Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Story of California Mike

A friend of mine was a square dance caller in California.  Once upon a time, he was booked to call a dance. The club decided to cancel him out of that calling date because they wanted to book another caller instead. The club did not ask if he is okay with being cancelled.  Instead, they voted to violate my friend's contract and to confiscate my friend's dance and booking and money ... and just hand it over to another caller.  It was theft by committee.

When my friend objected to this shoddy treatment, the club started all kinds of shenanigans.  They spread nasty rumors about how my friend went crazy, is a bad person, is a bad caller, etc.  The club did all kinds of bad things, simply because my friend would not silently put up with the terrible injustice of having his calling date outright and forcibly stolen from him.

This caused my friend to drop completely out of square dancing and calling.  This happened more than ten years ago.

Well, it happened again recently, except instead of California it happened in Texas.  And instead of just one dance, the club stole a bunch of dances and a bunch of money as well.  And instead of the caller dropping out of the activity, he has vowed to stop the cycle of injustice and to prevent this crime from happening to others.

The dance in question occurs today, October 14, 2012.  That dance originally belonged to Nasser Shukayr.  The club voted to steal that dance from the rightful, without even asking.  They voted to confiscate that caller's booking and paycheck ... and to hand it all over to Johnny Preston.  When the caller objected, the club went berserk.  They told all sorts of nasty lies which I won't list here. 

You can read the complete story at
 Why would a club do all those things?  Simply put, people do not like to get caught in wrongdoing.  They'll make up all kinds of excuses ("he's crazy, he can't call well, he pulls wings off butterflies, nobody likes him", etc.).  Yet the excuses do not hide the true fact:  the club stole from someone, and now they're trying to get away with it.

So, the big question is:  WILL the club get away with theft?  The answer is:  if you go dance at FunDancers, then they did get away with it.  So, it's your choice.  I choose to try to end the vicious cycle.  Will you please help me put a stop to the crime spree?

With so many honest dances from which to choose, why would you even think about going to a dishonest one?

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