Thursday, May 10, 2012

Help celebrate White Collar Crime on Mothers Day

When Nasser (and others) first started FunDancers, they set up a simple rule about the caller schedule.  Nasser calls every Sunday when he is in town.  It's more than just tradition.  It's actually written in the club's by-laws. It's a binding contract.

The club intends to break that contract on Mothers Day, May 13.  The club has talked about breaching the contract for quite some time. So far, it's been all talk.  That will soon change. The club's first actual crime, their very first Breach of Contract, will be committed this Sunday, May 13.  The club will dance to guest caller K O Jeanes on Nasser's calling date.  This directly violates the club's own by-laws.

Nasser has tried every way possible to prevent this crime from happening. He has repeatedly urged the club to do the right thing by honoring the contract terms. Nasser has tried to persuade the club, and also K O Jeanes, to abandon the planned crime. But it's all to no avail.  You can only stop a crime before it happens.  Unavoidably, this crime will happen. The club has repeatedly told Nasser that he is not welcome and that he will not even be allowed into the hall to dance.  Apparently the words "fun and friendship" no longer apply.

The club claims that Nasser makes excessive demands.  Yet in truth, Nasser's only demand is "follow your own written contract!".  The club claims that Nasser was "fired", but that can't possibly be true because Nasser was never an employee.  Instead, he is a full business partner.  You can't "fire" a business partner.  You can only cheat a business partner by performing the crime of Breach of Contract. That's exactly what the club plans to do.

So, come dance on Mothers Day and celebrate the things which make America unique: cheating your business partners, breaking contracts, depriving people of their voting rights, taking away Nasser's and Jeanna's livelihood and just outright stealing a club away from the people who founded it.  These things make America what it is today. You can help celebrate this greatness on Mothers Day.

Square dancing is wonderful but square dance politics are terrible. Nasser (and others) established FunDancers specifically to get away from bad politics. It's ironic that the exact thing we wanted to avoid has now infiltrated our own organization. It's beyond repair. Nasser and Jeanna have chosen to simply walk away from the unfortunate situation. This Sunday, you can make your own choice.  Why not go out and celebrate the crime of Breach of Contract?  But please, do not speak out against crime, or else you'll be banned like we are.

We cordially invite you to our NEW club on Wednesdays starting May 16. There won't be any broken contracts (because there are no contracts). There won't be any board running amok (because there is no board).  We won't deprive people of their voting rights (because there is no voting). We can't default on our debts (because we won't be borrowing from our founders). You can't get mad about what happened at the meeting (because there are no meetings). We won't pressure you to run for office (because there are no offices).
Our new Wednesday group is entirely a caller-run club.  We'll still gladly accept volunteer help ... it takes good people to make a club run ... but mainly we will offer great square dancing with absolutely -no- politics.  Just show up, dance, have a good time, then go home and start planning your next visit on Wednesday.

The local square dance world makes a giant change for the better on Wednesday May 16!  Stay tuned for more details.

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