lot of fun!  Several people said it was the most fun they've had in years!
Important:  We changed the start time to 7 pm.  We dance continuously from 7 to 9:30 pm.
Location - Westside Community Center, 2932 South I-35 (exit 185), New Braunfels, Texas. It's on the southbound frontage road, a two-story building just past the Presbyterian Church. We dance in the "Classroom" which has its own separate entrance on the north side of the building.  You can also access it through the gym.
For more info visit
Who will be the next lucky jackpot winner?  It might be you!  We'll run our "free split the pot ticket" promotion again next Wednesday.  Every paid admission gets a FREE dollar toward your Split the Pot ticket(s). Of course you may buy more tickets if you wish, but your first one is free.  If you have the winning ticket (even if it was a free ticket), the prize money is yours to keep with our compliments.  It's just another way to give a little something back to our friends who help make Wednesday nights so special.
We invite you to step into a brave new world of square dancing, European Style, at FunDancers New Braunfels on Wednesday, May 23 from 7 to 9:30 pm!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

More info about the Grand Opening Dance on Wednesday

Please come enjoy the first-ever dance at Nasser and Jeanna's new Wednesday club. Here are more details.

Date and Time - Wednesday, May 16 from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. The dance cycle is continuous so it's perfectly okay if you arrive late and/or leave early.

Location - Westside Community Center, 2932 South I-35 (exit 185), New Braunfels, Texas. Other square dance clubs meet there on Monday and (until recently) Friday. We will dance in the "Classroom" which is accessed from the sidelines of the gym.

Refreshments - A drinking water fountain is just outside the dance room. We will supply coffee, cups, etc. You are welcome to bring various other things to eat and/or drink. We have access to the kitchen where ice is available.

Dress Code - "Dancer's choice". We expect most people will go casual. However, you'll feel welcome even if you're all gussied up.

Level of Dance - The event is suitable for our January Beginners, and the nice people in our Advanced group, and Plus dancers, and Line dancers, and everyone in between.

Dance Cycle - The dance cycle of "M - P - M - A1" repeats every 45 minutes or so. Don't worry about keeping track:  signs near the speakers will display "now playing" and "up next". Half the tips are Mainstream ("M") suitable for January beginners. "P" means Plus.  "A1" means Advanced-One. You'll also get Line and/or Round dancing, according to what everyone seems to want.

Partners - Singles and couples are equally welcome.  As soon as one tip ends, find a partner for the next tip which starts almost immediately. We expect that most people will dance with a new partner each tip but that is entirely up to you. You can even dance with one partner for the first half of a tip and a different partner for the second half.

Cost - $7 per person.  That's a little more than other clubs but you get a lot more. You get a continuous non-stop ("European Style") dance party for all levels (Beginner thru Advanced) for 3 hours. At most area dances you get 6 or 7 tips in two hours. At a "European Style" dance you get 12 to 16 tips in three hours. More tips means more dancing and you'll have more fun with more people!

Read the next paragraph:  you could actually get paid to dance. :)
Split the Pot - Grand Openings are special, so let's do something amazing. Every paid admission gets a free dollar toward your Split the Pot ticket(s). Therefore, everyone will have at least one ticket in the Split the Pot drawing. Of course you may buy more tickets if you wish. If your free ticket wins, the prize money is yours to keep!

For more info and/or driving directions, visit
Square dancing takes a giant step into the future on Wednesday!  We invite you to take many pleasurable steps at the Grand Opening this Wednesday, May 16!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Grand Opening on Wednesday, May 16

Please come enjoy the first-ever dance at Nasser and Jeanna's new Wednesday club.
 - Date:  Wednesday, May 16, 2012
 - Time:  6:30 to 9:30 pm
 - Location:  Westside Community Center, 2932 South I-35 (exit 185), New Braunfels, Texas
 - Cost:  $7
 - Featured:  Three-hour "European Style" party for people who dance January Beginner, Mainstream, Plus and/or Advanced-One.
Driving directions:  I-35 exit 185.  Southbound: stay on Frontage Road for 1.2 miles. Northbound: cross under I-35, then drive on southbound Frontage Road .5 miles. The hall is a two-story building just past S. Kreuger Avenue and the Presbyterian Church. We dance in the "classroom" which is accessed via the gym.

For more info visit

We will give "diplomas" to the nice people who went through our January Beginner series on Sundays. We fully understand and appreciate that these Very Important People are the "world's least experienced" Experienced dancers. We will treat them with Tender Loving Care during the next several weeks and beyond as they gain confidence and expertise. (If you were in the Beginner Series on Sundays and you just can't be there on Wednesday, let us know and we'll find a way to get your diploma to you.)

We dance "European Style". If you have never danced "European Style" before, you're gonna love it! "European style" gives you continuous short tips. The dance cycle will be "M - P - M - A1" which means a Mainstream tip, then a Plus tip, then another Mainstream tip, then an A-1 tip. We'll have some Line dances as well. Don't worry about keeping track: signs will display "Now Playing" and "Up Next".

As soon as one tip ends, find a new partner for the next tip which starts almost immediately. Although you -could- (if you wanted to) dance with the same partner all night, it's more fun to dance with different people each tip. You can even dance with one partner for the first half (patter) of the tip and a different partner for the singing call.

At most local square dances, you get 6 to 7 tips in two hours. At a "European Style" dance you get 14 to 16 tips in three hours. More tips means more dancing which means more fun.  It also means you get to mix and mingle with more people. The net result is a very nice atmosphere where singles and couples all feel exceptionally welcome.

