Sunday, October 19, 2014

It's Robber Celebration Day!

If you're a square dancer in the San Antonio or Austin area, you already know what today is.  It's Rob-Day.  It's the one day per week when we celebrate crooked, rotten swindlers who cheated a hard-working couple out of a business they built from the ground up.
You can celebrate Robber-Cheater-Swindler day, or you can do something positive instead.  Which will you choose?
BTW, I need your help please.  This message is aimed at people who are suspected of supporting and enabling low-down varmints who robbed an innocent couple of their life's work.  If you no longer endorse cheating, robbing, lying swindlers, just send me a short note and I'll gladly remove you from this list.  But if you are still profiting from the robbery loot of that years-ago crime, you'll remain on this list because that's exactly where you need to be.
Avoid robbers, cheaters and swindlers.  Focus on good wholesome activities instead.  End of message.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Hurry on out to FunDancers to celebrate rotten cheaters such as Johnny Preston who bald-face flat-out swindled an innocent couple out of thousands of dollars and stole their life's work in broad daylight.  Go ahead and reward slime-balls such as Ed Wedig, Fay Wheatley, Sam Bloom and many others who get ahead by stealing from hard-working people and running smear campaigns.
How does it make you feel, when you reward cheating swindling lying robbers?
Here's one way to feel better:  do the right thing.  Find a good wholesome honorable event instead.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

How to Grow Square Dancing

A recent article in the Austin Square Dance association newsletter ponders the age-old question, "how can we grow square dancing?". 
Actually, that question has a simple answer.  Just trick people into investing years of work and thousands of dollars into creating a club.  When the club finally grows large enough to be self-sufficient, outright bald-face steal it from the rightful owner. 
While this idea might seem outlandish, it did in fact work well for FunDancers and the raunchy, lying, cheating swindlers who got clean away with their theft.  So, the next time someone asks you, "How can we have more square dancers?" describe the tried and true way.  Cheat and rob someone. 
If you have any questions about how to cheat or rob someone out of many thousands of dollars and years of work, ask an expert such as Ed Wedig, Fay Wheatley, Ken Wheatley, Ted Zahorski, Nancy Zahorski, K O Jeanes, Johnny Preston, Wade Driver, Jerry Story, Tom Roper, Dan Nordbye, Darryl Lipscomb, Sam Bloom, Billy Grimsley, Brad Caldwell, Jerry Jestin, Mike Sikorsky, Bob McVey, Les Hughes, Jim Douglas.
So, always remember:  if you ever want more of anything in this world, look around you.  Find someone who worked hard to build what you want.  Wait until the owner goes out of town, then outright baldface steal what you want.  It's the cheap and easy way to prosperity.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Correction to Newspaper Article

A recent newspaper article about FunDancers contains substantial misstatements.  For example, the club president says "his" club formed in 2010 . That's a bald-face lie.  FunDancers formed in 2010 when a hard-working talented young couple invested hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to create the business.  It was not "his" club.  It became "his" club only after rotten, lying, cheating swindlers outright bald-face stole the club from the rightful owners in 2012.
The article memorializes the success of swindling, cheating robbers such as Ed Wedig, Fay Wheatley, Ken Wheatley, Billy Grimsley, Jim Douglas, Ted Zahorski, Nancy Zahorski, Sam Bloom and a host of others.  It celebrates the perverted act of profiting from the robbery of a colleague, such perverseness practiced regularly by Les Hughes, Darryl Lipscomb, Wade Driver, Tom Roper, Jerry Story, Dan Nordbye, Mike Sikorsky, Bill Wright, Bob McVey and many others.  It celebrates the vile despicable depravity of robbing people and then, when your crime victims won't silently take it, criminally smearing them completely out of business.  The article celebrates how to be really low, nasty, no-good pond-scum.  The article is about people who don't know the difference between right and wrong.  The article celebrates everything bad in life.
We can only hope that Google never finds out about the vile indecent crimes perpetuated by lowlife psychotics.  So, let's keep it a secret from Google, lest we damage square dancing's pristine reputation.  Oh yes, that reminds me.  This email was delivered via a Google service.  It is blogged to another Google service.  Google already knows all about your crimes.  Whenever someone in the San Antonio area googles square dancing, all they they find is YOUR crimes.   They will continue to find your crimes until you stop committing so many atrocious crimes.
The world is filled with Good and Evil.  Can you recognize the difference?  If you patronize the club which was outright bald-face flat-out stolen in broad daylight, cheating the club's founders out of thousands of dollars and their entire life's work, then obviously you are just unable to distinguish right from wrong.  So, enjoy your stolen dance club today, then burn in hell for eternity.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

What Do People Find?

We've all heard of Google.  It's how people find things on the internet.  What if someone Googles "square dancing in San Antonio"?  What would the search results show?
You can be confident that Google will show the truth.  If there were a good, wholesome, vibrant, healthy square dance community in San Antonio, Google would accurately report that fact.  If, on the other hand, there is a sick, perverted, screwed-up square dance crime-ring populated by lying, cheating, swindling robbers who bald-face outright rip off a hard-working, innocent couple, then we can faithfully trust Google to tell it like it is.
What do you think people find when they search for square dancing in San Antonio?  The answer is simple.  They find the truth.  The truth is that the local square dance scene supports the outright bald-face robbery and name-smearing of hard-working innocent people.  The local square dance scene rewards two-faced back-stabbers, dirty rotten swindlers and liars of all sorts.  The local square dance scene profits from the robbery of others.  That's what the San Antonio square dance scene really is.  That's what Google really finds.
If you want Google to report more positive results, then you need to start doing more positive things.  Otherwise, Google will faithfully report the accurate facts:  square dancing in San Antonio is a dysfunctional screwed-up cheater's activity whose primary purpose is to rob, smear and swindle innocent, hard-working people ... exactly like FunDancers did and exactly like the actions which you continue to endorse and support.
Google reports the truth.  The truth is not pretty.  It's time for you to stop supporting people like Ed Wedig, Fay Wheatley, Bob McVey, Brad Caldwell, Tom Roper, Mike Sikorsky, Dan Nordbye, Bob McVey, Darryl Lipscomb, Ted Zahorski, Billy Grimsley, Wade Driver, Johnny Preston, Bill Wright, Jerry Story, K O Jeanes, Wayne Weston, Les Hughes, Jim Douglas, Ken Wheatley, Sam Bloom and many others who endorse and profit from the criminal activities of robbing, swindling and bilking.
The truth is out there, waiting to be discovered.  You write the truth with your actions.  Google merely reports it.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Can you find and fix the mistake?

The next paragraph contains one mistake.  Can you find it?

News flash:  Hard-working couple invests years of their time and thousands of their dollars to build a nice square dance club.  The very minute it turns profitable, swindling cheating robbers outright bald-face steal the club in broad daylight.  The lying, immoral crooks get clean away with their crime.  Each week, the robbery victim's so-called "friends" profit from the robbery loot. 
Did you find the mistake?

Here's the mistake:  it's not "news".  It's "olds".  The robbery occurred in April 2012.

