Sunday, August 24, 2014

How can we stop this?

Here's a great idea!  Here's a way to stop all the whistle-blowing about crime in the square dance world. This idea just might work. 
First, let's agree we have a problem.  The square dance community is beset by a constant stream of messages about cheating, lying, swindling, robbing and downright rottenness in the activity.

Let's also agree that we know what causes the problem. A hard-working couple was senselessly robbed of their livelihood by immoral, calculating swindlers. Lots of people supported and endorsed that crime. Every time a new episode in the crime series occurs, new messages get spawned. This pattern has continued for 29 months, regular as clockwork.  The same pattern will continue for as long as the crime spree continues.

Let's discuss how you can help solve the problem. The internet is a permanent record of mankind's activities. If you do good, moral things then you leave a nice, positive, uplifting record of your actions. But if you help promote robbery and theft, i.e. if you help dirty, cheating, rotten criminals get away with swindling a hard-working couple out of their hard-earned money, then your vile, filthy choices get recorded for eternity.

History is written by your choices.

What happens when someone who does not square dance becomes curious about the activity?  Most people nowadays will do an internet search to get more info.  Whenever someone Googles "square dancing" in the local area, guess what they find?

Do you have any idea how to stop the negative publicity? Here's one idea.  It's radical but it could work.  Are you ready to hear the idea?

The cure is simple and it's in your control. 

Simply stop supporting immoral, criminal, psychotic activities run by cheating, lying, habitual thieves.  Stop cheating, lying, swindling, name-smearing, robbing and being just downright rotten.  Holy Smokes, didn't your mother teach you that it's wrong to rob and steal and cheat? Why do you still need to learn how to act decently?  In other words, what the hell is wrong with you?

Every time you add to the crime spree (by supporting yet another accomplice who rakes in robbery loot to abet swindling, cheating criminals), new messages are born. Each message goes all over the world.  There have been a lot of messages.  That's because there has been a lot of cheating, robbing and loot-spending.
Oops, I almost forgot one tiny detail.  Let's "name names".  It's important.  I'll tell you why it's important in a future message.  Partial list of dirty rotten perpetrators of cheating, swindling, name-smearing and theft:  Ed Wedig, Fay Wheatley, Ken Wheatley, Jim Douglas, Johnny Preston, Jerry Story, Wade Driver, Tom Roper, Dan Nordbye, Brad Caldwell, Wayne Weston, Bill Wright, Billy Grimsley, Arnold Gladson, Marie Gladson, Darryl Lipscomb, Les Hughes, Bob McVey, Gary Sanders, Gary Belchik, K O Jeanes, Jerry Jestin, Ted Zahorski, Nancy Zahorski, Arthur Wills, Sam Bloom and many others too numerous to name.

Bottom line:  if you stop supporting cheaters, swindlers and thieves then the messages about your cheating, swindling and thievery will also stop.  Frankly, I don't know any other way to squelch the flood of bad publicity.  If you want good publicity then you'll just have to start doing good things for a change.

Whenever you see negative publicity about square dancing, I hope your chest swells up with pride when you realize that the stories are true and accurate ... and you wrote the stories. History is written by your choices. 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Improve the world!

You, yes you, can make the world a better place. 
Here's the situation:  Each week, a band of cheating, robbing, swindling, conniving crooks holds a square dance at a club which they outright, bald-face, totally stoleYou, yes YOU, can improve the world by refusing to endorse such immoral, rotten, lowdown, dastardly deeds. 
Here's how to fix it:  Instead of aiding, abetting and rewarding crime, you can choose a good, honest, wholesome dance event ... and encourage your friends to similarly choose right over wrong. You, yes YOU, can make the world a better place.  Don't let rotten, lowlife, no-good, cheating swindlers profit from robbery. Choose a better class of event.  Stop supporting theft.  Improve the world.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Why Is This Happening?

A few years ago, a gang of robbers stole a square dance club in broad daylight.  They cheated an innocent, hard-working couple out of an entire lifetime of investment and hard work.
The crime has been written up repeatedly on the internet. Did you know that the write-ups follow a very deliberate pattern?  Do you have any idea what the pattern is?

You get an email, and a post gets added to a website, and the message goes around the world, etc., each and every time the club's original founder / investor / creator / builder should have called the club's dance, but someone else came in there and swooped up robbery loot to call a dance which was outright stolen from the rightful owner.

Think about it.  A caller invests much time and money to build a nice square dance club. Why would someone build a square dance club?  There's only one reason.  The caller hopes to eventually recoup the huge up-front investment by calling future dances at the club. 