Come try it for yourself!  Hip Hip Hurray for fun worldwide activities!  Enjoy American Square Dancing "European Style" at the Grand Opening of FunDancers New Braunfels on Wednesday, May 16.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Help celebrate White Collar Crime on Mothers Day

When Nasser (and others) first started FunDancers, they set up a simple rule about the caller schedule.  Nasser calls every Sunday when he is in town.  It's more than just tradition.  It's actually written in the club's by-laws. It's a binding contract.

The club intends to break that contract on Mothers Day, May 13.  The club has talked about breaching the contract for quite some time. So far, it's been all talk.  That will soon change. The club's first actual crime, their very first Breach of Contract, will be committed this Sunday, May 13.  The club will dance to guest caller K O Jeanes on Nasser's calling date.  This directly violates the club's own by-laws.

Nasser has tried every way possible to prevent this crime from happening. He has repeatedly urged the club to do the right thing by honoring the contract terms. Nasser has tried to persuade the club, and also K O Jeanes, to abandon the planned crime. But it's all to no avail.  You can only stop a crime before it happens.  Unavoidably, this crime will happen. The club has repeatedly told Nasser that he is not welcome and that he will not even be allowed into the hall to dance.  Apparently the words "fun and friendship" no longer apply.

The club claims that Nasser makes excessive demands.  Yet in truth, Nasser's only demand is "follow your own written contract!".  The club claims that Nasser was "fired", but that can't possibly be true because Nasser was never an employee.  Instead, he is a full business partner.  You can't "fire" a business partner.  You can only cheat a business partner by performing the crime of Breach of Contract. That's exactly what the club plans to do.

So, come dance on Mothers Day and celebrate the things which make America unique: cheating your business partners, breaking contracts, depriving people of their voting rights, taking away Nasser's and Jeanna's livelihood and just outright stealing a club away from the people who founded it.  These things make America what it is today. You can help celebrate this greatness on Mothers Day.

Square dancing is wonderful but square dance politics are terrible. Nasser (and others) established FunDancers specifically to get away from bad politics. It's ironic that the exact thing we wanted to avoid has now infiltrated our own organization. It's beyond repair. Nasser and Jeanna have chosen to simply walk away from the unfortunate situation. This Sunday, you can make your own choice.  Why not go out and celebrate the crime of Breach of Contract?  But please, do not speak out against crime, or else you'll be banned like we are.

We cordially invite you to our NEW club on Wednesdays starting May 16. There won't be any broken contracts (because there are no contracts). There won't be any board running amok (because there is no board).  We won't deprive people of their voting rights (because there is no voting). We can't default on our debts (because we won't be borrowing from our founders). You can't get mad about what happened at the meeting (because there are no meetings). We won't pressure you to run for office (because there are no offices).
Our new Wednesday group is entirely a caller-run club.  We'll still gladly accept volunteer help ... it takes good people to make a club run ... but mainly we will offer great square dancing with absolutely -no- politics.  Just show up, dance, have a good time, then go home and start planning your next visit on Wednesday.

The local square dance world makes a giant change for the better on Wednesday May 16!  Stay tuned for more details.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Save The Date: Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Nasser and Jeanna started the "perfect" square dance club a few years ago. They put much time and money into building up the club. Everything went well until the club started doing crazy things in direct violation of their by-laws. 

When Nasser finally asked the club to follow their own contract and to start paying back some of the money they owed, the club officers held yet another secret meeting. They reasoned that a great way to save money is to simply cheat your business partners.  They voted Nasser and Jeanna out of the business without paying back one penny owed.

Now they plan to continue operating our square dance club with our people and our money, but without following the club's own written rules. Well, good luck with that. We can only hope the old saying is true, "what goes around comes around".

Lessons learned:
- A written contract offers NO protection from people who willfully and repeatedly break contracts.
- When your business partners have no morals or ethics, you cannot expect a pleasant outcome.

Let's face the facts:  we lost our club in a hostile takeover. They managed to rip us off to the tune of $2,700.00.
It's time to move on.

It's possible (and also expected) that people will take sides. Some people may no longer want to hear from Nasser and Jeanna. This is entirely up to you. If you get messages which you do not want, it's the world's easiest problem to fix. Just reply to this message and let us know. Immediately after you make your request, we'll remove you from all correspondence, with NO hassle. Just tell us what you want.

Okay, that's more than enough bad news.  Let's hear some GOOD news for a change!

SAVE THE DATE:  Wednesday, May 16, 2012.  That's the grand opening of Nasser and Jeanna's New and Improved Club. Watch for details soon.

The new club is different from anything you've ever seen locally. We'll dance "European Style" on Wednesday nights. You might wonder what "European Style" is.  It's a kind of square dancing which is popular all over Europe and also in a few clubs in the USA.  We'll dance all levels of squares, with continuous short tips at various levels. "European Style" gives everyone much more dancing and much more opportunity to dance with friends. Come try it for yourself! Everyone is welcome (and you will find dancing exactly at your level) whether you dance January Beginner, Mainstream, Plus or Advanced-One.

Here's to happy dancing!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How to solve the problems at FunDancers

As you probably know, websites cost money (and also time, which in this case is donated).  For the first year, FunDancers paid for their website.  The new president refuses to reimburse these expenses.