Guess what?  You have the power to end the crime spree!  All you have to do is stop supporting cheating, swindling, robbing jerks.  Think twice about hiring or supporting callers such as Brad Caldwell, Noah Siegmann, Bob McVey, Wade Driver, Johnny Preston, Mike Sikorsky, Bill Wright, Billy Grimsley, Tom Roper, Dan Nordbye, Arnold Gladson, K O Jeanes, Jerry Jestin, Jerry Story, Darryl Lipscomb, Gary Sanders and Les Hughes ... all of whom are happy to profit from robbery.
Steer clear of dancers such as Ed Wedig, Ted Zahorski, Sam Bloom, Jim Douglas, Ken Wheatley, Nancy Zahorski, fundancers, Arthur Wills and Fay Wheatley who like to swindle and cheat innocent, hard-working people.
If you're looking for good line dancing, square dancing or a square dance caller near San Antonio or Schertz, choose a good honest individual instead of someone who will help rob, cheat, swindle and smear a colleague out of business.

It's your choice.  You can continue to support events run by robbing, cheating, swindling thieves.  Or you can do the right thing instead.  Choose a good, honest, non-controversial, upstanding, moral event to enjoy.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

What Did You learn?

Think back to when you were in school.  You probably took classes like reading, writing, math and science. Here's the question:  did you learn the skills you need to get ahead in life?
Answer:  probably not.  Consider, for example, the wacky world of square dance clubs.  Look at the people who get ahead in that arena.  Look at the skills they used to get there.
In the case of FunDancers, they used skills such as lying, stealing, cheating, swindling, name-smearing, back-stabbing and just downright total rottenness. Those are the skills we should teach in school.  Those are the skills which allow crooks, swindlers, slanderers and deadbeats such as Ed Wedig, Fay Wheatley, Ken Wheatley, Darryl Lipscomb, Sam Bloom, Jerry Story, Arthur Wills, Ted Zahorski, Tim Marriner, Tony Oxendine, Nancy Zahorski, Mike Sikorsky, FunDancers and Johnny Preston to get ahead in life.
That same skill-set allows two-faced, false-friend back-stabbers such as Billy Grimsley, Dan Nordbye, Tom Roper, Wade Driver, K O Jeanes, Wayne Weston, Gary Sanders, Bill Wright, Brad Caldwell, Arnold Gladson and Les Hughes to profit handsomely from the robbery of innocent people.
So, if you ever want to teach a promising youngster how to get ahead in life, teach the skills they really need.  Teach treachery, lying and just bald-face outright robbing innocent people.  That's how FunDancers got to where they are today, so apparently that's what it takes to get ahead in life.
Or ... here's an alternative ... you can steer clear of wrongdoing.  You can choose events which are good, correct, true, honest and wholesome.  You can avoid events staged by lying, swindling, cheating, stealing hucksters.  Choose a decent, moral event instead.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

How can we stop this?

Here's a great idea!  Here's a way to stop all the whistle-blowing about crime in the square dance world. This idea just might work. 
First, let's agree we have a problem.  The square dance community is beset by a constant stream of messages about cheating, lying, swindling, robbing and downright rottenness in the activity.

Let's also agree that we know what causes the problem. A hard-working couple was senselessly robbed of their livelihood by immoral, calculating swindlers. Lots of people supported and endorsed that crime. Every time a new episode in the crime series occurs, new messages get spawned. This pattern has continued for 29 months, regular as clockwork.  The same pattern will continue for as long as the crime spree continues.

Let's discuss how you can help solve the problem. The internet is a permanent record of mankind's activities. If you do good, moral things then you leave a nice, positive, uplifting record of your actions. But if you help promote robbery and theft, i.e. if you help dirty, cheating, rotten criminals get away with swindling a hard-working couple out of their hard-earned money, then your vile, filthy choices get recorded for eternity.

History is written by your choices.

What happens when someone who does not square dance becomes curious about the activity?  Most people nowadays will do an internet search to get more info.  Whenever someone Googles "square dancing" in the local area, guess what they find?

Do you have any idea how to stop the negative publicity? Here's one idea.  It's radical but it could work.  Are you ready to hear the idea?

The cure is simple and it's in your control. 

Simply stop supporting immoral, criminal, psychotic activities run by cheating, lying, habitual thieves.  Stop cheating, lying, swindling, name-smearing, robbing and being just downright rotten.  Holy Smokes, didn't your mother teach you that it's wrong to rob and steal and cheat? Why do you still need to learn how to act decently?  In other words, what the hell is wrong with you?

Every time you add to the crime spree (by supporting yet another accomplice who rakes in robbery loot to abet swindling, cheating criminals), new messages are born. Each message goes all over the world.  There have been a lot of messages.  That's because there has been a lot of cheating, robbing and loot-spending.
Oops, I almost forgot one tiny detail.  Let's "name names".  It's important.  I'll tell you why it's important in a future message.  Partial list of dirty rotten perpetrators of cheating, swindling, name-smearing and theft:  Ed Wedig, Fay Wheatley, Ken Wheatley, Jim Douglas, Johnny Preston, Jerry Story, Wade Driver, Tom Roper, Dan Nordbye, Brad Caldwell, Wayne Weston, Bill Wright, Billy Grimsley, Arnold Gladson, Marie Gladson, Darryl Lipscomb, Les Hughes, Bob McVey, Gary Sanders, Gary Belchik, K O Jeanes, Jerry Jestin, Ted Zahorski, Nancy Zahorski, Arthur Wills, Sam Bloom and many others too numerous to name.

Bottom line:  if you stop supporting cheaters, swindlers and thieves then the messages about your cheating, swindling and thievery will also stop.  Frankly, I don't know any other way to squelch the flood of bad publicity.  If you want good publicity then you'll just have to start doing good things for a change.

Whenever you see negative publicity about square dancing, I hope your chest swells up with pride when you realize that the stories are true and accurate ... and you wrote the stories. History is written by your choices. 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Improve the world!

You, yes you, can make the world a better place. 
Here's the situation:  Each week, a band of cheating, robbing, swindling, conniving crooks holds a square dance at a club which they outright, bald-face, totally stoleYou, yes YOU, can improve the world by refusing to endorse such immoral, rotten, lowdown, dastardly deeds. 
Here's how to fix it:  Instead of aiding, abetting and rewarding crime, you can choose a good, honest, wholesome dance event ... and encourage your friends to similarly choose right over wrong. You, yes YOU, can make the world a better place.  Don't let rotten, lowlife, no-good, cheating swindlers profit from robbery. Choose a better class of event.  Stop supporting theft.  Improve the world.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Why Is This Happening?

A few years ago, a gang of robbers stole a square dance club in broad daylight.  They cheated an innocent, hard-working couple out of an entire lifetime of investment and hard work.
The crime has been written up repeatedly on the internet. Did you know that the write-ups follow a very deliberate pattern?  Do you have any idea what the pattern is?

You get an email, and a post gets added to a website, and the message goes around the world, etc., each and every time the club's original founder / investor / creator / builder should have called the club's dance, but someone else came in there and swooped up robbery loot to call a dance which was outright stolen from the rightful owner.

Think about it.  A caller invests much time and money to build a nice square dance club. Why would someone build a square dance club?  There's only one reason.  The caller hopes to eventually recoup the huge up-front investment by calling future dances at the club. 

But in this case, the very week that the club finally became profitable, dirty, rotten crooks outright stole it from the original founder / builder / investor.  The club-builder never gets to recover his investment.  The future payout goes to accomplices in the crime.  Other callers gladly accept a handsome return on the investment made by an acquaintance who was duped, cheated, swindled and smeared.
Every time another episode in this crime spree occurs, it's just flat wrong.  Every time someone calls a dance which rightfully should be a return on the founder's original investment, YOU get a email message and a blog post gets made and a bunch of other things happen. 

Think about it.  These are not random rants.  Instead, they are carefully planned responses to events which YOU control. Every time you see a message like this, it means that YOU helped swindling, cheating liars to freshly rob an innocent crime victim of an incremental amount.  Each message is recorded for all time on  website which serves as a permanent monument to the moment when YOU made a bad choice.  You took a bad situation and made it WORSE by continuing to participate in crime.

