Sunday, November 18, 2012

Whose fault is it?

Whenever a crime occurs, people often tend to blame the victim.
A crime occurred at FunDancers earlier this year.  A square dance club owed their caller and founder many thousands of dollars.  Instead of making arrangements to pay this rightful debt, the club decided to default on the debt, pay absolutely nothing, outright steal the money they owed, and use the stolen money to continue operations.  When the victim of their crime protested, the criminals made up a bunch of damaging lies in an effort to justify their crime and blackball their crime victim.

Despite repeated attempts by the victim to spread the truth and set the record straight, people still tend to blame the victim.  So let's analyze this.  Exactly what did the victim do wrong?  How did the victim cause this crime to happen?

Here's the answer.  The victim (club caller) made the mistake of trusting certain people (Ed Wedig and The Wheatleys) who happen to be liars, cheaters, swindlers, rumor-mongers and deadbeats.

Many of you who are reading this message are making the exact same mistake.

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