When I submitted an expense report, the past president just outright called me a liar.  The president made fun of me.  He said that my paying for the club's website was either "generous or stupid".  They refused to reimburse even one penny.

That's just the tip of the iceberg.  There are some VERY serious problems with the new president and board who completely ignore the club's WRITTEN by-laws.  I find it impossible to continue working for the club under these conditions.

For example, I learned that I am paid LESS money than EVERY other caller who ever calls at Fundancers.  The club has a caller pay scale.  All other callers get paid according to that scale.  I always get less than scale.  I have no idea why.  Every time I ask, I either get no reply or the club president mocks me by saying "you accepted the check therefore you agree to the amount".

I suggested that the club start paying me according to their own pay scale, and I would DONATE a portion of that payment each week to retire their debt.  In other words, they would NOT have to actually pay their debt.  If they would just pay me the SAME as other callers (and also start following the club's written rules, which the president has consistently ignored) I would FORGIVE their debt.

They refused.

Your Board of Directors decided that I can only call for the club if I have NO vote, involuntarily forfeit some of my calling dates, forfeit the expenses which I incurred on behalf of the club, and have no say whatsoever in club operations. In addition, I am paid LESS than any other caller who ever calls at FunDancers.  If I want to be paid the same amount as other callers, then I'm fired ...  and they'll pay MORE money to hire other callers instead.

Now I ask you:  is the board REALLY doing what's best for FunDancers?  Are they accurately representing YOUR wishes?

Let's try to keep strong emotion out of the equation.  I am NOT suggesting that the current officers are spiteful.  However, I am very strongly saying that the current officers are NOT CAPABLE of running (or perhaps unwilling to run) the club properly.  The club has written guidelines.  The current officers act as if they have never read the guidelines.  Even though I have repeatedly suggested that the club follow the guidelines, the current president always does the exact opposite of what I suggest.

Clearly, there's just ONE solution.  Here's what you need to do.  Go to the next dance, DEMAND a meeting, and VOTE THE CURRENT BOARD OUT.  That's the only way I know of to salvage the club.  After you get the current board out, you can hopefully vote in a new board who promises to follow the club's rules.  Even better, vote to not have a board at all and to become caller-run (just like most other successful square dance clubs on this planet).

If the above option fails, then just patiently wait for news about my upcoming caller-run club.  It will be the same kind of fun but without all the hassle.  I'm looking for a dance location.  If you know of a good location, please let me know.  I'm also weighing the various options, i.e. do I really want to start over and build a brand-new club, after bad politics and corruption have taken over our previous TWO clubs?  Perhaps the third time's the charm?  I've always had caller-run clubs in other cities and they ran just fine.  Admit it:  dancing is fun but meetings and politics and voting and by-laws take away most of that fun.  Let's do away with the un-fun things and just dance.

Please see the club's website ( for more info.

Here's to happy dancing!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

FunDancers - New and Improved!

Good News!  We now have the same GREAT dancing each week ... without all the politics! No more meetings.  No more officers.  No more resolutions, sub-committees, proposals, motions, minutes or bylaws.

Just dance and enjoy "Fun without Fuss".

If you liked the old FunDancers, you'll LOVE the NEW FunDancers!  Don't worry:  we still need help and support from all our friends ... and this means YOU!  Everyone is important because everyone adds something unique and special to the overall party atmosphere.

We have heard great reports from other clubs around the world who found themselves similarly bogged down in politics. They solved their political problems the quick and easy way.  They retired all the politicians and got back to basics: dancing and having fun!

So ... WELCOME to the New FunDancers!  We're glad you're here and we know you're just gonna LOVE IT!

The New FunDancers kicks off in great style this Sunday April 29 with Internationally Known caller Darryl Lipscomb from Mission Texas:
  5 pm - Lines and Squares for January Beginners
  7 pm - Lines and Squares for Experienced Dancers
  9:15 pm - afterparty

January Beginner Dances will continue through the end of May. Starting in June, we'll all dance together as Experienced Dancers. The Beginner Progress chart is online at  Hip Hip Hurray for our fantastic January beginners, as well as our wonderful Experienced dancers!

Remember:  Dancing is the smartest activity in the world because it's fun yet it's also extremely good for you!

Big thanks to everyone who helps make FunDancers such a friendly and joyful place on Sundays!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Looking for a good friendly dance? You found it at FunDancers!

You are invited to enjoy FunDancers on Sunday April 22, dancing to the usual suspects (Nasser and Jeanna):
  5 pm - Lines and Squares for January Beginners
  7 pm - Lines and Squares for Experienced Dancers
  9:15 pm - afterparty
Dances for January Beginners will continue through the end of May. Beginner Progress chart is at . Right now, January Beginner level is about 83% of Experienced Dancer level.  We are definitely on track to all dance together as one big happy Experienced Dancer family starting in June. Hip Hip Hurray for our fantastic January beginners!