Nobody's keeping count but the total robbery amount is now well over $60,000 in direct losses that an innocent couple suffered strictly because Ed Wedig, Fay Wheatley, Ken Wheatley, Sam Bloom, K O Jeanes, Johnny Preston, Jerry Story, Gary Sanders, Arthur Wills, Bill Wright, Wayne Weston, Les Hughes, Arnold Gladson, Ted Zahorski, Nancy Zahorski, Brad Caldwell, Mike Sikorsky, Dan Nordbye, Tom Roper, Wade Driver and a host of other people happen to be robbing, cheating, swindling thieves.

There's a very good reason for "naming names" but that will be the subject of a different message.  Remember, you get a message every time you commit an additional crime.  You'll get the rest of the story soon, I'm sure.
Square dancers are supposed to be fine, upstanding, moral people but the plain truth is that you're just flat NOT decent people.  You helped completely rip off an innocent, hard-working couple.  You did it by claiming that someone went crazy and therefore deserves to be robbed.  Decent people just flat do not do what you did. There is no rightness nor justification whatsoever about the crimes in which YOU participated and in which you CONTINUE to participate.

The one and only purpose of this message is to explain WHY seemingly random info keeps showing up all over the place.  In fact, it's not random.  Every time a new crime occurs, a new message is born.  YOU control the messages.  The messages will stop the very minute that YOU stop participating in the robbery, cheating and swindling of innocent, hard-working people.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Who You Gonna Call?

Once upon a time, an energetic young couple invested $1,000 into a brand-new square dance club.  For the next few years they continued to build and grow the club, investing hundreds of hours and thousands of additional dollars. The club was successful. 
One day, a band of sorry, rotten cheaters bald-face, outright stole the business in broad daylight.  The expert swindlers worked methodically.  First they discredited and smeared the crime victims (by claiming the business owners had gone "crazy").  Next they flat-out, strong-arm stole the hard-working couple's entire life-work. 

Immoral, robbing thieves attacked an innocent, hard-working couple for no reason and completely stole ALL their hard work, monetary investment, years of labor and hundreds of (as it ends up, totally fake) friends.  The rotten, despicable robbers left the business-builders with absolutely nothing:  no income, no money, no business, no bookings, no credibility, no friends.  The cheating, swindling, immoral crooks stole everything.
According to legend, square dancers are fine, upstanding people.  Pretend (it's not that big of a stretch) that you're a cheating, swindling scumbag who bald-face stole a square dance club.  You need someone to call for your illicit gathering.  Among a population of allegedly "fine, upstanding people", who can you find to enable and support your stolen enterprise?
Let's ponder this dilemma.  All of the callers knew that one of their own professional colleagues invested years of time and thousands of dollars to build a successful club, only to have the hard-earned enterprise bald-face, out-right stolen clean away.  All of the callers knew that if they call for the stolen club, they'll get paid in robbery loot.  Here's the burning question.  Which "fine, upstanding" caller would stoop low enough to accept robbery loot and help criminals outright cheat and rob one of their "friends" and colleagues?
Answer:  every last scum-sucking caller on this planet.  They all gleefully and eagerly helped the robbers.  No caller gave a rat's behind about morality, civility, "friendship", justice, rightness, fairness, etc. 

Lesson learned:  if you ever want square dance calls to spew out of someone's mouth, just wave robbery loot in front of either of their two faces.

Do you support theft and robbery?  If so, you're in luck.  Just show up at the stolen club's dance.  You'll find yourself completely surrounded by other crime enthusiasts.  You can all celebrate together the vile acts of cheating and swindling hard-working people.
Or, you can do the right thing instead.  Avoid FunDancers, Ed Wedig, Ken & Fay Wheatley, Billy Grimsley, Arthur Wills, Wayne Weston, Bill Wright, Brad Caldwell, K O Jeanes, Les Hughes, Gary Sanders, Arnold Gladson, Darryl Lipscomb, Johnny Preston and the entire gang of cheating, rotten, swindling thieves.  Stop rewarding crime.  Support good, honest people and events instead.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Do you have a checklist of things to do each day or week?  Let's talk about your checklist.  Surely items are on your list because they need to be done.  Surely you try to improve the world by using your checklist.
Ditto and likewise.  One of the items on MY checklist, to do every Sunday, is 'help stamp out robberies'.  Here's the deal:  dirty rotten cheating robbers bald-face stole a square dance club from a hard-working honest couple.  They smeared and slandered that couple's good name, and got clean away with robbery in broad daylight.
That robbery is just totally wrong.  It was wrong when it happened, it's been wrong ever since, and it will continue to be wrong until corrected.
So, every Sunday is "Attempt To Correct" day.  It's on the checklist, so let's get 'er done.  Let's start at the beginning.  It began with robbery, so let's start there.  Do you support theft and cheating and swindling and robbery?  If so, then shame on you.  You seriously need to stop supporting robbers.  You need to stop supporting FunDancers.  That club exists today for just one reason only:  someone bald-face stole it.  If you helped the robbers get clean away with the crime, then you did the wrong thing.  You're a dirty rotten individual.  Stop helping robbers.  That's it.
But what if you do not support robbery?  What if you do the right thing instead (by choosing a good honest event instead of a cheated stolen swindled one)?  If so, goody for you.  When you choose a good honest event, you're doing what's right.  Now all you need to do is encourage others to also do what's right.
Sunday is 'Anti-Robbery' day.  Do something today to make sure that bald-face swindling robbers don't get away with their crime.  Stop supporting robbery, encourage others to stop supporting robbery, then check it off your list.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Shortcut to Success

It takes takes years of time and thousands of dollars to build a successful square dance club. 
Or you can find a shortcut, like FunDancers did.  Let someone else spend years of time and thousands of dollars to build a club.  Wait patiently.  The very minute the club turns profitable, swoop in and outright bald-face steal the club from the hard-working people who built it.
Such a sick and twisted strategy only works if you can find immoral callers who knowingly accept robbery loot to call for crooks.  It only works if you can find two-faced double-crossing dancers who knowingly reward robbers and cheats.  In other words, outright bald-face stealing a square dance club in broad daylight only works in San Antonio, Texas.
If you helped the dirty rotten scoundrels at FunDancers get clean away with the crimes of outright swindling and robbery, shame on you!  San Antonio is the 7th largest city in the USA yet the local square dance scene is almost completely dead.  Square dancing died out locally because you completely lack morals and integrity.
Square dancing is an activity for good honest people.  The local square dancers do not meet that qualification. You're simply not good people.  Indeed, you're crummy rotten people who don't know the basic difference between right and wrong.  Your downright rottenness has almost completely killed square dancing in the USA's 7th largest city. Shame on you.
Here's some good news.  You still have the option to do the right thing.  All you have to do is avoid the crime scene at FunDancers.  Stop rewarding crime.  Find a good honest dance instead.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Play It Again

Once upon a time, a talented, hard-working, internationally-known square dance couple moved to San Antonio.  They built a successful club from the ground up.  They even built websites (for free) for the benefit of the area's square dancers. They certainly made the square dance world a better place. 
Then, one day, raunchy swindlers outright robbed them of their life's work.
You supported the robbers.  You helped dirty, rotten crooks put a hard-working square dance couple completely out of business.  Shame on you.
So, let's analyze what you did.  Do you honestly believe that you improved the square dance world, by helping crooked swindlers cheat a hard-working, talented, energetic couple out of a business which took years of labor and thousands of dollars to build?
If you really believe that you improved square dancing by cheating a hard-working, talented, caring, giving couple out of their life's work... then shouldn't you "help" square dancing again, by finding a brand-new hard-working couple to cheat and rob and smear?
Geeez, what a totally immoral, crime-enabling, sorry, rotten, disgusting slime-ball you turned out to be.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Do Something Positive

If you like to spend your Sundays aiding and abetting in crime, here's a suggestion:  do something positive instead.  For example, take a few minutes to find another square dance club which does not try to get ahead via robbery, cheating, swindling, name-smearing and outright theft.
Really and truly, deep-down, surely you are aware that a hard-working couple invested heavily into creating and building FunDancers from the ground up.  After the club finally grew to the point of self-sufficiency, sorry deadbeat lowdown cheating robbers bald-face stole the club in broad daylight.  You know it happened.  You know it's wrong.  So ... why do you support wrong-doing, when it's so easy to choose a better alternative?

