Sunday, November 18, 2012

Whose fault is it?

Whenever a crime occurs, people often tend to blame the victim.
A crime occurred at FunDancers earlier this year.  A square dance club owed their caller and founder many thousands of dollars.  Instead of making arrangements to pay this rightful debt, the club decided to default on the debt, pay absolutely nothing, outright steal the money they owed, and use the stolen money to continue operations.  When the victim of their crime protested, the criminals made up a bunch of damaging lies in an effort to justify their crime and blackball their crime victim.

Despite repeated attempts by the victim to spread the truth and set the record straight, people still tend to blame the victim.  So let's analyze this.  Exactly what did the victim do wrong?  How did the victim cause this crime to happen?

Here's the answer.  The victim (club caller) made the mistake of trusting certain people (Ed Wedig and The Wheatleys) who happen to be liars, cheaters, swindlers, rumor-mongers and deadbeats.

Many of you who are reading this message are making the exact same mistake.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

If you can't be good, please be careful

Let's be truthful, always.
FunDancers stole a lot of money from me.  The club still owes me thousands of dollars.  They have not paid even one penny. It's more than just money:  they also swindled me out of the square dance club which I personally founded and bankrolled.

Even if you have heard stories to the contrary, the actual fact is that I was robbed.  The club operates today by using money they stole from me earlier this year.
Now I need your help.

Our region is fortunate to have many good honest square dance clubs. It's simply not fair to all the good clubs, if we let a bad club get ahead by cheating, stealing and lying. Are you willing to help stamp out wrongdoing?  There's only one way to put the cheaters and robbers out of business. Here's how you can help: Stop supporting wrongdoing!  It's really that simple. Stop rewarding theft!
If you dance at FunDancers, you're helping the cheating lying immoral crooks get away scot-free with robbery. Surely your mother taught you the difference between right and wrong. Surely you know that stealing is wrong.  Good honest people pay their bills, honor their agreements, keep their word, tell the truth, treat people fairly, etc. The officers of FunDancers did none of the things that good honest people are supposed to do.

I will continue to broadcast these messages as long as dirty lowdown crooks continue to use my stolen money to operate my stolen club. Your own willingness to ignore the facts does not alter the truth. If you dance at FunDancers, you're a participant in theft. You're as guilty as the robbers are. Hopefully you can do the right thing and simply walk away from the crime scene. 

I've given up on ever recouping what the robbers stole. I'm only trying to prevent these same bad people from harming more good people in the future. It was a shame (and a surprise) when it happened once. It would be no surprise (but it would be a preventable tragedy) if it happens again. So let's all do whatever we can.

Whether or not you can face up to the truth, it's nevertheless an unfortunate fact that the officers of FunDancers are cheaters, liars and swindlers.  For example, current president Ed Wedig has been banned from several casinos because he is a chronic cheater and swindler.  Treasurers Ken and Fay Wheatley were thrown out of a previous square dance club for embezzlement. The officers have a history of wrongdoing.  Earlier this year, this group of bad people robbed a good honest square dance caller for many thousands of dollars, bilked him out of the club which he established, then attempted to discredit and smear his good name. When he protested, they are now attempting to put that same caller out of business permanently, instead of doing the right thing which is to simply pay their bills.

We will not be bullied by thugs.   We will achieve the correct and proper outcome, which is to stop the criminals from doing even more damage to more good people in the future.

If you still decide to completely ignore the difference between right and wrong, please do your own self a favor and "Watch Your Wallet". Some terribly awful club leaders viciously cheated and robbed a caller for no reason.  It's a continuing pattern:  these same people have cheated and robbed other good people in the past. It's time for the crime spree to end.  Let's prevent it from happening to someone else. If you just cannot find the internal strength to stop supporting robbers, liars and cheaters, then please at least be careful.  Stay aware.  Watch your own back.  Please do not become the next target of their next crime.