It's also a great opportunity for anyone who dropped out of square and line dancing to drop back in. Perhaps you lost 17 percent of your proficiency ("use it or lose it"). If so, you can gain it back at 5 pm on Sunday. Dancing is high-energy fun but it's also extremely good for you.
Big thanks to everyone who helps make FunDancers such a friendly and welcoming place on Sundays!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

FunDancers on Sunday with guest caller Ed Larder

Please help welcome guest caller Ed Larder to his very first appearance at FunDancers this Sunday, April 15.
  -  5 pm - Lines and Squares for January Beginners
  -  7 pm - Lines and Squares for Experienced Dancers
  -  9:15 pm - afterparty
The January Beginner chart is at  January Beginner Dances continue through May. We're on track to all dance together as Experienced Dancers in June and beyond. Right now, January Beginner level is about 80 percent of Experienced (Callerlab Mainstream) level. Hip Hip Hurray for our winning January Beginner team which is quite a bit ahead of schedule!
This is also a great opportunity for those who dropped out of dancing to drop back in. Perhaps you lost 20 percent of your proficiency ("use it or lose it"). You can dance starting at 5 pm on Sunday and quickly gain back your skill. You'll have fun, make friends, enjoy good music (but bad jokes) and get into great shape due to the beneficial exercise ... all at the same time. Dancing is a fun activity which is also extremely good for you.
It takes everyone to make the party happen.  Big thanks to all who help make FunDancers such a wonderful party event on Sundays!

Friday, April 6, 2012

FunDancers next dance is April 15 with Ed Larder

FunDancers is closed for the Easter holiday on Sunday, April 8. Our next dance is Sunday April 15 with guest caller Ed Larder from Temple.
  5 pm - dance for January Beginners
  7 pm - dance for Experienced Dancers
Back when Nasser was first learning to call, he went to a caller school in Tennessee. Having only 6 months of calling experience, Nasser was the newest student in the school. The most experienced student in that same school had 22 years of experience. That most experienced student caller was, in fact, Ed Larder from Temple, Texas. 
For some reason, after you survive a week-long caller school with someone, you become lifelong friends.  Through the years, Ed and Nasser have kept tabs on each other (sort of) yet the last time we actually met in person was at that caller school in Tennessee, 25 years ago.  Our paths have "almost" crossed on several occasions, and they'll "almost" cross again:  FunDancers has Ed Larder calling on April 15 and Nasser on April 22.  Our life paths will converge at exactly the same place and time, except exactly one week apart.  When compared to 25 years, one week apart is a Close Encounter.
Happy Easter to all! We hope you'll have many close encounters with the numerous friends you'll meet in square dancing!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Don't be an April Fool! Come to FunDancers on April 1!

Everyone loves a parade!  Get Ready for a Parade of Guest Callers at FunDancers!
  Sunday, April 1 - Jimmy Johnson from Austin
  Sunday, April 8 - (closed for Easter)
  Sunday, April 15 - Ed Larder from Temple
  Sunday, April 22 - Nasser & Jeanna from Live Oak
  Sunday, April 29 - Darryl Lipscomb from Dallas
  Sunday, May 6 - Brad Caldwell from Georgetown
Dance schedule
  5 to 7 pm - January Beginners
  7 to 9 pm - Experienced Dancers
  9:15 pm - afterparty at Chuy's
January beginners are doing great!  Nasser will provide guidance to the guest callers so that everything remains on the straight and narrow path. :)  The beginner progress chart will continue to be posted each week at
Each person is vital to the success of the group because everyone brings something unique and special to the overall mix. Together, we ALL have more fun, fitness and friendship. Big thanks to all of the fantastic folks who make FunDancers such an wonderful party event on Sunday!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Get your fun, fitness and friendship at FunDancers!

Sunday, March 25
  5 to 7 pm - January Beginners
  7 to 9 pm - Experienced
Get ready for Guest Callers! Nasser calls at FunDancers this Sunday (March 25).  After that, we have "mostly guest callers" for three months. Nasser and Jeanna will still call at FunDancers once or twice a month.  Guest callers are fun!  It can be a wonderful experience to dance to a caller that you don't normally get to hear.  If the guest caller is any good, you get to enjoy a great dance.  If the guest caller is crummy, you'll appreciate your regular caller even more. :)  You will surely enjoy the variety of guest callers lined up.
January Beginners are right on track!  Actually they're a good bit further along than they're supposed to be.  Could they be the best beginner group ever?  Possibly!
We'll keep having January Beginner Dances (5 to 7 pm) as long as we've got people dancing that level. After all the beginners can comfortably dance the Experienced level, we'll all dance together from 7 to 9 pm.  For planning purposes, it looks like Beginner Dances (5 to 7 pm) will continue until the end of May. Let's go ahead and set an informal goal that we'll all dance together at the Experienced Level, starting in June. This plan can easily be altered later, to fit actual observed conditions. :)  But for now, that's my story and I'm sticking to it:  We'll have separate Beginner and Experienced dancing through May, and we'll all dance Experienced Level together starting in June.
FunDancers is YOUR party event!  Experts say that you should walk 10,000 steps a day.  We say that you might as well enjoy each and every one of those steps, at FunDancers on Sunday!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sunday March 18, featuring special Line Dance workshop event

Sunday, March 18
  3 to 5 pm - Special Line Dance Workshop with Ira Weisburd
  5 to 7 pm - Squares and Lines for January Beginners
  7 to 9 pm - Squares and Lines for Experienced Dancers
  9:15 pm - afterparty at Chuy's
This is the first time FunDancers has ever tried a special Line Dance workshop. (We're always trying fun new things!) Ira Weisburd is an international award-winning line dance choreographer. He'll show us his latest innovations. We expect (okay, we hope for) a bunch of first-time visitors from the line dance world.
Registration for Ira's special line dance workshop is at 2:30 pm. Dancing starts at 3 pm. Cost for the workshop is $15. For more info, go to and click around until you find the flyer. :)
The January Beginners are dancing extremely well!  Congratulations to these fun people.  Of course the Experienced Dancers at 7 pm are right up there among the very finest square and line dancers in the universe.  It's a party every Sunday!
Thanks again for your kind support, which makes it all possible.  Remember our simple philosophy:  "Sunday is Your Fun-Day at FunDancers".