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sunday Is Loot Day

Another Sunday rolls around, and you know what that means.  On Sunday, the San Antonio Square Dance movement rewards and encourages looting, cheating, swindling, robbery and theft.
This message goes out to hundreds of people, just like yourself, who are suspected of supporting robbery, theft, cheating, stealing and downright rottenness.  The first question to ask is, "are you categorized correctly?"   Yes or No?  Either you reward cheating robbing scumbags, or you don't.
If you are categorized correctly, i.e. if you see nothing wrong with out-right bald-face stealing a business from the very people who built it, then you're doing the right thing by reading this message.  This message is aimed at people who support robbery, swindling and theft.  If that's you, then this message is exactly what you need to hear.  In a nutshell, you make bad decisions and you definitely need to stop doing so.
If you are categorized incorrectly ... or if you suddenly decide to stop supporting crime ... simply reply to this message, let me know that you're no longer a ratfink robbery-supporting two-faced raunchy crime-enabling scumbag, and your name gets immediately and cheerfully removed from the list.  Also, congratulations for making the right choice.
If you happen to know any other dirty rotten crime-supporting fake-friend loot-scooping scumbags just like yourself, they need to also be on this anti-crime list.  Simply send in their email addresses and I'll gladly add them.  Together we can improve the world. People who support crime should be encouraged to make better choices.
It's Sunday.  In the local square dance world, Sunday has evolved into "Reward Cheating Swindling Looting Robbers" Day.  It's also "Weekly Reminder That You Should Make Better Choices" Day.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Prove It

Do you believe the old saying "Crime Does Not Pay"?  If so, prove it!  FunDancers ran up thousands of dollars in debt owed to their club founder.  They defaulted on that debt then they outright stole the club from the very people who built it.  They used the stolen robbery loot to run the club.
What's done is done.  Nothing you can say or do today can right that historic wrong.  But you can still improve the future ... your future.  You can make a statement ... to yourself and others.  You can prove to yourself and to all future wrongdoers that crime does not pay.
First, ask yourself some questions and answer them honestly.  Do you prefer right over wrong?  Do you support honesty instead of theft?   Do you believe people should pay their bills?  Do you encourage hard work to create value, rather than cheating, swindling and robbing to steal value?
If you really do believe in right over wrong, prove it ... by avoiding the lying, cheating, deadbeat, robbing club.  Find a good honest dance instead.  Don't reward swindlers.  Send a crystal-clear message that crime does not pay.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Can you guess what T-S-A-T-L means?

Take one glance at The Stolen Club's upcoming schedule and you will immediately see the effects of  T-S-A-T-L. The crooks and robbers are trying to save money by hiring cheap callers.  Clearly, T-S-A-T-L overran the club.
In case you didn't know, experienced robbers and cheats conspired to swindle and steal a square dance club away from the couple who spent thousands of dollars and years of hard work to build the club from the ground up.  What the dirty rotten crooks did is _totally_ wrong.  If _you_ visit the stolen club then you're also totally wrong.  You're a crime enabler and a theft supporter, whether or not  T-S-A-T-L.

What does it feel like, to realize that you helped dirty rotten no-good swindlers drive an innocent hard-working couple out of business?
Back when the robbery happened (before  T-S-A-T-L) the club was the premiere club in the area.  Now the club is mediocre at best.  Before  T-S-A-T-L, the club danced to national callers only.  Now they'll hire any caller willing to accept robbery loot.

Before T-S-A-T-L, the club hired Tony Oxendine.  After T-S-A-T-L, they hire John Kephart.  Can you tell the difference? 

Before T-S-A-T-L, they hired Joe Saltel.  After T-S-A-T-L, they hire Arnold Gladson.  Do you notice a pattern? 

Before T-S-A-T-L, they hired Wade Driver.  After T-S-A-T-L, they hire Wayne Weston. Can you detect a trend?

One word tells the entire story:  T-S-A-T-L

The End.

(Did you guess correctly?  T.S.A.T.L. means "They Spent All The Loot".)

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Guessing about Honesty

The upcoming dance at The Stolen Club makes a great case study.
Back when The Robbery first happened, Joe steered well away from the Cheating Swindlers Who Robbed his Colleague. Even though The Robbers repeatedly asked The Honest One to call for the Stolen Club, Honest Joe repeatedly yet nicely refused to accept Robbery Loot.

Obviously, that has now changed.  This Sunday, more than two years after The Robbery, Joe will, for the very first time, accept Stolen Robbery Loot to call for Lying Cheating Crooks.
What changed?  It's time for wild guesses.
Joe has been hanging on, for years, in the rapidly dwindling square dance market.  What would _you_ do if _your_ business declined ten percent a year, for a decade? Would you remain totally honest and ethical? Or would you relax your moral standards in order to earn a living?
Perhaps the term "Honest Joe" is a relic from the past.  Perhaps he realizes he can no longer make a living by remaining honest.  Now he must accept robbery loot just to make ends meet.  If this guess is correct, isn't it a shame whenever someone has to resort to crime just to stay afloat?
People who opt for wrongdoing often "justify" the deed in their own minds.  Perhaps Joe figures that the "statute of limitations" has run out, i.e. all robberies which happened two years ago are suddenly legit.
Perhaps Joe is just getting old.  (Aren't we all?).  Perhaps he can no longer remember that, two years ago, one of his so-called "friends" was brutally robbed, swindled, cheated and smeared out of a business which took years to build.
Perhaps Joe was once upright and moral, but now The Devil Hisself has Up And Possessed Joe.

We could easily keep guessing.  Guessing is fun.  It's the natural human reaction to a probing question.  Here's the question:  what on earth would make a formerly decent person (like Joe) politely refuse for years to participate in a robbery, and then all-of-a-sudden decide that it's perfectly okay to call for lying cheating swindlers who bald-face stole and smeared an innocent couple out of their life's work? 
Why was it wrong, for several years, to profit from robbery, but suddenly today it's okay?  Some questions just really make you wonder.

Here's the biggest question of all.  This isn't really about Joe.  It's about YOU.  _You_ already know that the Stolen Club exists only because of robbery.  _You_ are well aware that dirty rotten crooks cheated and slandered a hard-working couple out of their life's work.  In short, _you_ surely know that something is totally rotten and illegitimate about FunDancers. 

So ... why would you go?  Why don't you find an honest dance instead?  And once you find an honest dance event, invite Joe.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Do you have what it takes?