But in this case, the very week that the club finally became profitable, dirty, rotten crooks outright stole it from the original founder / builder / investor.  The club-builder never gets to recover his investment.  The future payout goes to accomplices in the crime.  Other callers gladly accept a handsome return on the investment made by an acquaintance who was duped, cheated, swindled and smeared.
Every time another episode in this crime spree occurs, it's just flat wrong.  Every time someone calls a dance which rightfully should be a return on the founder's original investment, YOU get a email message and a blog post gets made and a bunch of other things happen. 

Think about it.  These are not random rants.  Instead, they are carefully planned responses to events which YOU control. Every time you see a message like this, it means that YOU helped swindling, cheating liars to freshly rob an innocent crime victim of an incremental amount.  Each message is recorded for all time on  website which serves as a permanent monument to the moment when YOU made a bad choice.  You took a bad situation and made it WORSE by continuing to participate in crime.

Nobody's keeping count but the total robbery amount is now well over $60,000 in direct losses that an innocent couple suffered strictly because Ed Wedig, Fay Wheatley, Ken Wheatley, Sam Bloom, K O Jeanes, Johnny Preston, Jerry Story, Gary Sanders, Arthur Wills, Bill Wright, Wayne Weston, Les Hughes, Arnold Gladson, Ted Zahorski, Nancy Zahorski, Brad Caldwell, Mike Sikorsky, Dan Nordbye, Tom Roper, Wade Driver and a host of other people happen to be robbing, cheating, swindling thieves.

There's a very good reason for "naming names" but that will be the subject of a different message.  Remember, you get a message every time you commit an additional crime.  You'll get the rest of the story soon, I'm sure.
Square dancers are supposed to be fine, upstanding, moral people but the plain truth is that you're just flat NOT decent people.  You helped completely rip off an innocent, hard-working couple.  You did it by claiming that someone went crazy and therefore deserves to be robbed.  Decent people just flat do not do what you did. There is no rightness nor justification whatsoever about the crimes in which YOU participated and in which you CONTINUE to participate.

The one and only purpose of this message is to explain WHY seemingly random info keeps showing up all over the place.  In fact, it's not random.  Every time a new crime occurs, a new message is born.  YOU control the messages.  The messages will stop the very minute that YOU stop participating in the robbery, cheating and swindling of innocent, hard-working people.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Who You Gonna Call?

Once upon a time, an energetic young couple invested $1,000 into a brand-new square dance club.  For the next few years they continued to build and grow the club, investing hundreds of hours and thousands of additional dollars. The club was successful. 
One day, a band of sorry, rotten cheaters bald-face, outright stole the business in broad daylight.  The expert swindlers worked methodically.  First they discredited and smeared the crime victims (by claiming the business owners had gone "crazy").  Next they flat-out, strong-arm stole the hard-working couple's entire life-work. 

Immoral, robbing thieves attacked an innocent, hard-working couple for no reason and completely stole ALL their hard work, monetary investment, years of labor and hundreds of (as it ends up, totally fake) friends.  The rotten, despicable robbers left the business-builders with absolutely nothing:  no income, no money, no business, no bookings, no credibility, no friends.  The cheating, swindling, immoral crooks stole everything.
According to legend, square dancers are fine, upstanding people.  Pretend (it's not that big of a stretch) that you're a cheating, swindling scumbag who bald-face stole a square dance club.  You need someone to call for your illicit gathering.  Among a population of allegedly "fine, upstanding people", who can you find to enable and support your stolen enterprise?
Let's ponder this dilemma.  All of the callers knew that one of their own professional colleagues invested years of time and thousands of dollars to build a successful club, only to have the hard-earned enterprise bald-face, out-right stolen clean away.  All of the callers knew that if they call for the stolen club, they'll get paid in robbery loot.  Here's the burning question.  Which "fine, upstanding" caller would stoop low enough to accept robbery loot and help criminals outright cheat and rob one of their "friends" and colleagues?
Answer:  every last scum-sucking caller on this planet.  They all gleefully and eagerly helped the robbers.  No caller gave a rat's behind about morality, civility, "friendship", justice, rightness, fairness, etc. 

Lesson learned:  if you ever want square dance calls to spew out of someone's mouth, just wave robbery loot in front of either of their two faces.

Do you support theft and robbery?  If so, you're in luck.  Just show up at the stolen club's dance.  You'll find yourself completely surrounded by other crime enthusiasts.  You can all celebrate together the vile acts of cheating and swindling hard-working people.
Or, you can do the right thing instead.  Avoid FunDancers, Ed Wedig, Ken & Fay Wheatley, Billy Grimsley, Arthur Wills, Wayne Weston, Bill Wright, Brad Caldwell, K O Jeanes, Les Hughes, Gary Sanders, Arnold Gladson, Darryl Lipscomb, Johnny Preston and the entire gang of cheating, rotten, swindling thieves.  Stop rewarding crime.  Support good, honest people and events instead.