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Reminder: dancing for all levels at FunDancers today

Sunday, March 11 at FunDancers
  3 to 5 pm - Special Beginner Review in Square & Line Dancing
  5 to 7 pm - Squares and Lines for January Beginners
  7 to 9 pm - Squares and Lines for Experienced Dancers (Mainstream with Announced Plus)
  9:15 pm - afterparty at Chuy's
The Beginner Review fits four kinds of people:
 - if you NEVER square danced before, the review will put you in step with the 5 pm January Beginner group
 - if you square danced before but it's been a while ago, the review will get you back up to speed
 - if you're in the January Beginner group and would like a quick refresher, the review will go over ALL the calls taught so far in 2012
 - if you just like to dance as much as you possibly can, the review gives you extra dance time

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Beginner Review at FunDancers on Sunday March 11

Sunday, March 11
  3 to 5 pm - Special Beginner Review in Square Dancing
  5 to 7 pm - Squares and Lines for January Beginners
  7 to 9 pm - Squares and Lines for Experienced Dancers
  9:15 pm - afterparty at Chuy's
Because several nice folks asked for it, we've having just one more Beginner Review this year. The event fits FOUR kinds of people:
 - if you NEVER square danced before, the Beginner Review serves as your Crash Course to put you right in there with the January beginners.
 - if you square danced before but it's been a WHILE, the Beginner Review will get you back up to speed.
 - if you're in the January Beginner group and you'd like a quick review of ALL of the moves we've had so far, show up 2 hours early this Sunday.
 - if you like to dance as much as you possibly can because of all the fun, fitness and friendship you get from dancing, you can enjoy an extra two hours on Sunday.
The Beginner Review is "almost free" because it's the regular two-hour price ($5) but you get a whopping FOUR hours from 3 to 7 pm.  In other words, it's the same price whether or not you go to the Beginner Review -- so you might as well go.  It's the bargain of the decade.  But this isn't really about money anyway.  It's about people!  Here's our simple philosophy:  if you can WALK, then you really NEED to be at FunDancers on Sunday.  It's a party every Sunday, and parties are far more fun whenever YOU are present and accounted for. If you never danced before, it's no longer an excuse.  We'll teach you all the steps at the Beginner Review this Sunday from 3 to 5 pm so that you can dance with the January Beginners from 5 to 7 pm.
It goes without saying that this will be the very LAST opportunity for brand-new beginners to get into FunDancers this year.
Let's look ahead to next week's (March 18) super-special event.  International Award-Winning Choreographer Ira Weisburd is featured in a special line dance workshop.  Registration is at 2:30 pm and the workshop is from 3 to 5 pm on March 18. This is a world-class event and we need to charge $15 for the one special session with Ira Weisburd.  For more info, go to the FunDancers website and click around until you find the flyer. :)
Let's look even further ahead to the weekend of March 23-24.  Nasser will call a special event at Horseshoe Bay on Lake LBJ. Friday night is Mainstream and Plus, i.e. "Experienced" level.  Saturday and Sunday are a weekend package of three dances at the Hard Plus level.  You can go Friday night, or the Plus Weekend package, or both .... but you must make your reservations in advance. They have limited dance space and they hate to turn anyone away. If interested, contact me for info about reservations.  Don't dally around, as these events can and do sell out!
Of course there are always lots of dance opportunities in the area.  Check for full info.
 = = = =
We're so glad you found something fun, exciting, healthy, interesting, friendly, worthwhile and entertaining on Sundays!  Your friendship and support make FunDancers possible.  Thanks so much for being part of the FunDancers family!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fun at FunDancers on Sundays in March

Sunday, March 4:
 5 to 7 pm - Beginner Squares and Lines
 7 to 9 pm - Experienced Squares and Lines
Big thanks to everyone who helped make last week's Sadie Hawkins dance so much fun.  We'll do another one soon!
Also, extra-special thanks and appreciation to the wonderful people who dance the Beginner level from 5 to 7 pm. Square and line dancing are a LOT more complicated then most people realize, yet the rewards are tremendous: fun, fitness, friendship, mental engagement, American heritage, joy, laughter, strong communities, etc. It takes all of us to make it happen.  Thanks for participating in the world's greatest game!
Lots of fun happenings in March:
Every Sunday in March - Beginners at 5, Experienced at 7 with the Usual Suspects.  Enjoy it while it lasts because we have a slew of guest callers coming in during April and beyond while Nasser and Jeanna are globe-trotting.
Saturday March 3 - experienced Plus-level dancers can learn the next (Advanced-One) level at an all-day "Crash-Course". Your brain will turn to mush, but it's an alternative to taking a class for four months. If interested, get on the internet and click around until you find more info.  If you cannot find the info, don't worry ... it's just a signal that you're probably not sharp enough to dance Advanced anyway. :)  Go ahead and laugh ... it's supposed to be a funny remark.
Sunday March 18 - please tell everyone within earshot about the special Line Dance workshop on March 18 from 3 to 5 pm with internationally known choreographer Ira Weisburd.  Why do so many internationally-known dance leaders have such weird names?  Go figure.
Friday and Saturday, March 23-24 - Nasser will call a special event about 80 miles away near Marble Falls, TX.  Friday night is "Experienced" level (Mainstream and Plus).  Saturday and Sunday are "DBD (Dance by Definition) Plus" for experienced Plus Dancers.  The event is by invitation only!  If you're interested in a great weekend of tough Plus dancing, contact us and we'll try to scare up an invitation for you.  Act quickly as these things have been known to sell out.
 = = = =
Don't you just feel sorry for people who hate their workout routine?  Aren't you glad you found something fun, exciting, healthy, interesting, friendly and entertaining on Sundays?  We're certainly glad that you found FunDancers!  We look forward to seeing you on Sundays in March!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A-1 Crash Course on Saturday, March 3