Johnny Preston is a full-time traveling square dance caller. He has no home club to call for. Instead, he goes out and harvests money from other clubs that other people built. He comes into town, calls a dance, collects a handsome fee and then moves on to the next harvest point.
But what if a club already has a caller booked on the date when Johnny Preston wants to breeze into town and seize someone's paycheck?  Does a person who organizes, builds, finances and grows a club get to call for his own group?  Or should a rightful club owner be required to forfeit his paycheck every time Johnny Preston happens to bop into town?
Think about a job that you get paid to do.  What if somebody happens to travel through your town one day?  What if this traveler wants to go to your workplace and do your job and collect your paycheck for that day? What would you do? How would you feel? 
Fortunately, in the square dance world, respected rules already exist to cover this situation.  Following time-honored traditions, the club owner offered to share his paycheck with Johnny Preston.  In other words, instead of letting Johnny Preston come in and outright steal a paycheck from a hard-working caller and his family, the club owner offered to split that paycheck with Johnny Preston.  (This kind of offer is actually common in the square dance world.)
But it is completely uncommon ... in fact it's totally unheard of ... for an out-of-town caller like Johnny Preston to come in and insist on outright grabbing someone's total paycheck.  Yet that's precisely what Johnny Preston did in May 2012 ... and it's pretty much what he does every day for a living.  The club owner tried for months to work out a satisfactory compromise yet Johnny Preston insisted that he has the right to come in and strong-arm outright bald-face steal a paycheck from another caller, any time he wants to.
Naturally, I spoke out against such wrongdoing. This protest had nothing to do with money.  It is only about doing what's right.  Any person who builds, finances, promotes and grows a club has earned the right to call for their own club.  It was completely wrong for Johnny Preston to come in and outright steal someone's paycheck in May 2012.  I tried for months to reach a compromise.  Ultimately, crooked swindling robbers at FunDancers decided to go behind my back and collude with Johnny Preston and commit a robbery.
The robbers stole everything I owned.  They stole my paycheck for that day.  When I continued to protest about how wrong it all was, the swindling cheaters ran a successful smear campaign.  They stole my club. They stole thousands of dollars that the deadbeat club still owes to this day.  They stole my entire life's work.  I lost thousands of so-called "friends" (who, as it ends up, are all totally fake anyway, so it's not a big loss).
Although I lost, big-time, by speaking out against crime and robbery, I actually gained something of great value that money cannot buy.  I gained the honor of refusing to participate in theft. I gained the knowledge that I will not tolerate cheating swindling nasty rotten wrongdoers.  I gained the pride that comes from choosing right over wrong.
Do you have that same pride?  You do have a choice.  You can go dance to Johnny Preston.  If you do that, you participate in, endorse and profit from strong-arm robbery and out-right theft.  Or you can do the right thing instead.  You can refuse to participate in wrongdoing.
Do you have what it takes to Do The Right Thing?

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Five Ingredients

To outright bald-face steal a square dance club, you need five key ingredients:
  1. A club worth stealing. Most clubs nowadays are so small and piddly that it's not worth the bother to steal them. So ... find yourself a strong club into which someone invested thousands of dollars. Wait until it grows into the biggest club in town, then steal it. Go big or go home. Since you're gonna rob someone anyway, make it worth your while.

  2. A club owner who goes out of town. Learn how it's done, from the experienced swindlers at FunDancers. It's much easier to rob someone while they're away.

  3. Callers willing to accept robbery loot to call for cheating lying swindling deadbeats who robbed one of their so-called "colleagues". Square dancing is "friendship set to music" ... as long as the definition of "friendship" is "I'm your friend, I'm always there, and whenever someone robs you, I'll be there to grab as much loot as I can".

  4. Dancers willing to endorse and participate in your criminal illusion that you "improved square dancing" by cheating a hardworking innocent couple out of their life's work. Here's a helpful hint, if you really want to improve square dancing: next time, target a victim who will take a robbin' silently. It's much easier to get away with robbery when your crime victim is silent. Too bad you didn't know that in advance.

  5. Gossips and name-smearers who love to start and spread rumors. Just be careful. If you enjoy the company of gossips and rumor-mongers, chances are good that you might become the target of their next smear campaign. Not "if ... " but "when ... " it happens, look on the bright side: you probably deserve it.
So there you have it: the five key ingredients for any square dance robbery. Luckily for you, all five key ingredients are in abundance at FunDancers in Schertz. If you enjoy participating in robbery, swindling, cheating and total sheer utter wrongness, look no further. You found all those rotten things, and more, at FunDancers in Schertz.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

What is a Square Dance Caller?

In 2004 I set up a website for the entire Rio Grande Valley of Texas.  It cost me hundreds of hours in time and hundreds of dollars of my own money to get the site up and running.  The site was set up as a public service for the square dance community. When I left that region in 2009, I outright gave the website to the couple who will call tomorrow at FunDancers.
In early 2012, I enhanced the website so that it can make money by selling ads. This took hundreds of additional hours of time. After I set up the ad program, I showed them exactly how to go out and sell ads. I personally loaded all the ads into the system and showed them how to mail out invoices and get paid.

We agreed to split the income.  Actually, a 50-50 split right down the middle would have been a totally fair deal.  However they negotiated me down to only a 20% share (because I had a real job and they didn't).

So, let's recap.  I came up with the idea.  I set up the website. I put in hundreds of hours of time, absolutely free, and hundreds of dollars of my own money just to get the site running. I set up the advertising program. I showed them exactly how to make it all work. 

They are to get 80% while I only get 20%.  This surely sounds like an extremely generous deal (for them).

Whenever you talk about how square dancing is "friendship", what do you think the word "friendship" means? Perhaps it means "friends" will do all the work and then just outright give someone a money-making website in exchange for only 20% of the action.  Yep, square dancing is all about "friendship", especially when you have "friends" you can use.

Anyway, we made a deal.  They get 80 percent, I get 20.

Except ... they paid me exactly one time ... the very first month the program was running. They never paid a dime after that.  Interestingly, that same month (April 2012) was when Ed Wedig and the Wheatleys brutally, senselessly and criminally robbed, swindled, cheated and smeared me and my innocent spouse out of the square dance business which took us a lifetime to build.

Fast forward to today.  Today, ads still run on the Rio Grande Valley website which I built.  Ad money still rolls in every month.  I still came up with the idea, did all the work, financed the project out of my own pocket, set up everything and showed them how to use it. Everything today is going exactly to plan  ... except  ... I've been cheated out of my share of the deal for over two years now.

Do the math.  Tomorrow's caller has outright cheated me out of nearly $3000. That's in addition to approximately $35,000 which I was directly and/or indirectly swindled out of by Ed Wedig and the Wheatleys when they outright strong-arm robbed me and my wife.

So, let's recap.  What kind of person would cheat a "friend" out of thousands of dollars? Well, that's the kind of person who calls square dances today and/or is a leader in such a "friendly" activity.

To be fair, it's not an isolated problem.  Almost all "prominent" square dance callers today are lying, cheating, back-stabbing, money-grabbing, swindling, robbing, immoral, duty-shirking bill-dodgers.  Let's be honest. Square dancing is way down.  Square dance callers nowadays, if they want to survive, must lie and cheat and swindle ... just to get by.  It's almost impossible to start a new square dance club.  A much better way is to wait until someone else starts a club and then steal it from them.

So whenever you talk about how square dancing is "friendship", just remember that if you are willing to do all the work and put up all the time and money only to get cheated out of all that you built, then you can be a true loyal "friend" to a square dance leader.  But if you are not willing to silently tolerate being a crime victim, then suddenly you're labeled as "crazy" or "unfriendly", etc.

If it's "crazy" to speak out against robbery and cheating, then so be it. Your personal opinion of someone's mental health does not change the unalterable fact that it's just flat wrong to rob, swindle and cheat other people.  Additionally, this same person who rooked me out of my share of advertising revenue (by pocketing the entire amount instead of paying the agreed-upon split) has come in to Schertz many times and helped himself to robbery loot.  When my club and my money and my business was outright bald-face stolen from me, this same "friend" has profited handsomely.  He comes in and scoops up fistfuls of robbery loot, as much and as often as he can, quickly, before it all runs out.

That's what it takes, nowadays, to be a successful square dance caller.  You must be willing to rob and cheat others if you want to survive.  You must totally steep yourself in absolute no-good rottenness.

On Sunday you can dance to a deadbeat who robs his friends, doesn't honor his agreements and cheats his colleagues.  You can dance at a club which was strong-arm bald-face stolen and swindled by deadbeat robbers, name-smearers and cheaters.  You can reward dastardly immoral people who prosper from horrible illegal activities. 

If you dance at Fundancers, you send a message that it's perfectly okay to rob, swindle, cheat and steal. Is that the message you really want to send?

Or ... you can choose do to the right thing instead.  You can avoid robbers.  You can find a good wholesome activity to do.  It really isn't hard to find some other activity which does not require you to reward robbing cheating swindling scumbags.  It's your choice.  You can endorse and validate criminal robbing cheating bandits.  Or you can do the right thing by avoiding wrongdoing.  Which choice will you make, and what message does it send?

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Announcing a Square Dance Club for Teens and Brain-Damaged

The human brain is very interesting. Do you know what your "Frontal Lobes" are?  That's the part of your brain which takes the longest time (until your mid-20s) to develop. That same part of your brain lets you know the difference between right and wrong.
Have you had your frontal lobes calibrated lately?  Do you know the difference between right and wrong? Here's a simple test to measure your own ability to tell right from wrong. 
  1. A square dance club owes someone thousands of dollars.  They default on the debt.  They outright baldface cheat that person out of every penny owed.  Right, or wrong?
  2. Someone spends years building up a business.  Rotten crooks wait patiently until the business finally becomes profitable.  Then they swoop in and flat-out steal the business in broad daylight.  Right, or wrong?
  3. One of your "friends" is robbed, cheated and swindled.  The robbers offer you some of the robbery loot. You know the funds are stolen but you accept the loot anyway.  Right, or wrong?
  4. A special event is held at a stolen club and is financed with stolen funds.  You go to the event anyway.  Right, or wrong?
  5. A square dance club does not have a website.  They create a website but it is not about the club.  Instead, the website's only purpose is to smear the name of an internationally-known square dance caller in an attempt to put that caller out of business.  Right, or wrong?
  6. An expert thief, crook, cheater, liar, name-smearer and swindler runs for office in a local association.  You do not want to hold office yourself.  To reduce the chance that you yourself might be asked to hold office (and/or perhaps due to sheer apathy), you vote for the scumbag. Right, or wrong?
While most people over age 25 have no problem telling the difference between right and wrong, people who support events at FunDancers obviously suffer from malfunction of the frontal lobes.  Each of the above situations is clearly gregariously totally wrong yet some people still support these wrongs.
What might cause you to be completely unable to distinguish right from wrong?
One possible reason is that the frontal lobes of your brain are damaged.  To find out if this applies to you, ask yourself, "have I had a frontal lobotomy?".  If so, then you are no longer able to tell right from wrong.  In that case, go to FunDancers where you'll fit right in.  People at FunDancers don't know right from wrong either.
But what if you have no brain damage yet you still participate in the outrageous wrongs at FunDancers?  What on earth could make you completely oblivious to the difference between right and wrong?  The only possible reason left (according to science) is that your frontal lobes have not developed yet, i.e. you are under 25 years old.
Never argue with scientific fact.  If you participate in the wrongdoing at FunDancers, then obviously you can't tell right from wrong.  If you can't tell right from wrong, then the frontal lobes of your brain do not work.  If your frontal lobes don't work then either you had brain damage or you're a teenager.  If you have not had brain damage, then you're a teenager.  It's simple logic.
So, if you're looking for a square dance club for teenagers and/or brain-damaged people, i.e. if you want to be with other people who can't discern right from wrong, go to FunDancers where they rob, cheat, steal, smear, swindle and loot.  If you are brain-damaged, or under age 25, at FunDancers you can find other brain-damaged, teenaged and/or downright crummy people just like yourself.  Come celebrate the loathsome human traits of robbing innocent people, not paying your bills, lying, swindling, looting, cheating, name-smearing and utter absolute nastiness.
Of course if you do happen to know the difference between right and wrong, then your choice is even more simple. Avoid FunDancers.  Find something wholesome to do instead.
It's no longer enough to simply avoid wrongdoing yourself.  You should also persuade your "friends" (even though there is no such thing as genuine friendship in square dancing, but let's pretend).  Encourage other people to also recognize the difference between right and wrong, and to choose right over wrong.  Of course, if they happen to be brain-damaged or teen-agers, send them to FunDancers which is a club for teenagers and/or brain-damaged people who cannot tell the difference between right and wrong.
Bottom line:  If you are brain-damaged or a teenager, seek out other brain-damaged people just like yourself. But if you are able to tell the difference between right and wrong, avoid the wrongdoing at FunDancers.  Find a wholesome alternative instead ... and convince the people who pretend to be your "friends" to do the same.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

It's really that simple

FunDancers was established with a simple rule.  If the club caller (who founded, organized and built the club) is in town on a Sunday, he calls for his own club.  If he's out of town, he arranges for a substitute.  That rule worked successfully for years.  It's a really simple rule which makes a lot of sense.  If you pay mega-bucks out of your own pocket, and then put in years of work to build your own club, then you get to call for your own group because you're the one who planned, organized, financed, built and grew the group. It's really that simple.
With such a simple rule, what could go wrong?  Well, the club founder made a critical mistake.  He trusted people who happen to be cheating swindling robbers.  It could have happened to anyone, even you.  As it ends up, the very minute that the club finally became profitable, dirty rotten cheating filthy robbers found a way to swindle the club caller and his spouse out of the business which took them years of work and thousands of dollars to create.
Several local square dancers and callers supported the robbers.  This message is aimed at those people.  If you supported, endorsed or profited from the robbery ... shame on you!
If you dance or call at FunDancers, you participate in a robbery.  Whether or not you're willing to admit it, you support and encourage crime.  It's really that simple.  You help cheating swindlers spend robbery loot from a business which they outright bald-face stole from the people who built it from the ground up.  You are sending a clear message that Crime Does Indeed Pay.
Did you know that every week, without fail, Ed Wedig sends an email to his crime victim, gloating and bragging about how he outright bilked his crime victim?  Every week Ed Wedig threatens to rob his crime victim again, or to smear his name into the mud even more, or to burn down his house, or to wreck his car, or to rape his wife, or worse.  The gloating and bragging are different each week.  For example, this past week, in his Weekly Gloat, Ed Wedig threatened to shove a gun up his crime victim's ass.  It's a different threat each week.
This proven swindler is much more than just a thieving stealing lowlife cheater who bald-face robbed an innocent couple in broad daylight.  He also gloats and brags about it, every week.  Geez, what a psychopath.
Think about it.  There's no way under the sun that such a fat lazy despicable crooked filthy cheating misfit could have ever planned, organized, bankrolled and built a square dance club from the ground up.  The truth is that instead of doing all the work himself, he and his accomplices chose a different path.  They waited until someone ELSE invested the money, did the work and built the club.  AFTER the club became successful, they outright strong-arm stole it clean away.  Each and every week since then (103 weeks, but who's counting?) the cheating swindler gloats and brags about the robbery.
Knowing these facts, why on earth do you endorse such atrocity?  What in the world is wrong with you?  Are you insane?  Why do you support robbing cheating swindling gloating psychopathic criminals?