A few minutes ago, I sent out "You Are Registered" notices for March 3 including directions to the event location.  If you did NOT get one of those notices, then you are NOT registered.  But don't worry!  We still have openings and we'd love for you to come to the A-1 Crash Course.
Here are more details:
1.  The event is suitable for four kinds of people:
 - Plus dancers who will get a good solid intro to Advanced (with no further obligation to continue)
 - new Advanced dancers who would like another look at all (47) of the A-1 calls
 - Experienced Advanced dancers who enjoy helping others learn
 - Anyone with a long dance weekend coming up who wants practice dancing 8 hours a day. :)
2.  Location is near San Marcos, Texas.  (Specifics will be sent when you register.)
3.  Schedule:
      9 am to 12 noon
      2 to 5 pm
      7 to 9:30 pm
4.  Cost is $15 per person, payable at the event.
5.  Limited enrollment.  We have space left for about 4 more people.  If you know anyone who might be interested, please ask them to contact me.  Likewise, if you are registered and cannot make it, please notify me so that we won't think we have a full house and turn someone away while space is actually available.
6.  Snacks / drinks.  Everyone should bring their own snacks / drinks.
7.  Meals.  You may choose to drive into town for meals or you can bring a covered dish to share for a potluck. Plans are in place to provide water, ice, coffee, plastic glasses, paper plates, napkins, utensils.
8.  Dancing.  Everyone will dance every tip (even if we have an odd number of people).  We use a unique rotation system so that everyone dances most of the time.
 = = = =
For those who helped make the February A-1 Crash Course such a success, thanks so much for supporting Advanced dancing in the region. For those who will be attending an event like this for your very first time, you'll work hard but you'll also have a lot of fun. The "Crash Course" method is certainly different from usual practice, yet's is a viable way to learn a lot of calls in a short time. We eagerly look forward to the A-1 Crash Course on Saturday, March 3 from 9 am to 9:30 pm!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Sadie Hawkins Dance at FunDancers on February 26

This Sunday, February 26, is special at FunDancers. It's Leap Year. This coming Sunday is our dance date nearest to Leap Day. It's time for a Sadie Hawkins Dance!

The rules of a Sadie Hawkins dance are simple: ladies ask gents to dance. Ladies can dance with anyone they choose. Gents must wait until ladies ask them to dance. It will be different (for all) and a lot of fun (especially if you're a lady) :)

- 5 to 7 pm - Beginner Squares and Lines
- 7 to 9 pm - Experienced Squares and Lines

Big Thanks to the outgoing board of directors and also to the incoming board. Quite simply, the only reason we can even have FunDancers is because of excellent leadership. Volunteers ROCK!

Next Saturday March 3 we will do another all-day "Crash Course" in the Advanced-One level. It's suitable for experienced Plus dancers. Contact me for details or hunt down a flyer on the internet.

Whenever you're surfing the web, look us up at or or "FunDancers" on Facebook. Here's an ever better idea: get OFF the internet and get yourself OUT to FunDancers on Sunday! You'll be so glad you did!

Everyone adds something unique and special to the overall mix. You are cordially invited to Sadie Hawkins Sunday at FunDancers on February 26!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Save the Date - A-1 Crash Course on Saturday, March 3

There appears to be a good group of people interested in another A-1 Crash Course to be held all day on a Saturday.
Only one Saturday in the near future is do-able: March 3rd.  Nasser is tied up all other Saturdays until the end of June.  So please check your calendar for Saturday, March 3, 2012.
 Date:  Saturday, March 3, 2012
 Time:  9 am to 12 noon, 2 pm to 5 pm, 7 to 9:30 pm
 Cost:  all day for only $15
 Location:  To be determined ; based on the number of expected participants
The event is suitable for four kinds of people;
 - Plus dancers who would like a good intro to Advanced (with no obligation to continue)
 - New Advanced dancers who would like another good look at all the A-1 calls
 - Experienced Advanced dancers who enjoy helping others learn
 - Anyone who has a long dance weekend coming up and would like to practice dancing 7 hours a day. :)
Please reply if interested so that we can get a head-count in order to secure a facility with enough room for dancing. Please let me know if you're a Yes, No or Maybe for this event! Also, please share this announcement with other dancers who might be interested. The date is definite and the event -will- happen. We just need to decide the location (based upon the expected number of participants). Thanks in advance for your reply! Whether or not you can make it to the event, thanks for participating in the All-American Activity of square dancing!

Fun-A Travels to dance Advanced this Wednesday (February 22)

I just found out that Ken Ritucci will be calling an A-1 (not an A-2, but an A-1) dance tomorrow in San Antonio. A-1 dances are few and far between, so it makes sense for our Fun-A Advanced group to go out to this dance!
Yes, it can be a little scary to go to your first "real" A-1 dance. However, I think our Fun-A group is ready and will enjoy the dance very much.  This includes those who started with us last fall as well as those who were at the recent A-1 Crash Course earlier this month.
Yes, I know we're still new to Advanced.  However, the sponsoring group ("The A Club"). is also new.  Their A-1 class started at about the same time as ours, so the two groups should be at approximately the same level. I understand that their group has had all the A-1 calls but just need more floor time.  Well, our Fun-A group is exactly at that same point.
The dance is from 8 to 10 pm at "Dance Plus", 2824 Thousand Oaks Drive in San Antonio. There's a map at then click on the word "Map". Call or email me if you need directions.  The dance costs $6 per person.  Casual attire.
It will be fun!  First, we'll get to dance to a different caller.  (I will contact him before the dance to let him know that we're brand new A-1'ers.)  They do plan to randomly mix the squares ("computer squares") which is fantastic in this situation.  It ensures that every square has a mixture of new and experienced dancers, and it also ensures that visitors get to dance just as often as regulars.  In other words, it will be a very positive experience for everyone in our group.
I do understand that they will have a couple of A-2 "Star Tips" which will be great also, because you might get to see your instructor dance ... which will prove ...once and forever ... something I've been trying to tell you for months:  your instructor is awesome. :)  Just kidding (but c'mon, you know it's true).
Fun-A will be back at the regular time and place NEXT Wednesday, Leap Day (February 29).
They say we live the years but we treasure the moments.  The moment of Totally Acing Our Very First A-1 Dance is an experience we'll treasure for a long time. :)  I'm already looking forward to it.
Executive Summary:  Fun-A will dance tomorrow at Dance Plus Studio, 2824 Thousand Oaks Drive, from 8 to 10!  I look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

FunDancers this coming Sunday, February 19

The fun continues at FunDancers this Sunday, February 19:
 5 to 7 pm - Beginner Squares and Lines
 7 to 9 pm - Experienced Squares and Lines
There will be a special event at 7:30 pm when we introduce the incoming officers and board members.  It's definitely true that the club just -cannot- run except for the kind and gracious help of our talented volunteers.  Come on out and help thank the outgoing board for their wonderful service and, at the same time, help the new board get their new term off to a rip-roaring start.
Big Kudos to everyone who helped make last week's Valentine Dance / 2nd Anniversary such a fun event! All kinds of things were going on:  prizes, refreshments, photographs, beginner crash courses and of course lots of dancing!
You can keep tabs on the group at websites or
Everyone adds something unique and special to the overall atmosphere. Put a bunch of good people together in one room, mix well, and wonderful things start to happen. Big thanks once again to all the fun and friendly people who make it happen on Sunday!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Big Day at FunDancers this Sunday (February 12)

A BIG day is planned for you at FunDancers this Sunday, February 12!
 3 to 5 pm - Beginner Crash Course - we'll re-teach -every- move in the January Beginner level
 5 to 7 pm - January Beginners
 7 to 9 pm - Experienced
It's the club's second anniversary and also our "Valentine's Dance", so you can expect some surprises.  (Hmmm, if you expect something, can it still be a surprise??)
The Beginner Crash Course is suitable for:
 - brand-new beginners (even if you never danced before)
 - former dancers who are looking for a quick way to get back into the activity
 - January Beginners who would like another look at all the moves we've had so far this year
 - anyone who wants a fun way to burn 3000+ calories (6 hours of dancing) instead of just 1000+ (2 hours).
Check out the website for various future happenings.
Everyone adds something special to the overall atmosphere.  Big thanks once again to all the fun and friendly people who make it happen on Sunday!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Beginner Crash Course on Sunday, February 12