Ask yourself a question.  Do you believe in helping people get away with outright theft? Do you like to reward lying cheating scumbags who outright robbed a hard-working innocent couple out of their life's work?

Of course you don't.  Nobody wants to reward crime.  When the criminal gloats and brags about his exploits every week, it only makes matters worse.

Let's always try to do the right thing, but let's also try to know which "right things" are possible.  You can't un-rob an innocent couple.  You can't un-cheat or un-swindle someone out of their life's work.  You can't un-commit a robbery.  You can't reform a deranged madman who enjoys bragging about his crimes and threatening to commit new ones.

Now that we know what we cannot do, what (if anything) can we do?  It's really simple.  There is only one real choice left.  You can stop supporting, endorsing and rewarding criminal robbing cheating swindling braggarts.

If you support FunDancers, you reinforce the idea that cheating swindling lying criminals should prosper.  But if you choose to do the right thing instead, i.e. if you stay away from the crime scene, you send a message that robbery and theft are truly vile despicable acts which you will not tolerate.

It is my sincere wish that you will vote against crime, against cheating swindling lying robbers and against filthy rotten gloating bragging con-artists.  Find a good honest dance to go to instead.  It's really that simple.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

It's April

News Flash!  FunDancers finally reached agreement with their club caller, organizer, planner, founder and instructor. The club now has their original club caller back, under these conditions:
  • Club caller must be paid far less than any other caller.
  • If club caller / founder / builder is out of town, club will spend three to six times as much money to get a substitute caller.  Club caller has no say in who they hire, nor in how much they pay.  The only guarantee is that the substitute caller gets far more money than club caller gets.
  • Club caller will pay thousands of dollars in club expenses out of his own pocket, never to be reimbursed.
  • If the club officers commit another crime, and if the club caller speaks out against that crime, then the club will expertly use their massive powers of swindling, lying, slander and con-artistry to smear club caller's good name which took decades to build.
Good news!  The new deal starts immediately.  The club gets a top-notch caller at a bargain price. If he can't be there, a local caller gets paid far more money to fill in. Club caller invests thousands of his own dollars into building up the club.  When the club commits another outright crime and if the club caller once again speaks out against crime, the club gets to slander and smear the caller / founder / organizer / investor (and his innocent spouse) completely out of business.

Oh yes, one more thing.  Check your calendar and please notice one tiny detail.   A P R I L   F O O L S

Yep, APRIL FOOLS, you rotten sorry crime-enabling immoral degenerates.  If you think I'll ever call for any sorry ratfink back-stabbing swindling cheaters ever again, you need to wake up from your dream.

Still, please notice that the proposed deal closely matches what the club actually had, before they crapped in their own nest. They had a willing, hard-working, talented caller couple who built the club from the ground up.  In appreciation, the club robbed and cheated and swindled and slandered and lied about and smeared and de-friended and back-stabbed that couple to the extreme. When the caller spoke out against crime, he lost every last one of his (as it ends up, totally fake) "friends". 
Meanwhile, the immoral scumbags who cheated and robbed and swindled and lied and smeared ... go figure .... they're prospering.  And you helped them do it.  You're a sorry excuse for humanity!  You clearly illustrate the important life-lesson that crime really does pay.
Here's the part I can't figure out.  You had ample opportunity to do the right thing (i.e. send a clear message that crime does NOT pay).  You chose to do exactly the wrong thing instead.  You chose to swoop into a crime scene and grab at the robbery loot with both fists, quickly, before someone else gets it all. Wow, what a rotten lowdown crummy thing to do to your so-called 'friend'.  Let's admit it.  In square dancing, "friendship" lasts only until the robbing, cheating and slander begin.

Dirty rotten scoundrel lying cheaters just bald-face outright stole a square dance club right in front of your eyes, and you know they stole it, and you helped them do it.    You helped lying robbers cheat an innocent couple out of years of hard work.  You watched a hard-working talented couple lose their entire lifelong investment in square dancing.  You watched expert swindlers turn every last fake friend against their crime victim.  You witnessed total worthless lowlifes get clean away with crime as they prospered from outright robbery, cheating, lying and swindling.  You watched expert cheaters and swindlers rip off an innocent couple, motivated by the simple fact that master con-artists need an occasional innocent victim in order to keep their swindling skills polished.

Why on earth did you do it? What on earth is wrong with you?  Why can't you recognize a robbery when you see one?  Surely your mother taught you the difference between right and wrong.  What is just so compelling about crime that you just have to chose it over doing what's right?  How can you justify helping crooks spend robbery loot, when you know the loot was stolen?  Why can't you find a good decent event to support instead?  What's so intriguing about crime scenes that you're just forced to participate and to help crooks prosper?
If you ever find yourself wondering, "What's wrong with Square Dancing Today?", the answer is simple.  Just look in the mirror.  You support crime.  You profit from the robbery of so-called "friends".  (In square dancing, "Friend" means "someone who pays the bills so that no one asks YOU to pay your share".)  When you were offered a clear choice between right and wrong, you went out of your way to chose wrong.  When you heard damaging gossip, you immediately jumped all over it.  You're just lower than low.  The square dance activity is in such bad shape today because it has followed your lead.

I got cheated out of money, time, labor, friends, etc.  But at least I kept my good sense.  But you got cheated most of all, because you allowed expert con-artists and swindlers to alter your own perception.  You simply cannot tell the difference between right and wrong.  Yes, it's April Fools ... and you are the fool.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

C'mon FunDancers

C'mon FunDancers, really and truly. 
Do the right thing.  Pay your bills.

Two years ago, FunDancers realized they owed thousands of dollars to the couple who organized, founded, bankrolled and grew the club.
What would you do, if you found yourself owing thousands of dollars?  I surely hope you would not make the same rotten choice as FunDancers.  When faced with a mountain of debt, they simply defaulted.  They declared the debt null and void.  They refused to pay even one penny. 
They chose to spread lies such as:
  • LIE:  "We don't owe any money" ... yet in fact you owe thousands of dollars.
  • LIE:  "We pay our bills" ... yet in fact you have not paid even one cent despite repeated requests for payment.
  • LIE:  "That person was never associated with our club" ... yet in fact that person organized, bankrolled and grew the club from the ground up, and everyone knows this.
  • LIE:  "We built the club ourselves with our own money" ... which is true only if stealing a bunch of money suddenly makes it "your own money"
  • and the most despicable LIE of all:  "The person we cheated went crazy and therefore deserves to be robbed"
The bottom line is that FunDancers outright bald-face stole thousands of dollars in broad daylight. They use the robbery loot to hire immoral callers who knowingly accept stolen funds to call for dancers who willingly participate in a crime.
Meanwhile, one thing remains constant.  The club still owes thousands of dollars in debt.  They haven't paid one red cent.
So, ignore the constant stream of lies from cheating lying swindlers.  They're only trying to cover up their own crimes.  If the lying cheaters are really such tireless supporters of square dancing, why don't they pay their bills?  The plain truth is that the club still owes their founder many thousands of dollars.  They have not paid even one cent toward the huge debt they ran up.
Surely you recognize the difference between right and wrong.  Do you like to reward theft?  Do you believe that people who rob, cheat, lie and swindle should prosper?
Me neither! 
C'mon FunDancers.  You apparently want people to believe you're the good guys. The best way to make people believe you do the right thing is to actually do the right thing. Pay Your Bills!  The time for lying and excuses is over.  It's now time to finally do that one thing which you should have done all along but which you never even attempted to do.
You ran up thousands of dollars in debt.  You defaulted on that debt.  When your crime victim refused to silently take a robbin', you lied and smeared people's good names like crazy.  But you still owe the money.  You still use robbery loot to hire accomplices to your crimes.  Those are the facts.  If you don't like the facts, then do something different and create different facts.
C'mon FunDancers.  All of your dirty rotten acts in the past are just flat wrong.  There's only one way to correct this. Simply stop doing wrong things.  Stop lying, cheating and robbing.  Start doing the right thing instead.
C'mon Fundancers.  Do the right thing.  Pay your bills!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Reap what you sow