FunDancers will have the regular program on Sunday February 12 (Beginner Dance at 5 pm, Experienced Dance at 7 pm), however the purpose of this message is to spread the word about a special event at 3 pm. 
 = = = = =
For good friendly people seeking fun and fitness during 2012
“One More Chance!”
FunDancers’ January 2012 Beginner Dance Series started in … wait for it … January!  Each week the group gets to enjoy fun, fitness, friendship, music, laughter and team spirit.  Perhaps you’re wondering when the next Beginner Dance Series will start.  Here’s the answer but you probably won’t like it.  A Beginner Dance Series starts every January.  So in January 2013 you will once again get the opportunity to have fun, get in shape, meet new friends and enjoy the numerous benefits of a most wonderful social activity.
But wait!  There IS a way for YOU to join the January 2012 Beginner group already in progress.  Can you say Crash Course? On Sunday, February 12 from 3 to 5 pm, FunDancers will re-teach EVERY move or step introduced so far to the January Beginners.  After the Crash Course you will be in fine form to dance with the January Beginners.
Can you think of even ONE reason to wait until 2013 to finally get all the fun, fitness, friendship and entertainment you so richly deserve today?  Go ahead and get it right NOW at FunDancers Beginner Crash Course to be held One Time Only on February 12, 3 to 5 pm.
The Crash Course is ideal for:
-  People who have never danced before.
-  Former dancers who are looking for a convenient way to ease back into the activity.
-  January beginners who would like one more look at ALL the steps used so far this year.
You’re probably wondering “What does it cost?”. Well, that’s the best part!  It costs far less than a movie yet does far more good for you!  During an hour of dancing you’ll walk about a mile (over 2300 steps), burn 500+ calories, enjoy good friends, gain a genuine smile and have the time of your life … simultaneously.  It’s the ultimate time-efficient way to get the most bang for your recreational buck.
Dance sessions at FunDancers normally cost $5 each.  So, on Sunday, February 12, the normal cost would be $5 for the Crash Course (from 3 to 5 pm) and another $5 for the Beginner Dance (from 5 to 7 pm).  Four fantastic hours of healthy fun entertainment for only ten measly bucks … that’s a bargain!  Still, let’s find a way to make it an even better bargain!
How about this?  Everyone at the Beginner Crash Course at 3 pm gets in FREE to the Beginner Dance at 5 pm(If you already prepaid for the Beginner Dance at 5 pm then you get the Crash Course at 3 pm for free.)  Now THAT’s a deal!  Pay for two hours but get a whopping FOUR! 
Let’s sweeten the pot even more!  Throughout history, community activities grow by one principal method:  “Friends Bring Friends”.  We want our FunDancers family to enjoy the Crash Course but we also want brand-new friends to try it.  The unique thing about line and square dancing is that almost everyone who tries it, LOVES it.  We’re looking for a good incentive to get newbies to try it.  We know they’ll have a blast and will want to come back.
So here’s the deal:  If you bring a first-timer (someone who has not been to FunDancers in 2011 or 2012), both you and your first-timer get in FREE.  The free admission is just one way to say “Thank You” for participating in “Friends Bring Friends”.  Bring a friend and you BOTH get in FREE.
Please realize that you are always welcome at FunDancers, no matter what.  Please do NOT get the idea that you must bring a newbie to the Crash Course in order to feel welcome.  If you bring a first-timer, both you AND your first-timer are welcome for free.  That’s four big hours of entertainment for free!  If you show up all by your little lonesome, both you AND your five dollars are equally welcome.  That’s four big hours of entertainment, the kind which happens to actually be good for you, for only five bucks.  Whether or not you bring someone new, you’ll always get a very warm and enthusiastic welcome at FunDancers.
Don’t wait until 2013 to start harvesting the many benefits of Fun, Fitness, Friendship and FunDancers.  Get those benefits right NOW, at the Line and Square Dance Crash Course.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Crash Course at 3 pm (a re-teach of every beginner move)
Beginner Dance at 5 pm (dance the moves you know and learn new moves too)
Location:  City of Schertz, Community Center North
3501 Morning Drive at Country Club Blvd.
Questions?  Comments?  email

Saturday, February 4, 2012

FunDancers next dance is February 12

Reminder: FunDancers is closed on February 5 (Super Bowl Sunday).  We dance again on February 12.
If you are an Experienced Dancer at the Plus level and you'd like to explore the Advanced level, come to the all-day A-1 Crash Course on Saturday, February 4.  For more info, see the flyer on or 
Speaking of Crash Courses, next Sunday February 12 we will have a Beginner "Quick Review" from 3 to 5 pm. This is in addition to the weekly Beginner dance from 5 to 7 pm. January Beginners have learned several dance steps each week.  The "Quick Review" on February 12 will cover ALL Beginner steps introduced so far this year.
The Quick Review on February 12 is a splendid "Second Chance" for new people to join the January Beginners already in progress. From 3 to 5 pm you can learn (ahem, get introduced to) every Beginner dance step so far. You will then be all caught up and ready to dance Beginner level from 5 to 7 pm.  So talk it up among your friends ... the more the merrier! Dancing is a fantastic way to get in shape, make new friends, feel great and have a lot of fun.
Be sure to check out the Beginner Progress chart at FunDancers dot org.  It shows the calls we're supposed to know. A call lands on the "Calls We Know" list after it is taught and used for at least three weeks. Beginners, please plan to stay until 7:15 pm to dance a tip at full speed with the Experienced dancers.
News Flash!  Internationally known line dance choreographer Ira Weisburd will do a special workshop at FunDancers on Sunday, March 18 at 3 pm!
Mega-thanks to all the fun people who help make FunDancers such a wonderful Sunday treat!

Crash Course in Advanced A-1, Saturday February 4

To A-1 Crash Course participants:

Thank you for registering for the Advanced-One (A-1) Crash Course. The course will be held in one of the meeting rooms at the Atrium Inn in Schertz.  Street address is 17401 IH 35 N, which is I-35 exit 175 (Natural Bridge Caverns Road), on the southbound frontage road.
We'll meet from 9 am to noon, 2 to 5 pm, and 7 to 9:30 pm.  With 2 hours between sessions, you'll have plenty of time for a visit to one of the area's great restaurants or a last-minute dash to Walmart.
A nice-sized group is registered yet we do have room for a few more.  Please talk it up among your friends if they are experienced Plus dancers who might be interested in exploring Advanced.  We request reservations in advance by phone or email.  We can only accommodate about 6 more people and we'd hate for anyone to drive to the venue only to be disappointed because there's no room at the inn.  The flyer can be found at or or
I hope you already received the A-1 Definitions by email when you registered.  During the Crash Course you will also receive the handy "Shukayr Quick Guide to A-1" which is yours to keep and treasure.  The Quick Guide (6 pages) does not replace the definitions but it does serve as a nice reference or reminder.
Thanks again for participating!  Some of the finest people in Texas (including you!) will be at the event.  We eagerly look forward to a splendid time with good friends!