Pssst.  Hey you!  Will you help?  Here's the deal.  A group of swindlers cheated and robbed an innocent couple out of their life's work.  Now the crooks need your help to spend the robbery loot.  Will you aid and abet criminal scumbags?
If you're a square dancer in the San Antonio or Austin area, or a square dance caller anywhere, the answer is obviously a resounding YES
So here's my suggestion.  Seeing as you're such a big proponent of theft and looting, why don't you become their next robbery victim?  Yes, that's a grand idea.  Start your very own square dance club.  Spend years of your time and thousands of your dollars to build it up.  The very minute it becomes self-sufficient, let the swindlers steal it right out from under your nose.
When you refuse to silently take a robbin', enjoy watching the dirtbags smear your hard-earned good name all to hell and back.  Observe while your fake "friends" gladly support and endorse the lying robbing swindlers who cheated you (in one fell swoop) out of the venture which took years of your time (and thousands of your dollars) to build.
In closing, I actually have NO problem with the fact that you support lying cheating robbing swindlers ... as long as you are willing to become their next robbery victim.  So, enjoy wallowing in the filth of someone else's criminal acts, but don't get all indignant when you become the target of the next robbery.  After all, if you support the robbery of your "fellow square dancer" then surely you can support the same concept when you become the crime victim.
Or ... here's an idea ... you can do the right thing instead.  You can stop endorsing theft.  You can refuse to reward people who rob and steal.  You can find good honest activities to support.  With all of the decent legitimate square dance events around, why on earth would you chose a cheating robbing swindled club?

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Dear Abby

Dear Abby,
A few years ago, I formed a partnership with "friends".  Together we built the largest and most successful square dance club in the region.  Alas, I had loaned thousands of dollars to the venture. The very minute the fledgling enterprise turned profitable, the other partners flat-out stole the club in broad daylight.  They took everything.  They completely defaulted on the debt they owed.  Then they used malicious slander to spread dirty lies and turn hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of so-called "friends" and "fans" against me.  What should I do?


Trying To Keep It From Happening to Someone Else
Dear Keep It From Happening,
Wake up and smell the coffee.  Next time, choose real friends rather than fake ones. 
Here's your first clue.  If you ever think that square-dance friends are real, think again. They're not real.  They're fake.  They'll pretend to be your friend ... as long as you pay the bills.  They'll rob you and your spouse while you're out of town.  Live and learn.  You made the mistake of expecting friendship and decency from people who are simply not capable of such qualities.
Clue #2:  don't ever loan money to no-good low-down ratfink robbing turncoat cheating swindlers. What were you thinking?  Alarms should have gone off the very minute that people with jobs and/or steady pensions wanted to "borrow" money from a struggling hard-working self-employed entrepreneur.  The signs were all there.  You failed to read them.  You were set up as a robbery victim from the get-go.
Now let's talk about how, after a robbery, when you urgently need support and understanding from "professional colleagues", they all side with the robbers.  The explanation is simple.  Other callers are not actually your "friends".  They're your competitors.  They're competing for the same shrinking customer base.  In any competitive arena, your colleagues want just one thing after a robbery.  They want to reach in and grab as much loot as possible, before someone else jumps in and grabs it first.  You expected morality and ethical behavior from people who simply don't have it to give.
Here's the saddest part.  Right now, at this very minute, the same low-down cheating swindling ratfink thieving lying slanderous jerks are planning their next robbery.  Yep, believe it.  Someone at today's dance will likely be the next crime victim.  Listen to Abby.  Anyone who willingly associates with known cheaters and swindlers should not act surprised when they find themselves funding the next round of robbery loot.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

What will the history books say about you?

FunDancers racked up thousands of dollars in debt. When the club finally became big enough (78 members) to be worth stealing, the dirty cheating swindling crooks outright stole the club in broad daylight. They did not even attempt to pay even one penny toward the thousands of dollars in debt they rightfully owed.

When the club subsequently wanted to hire callers to fill in for the person they ruthlessly robbed and cheated, most callers gladly swooped in and helped themselves to the stolen robbery loot. They didn't care if the money and the club were stolen. They only wanted to grab as much loot as they could, before someone else grabbed it instead. One proper way to describe this behavior is "immoral money-grabber" ... a term which fairly describes every caller who ever called at FunDancers since April 2012.

After someone commits a crime, what do they do next? Go ahead and guess. I'll wait ...

Did you guess correctly? After someone commits a crime, they lie like crazy. Virtually every excuse FunDancers ever offered after the crime is a bald-face lie. Most of their alibis are totally ludicrous. It's a sad commentary when gullible square dancers automatically believe lies without even checking to find out if there's any shred of truth. It's even sadder to realize that I spent 30 years trying to please such no-good back-stabbing rotten two-faced fake people.

Let's face facts. If you ripped off an innocent couple for thousands of dollars, would you tell the truth about your own swindling cheating rotten thievery? Of course you wouldn't. You'd lie, just like FunDancers did (and are still doing).

Such atrocious actions are as wrong as wrong can be. There is no justification nor excuse for robbery, cheating, swindling and theft. If you support (or even tolerate) such atrocious crimes then something is dreadfully wrong with you.

You can't change the past. If you supported FunDancers in the past then you are already a no-good dirty rotten crime-enabler. It's written in history. You can't change what you were.  But you can change what you will be in the future.  So .. stop supporting crime, right now. Become a former dirty, no-good, rotten cheater-helper. Improve your future by making better choices. Find a good honest dance to go to instead.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Need Your Help to Figure This Thing Out

Here's the situation. FunDancers ran up thousands of dollars in debt. One day, while the person who was owed the thousands of dollars was out of town, the rest of them had a meeting. They decided to:
  • default on the debt, without paying even one single penny they owed
  • outright steal thousands of dollars
  • steal the entire club
  • tell numerous lies
  • swindle and cheat their so-called "friend"
  • take over the stolen club, and 
  • use the robbery loot to continue operations.
Here's the part where I need your help to figure this thing out. Why on earth would you participate in, celebrate, enable or even tolerate such swindling, cheating bald-face robbery? Don't you consider yourself to be a "good" person?  If you're really a good person, then why would you help someone cheat and steal?  Can't you find an honest dance to go to instead? Out of all the dances you could choose, why would you chose the only area dance where rotten immoral scumbag crooks totally robbed and swindled an innocent couple out of their life's work?

In other words, if you supported the robbing cheating swindling lying crooks, what were you thinking??? Why is the simple concept of "avoid a crime scene" so difficult for you to comprehend?

Saturday, February 8, 2014

A Catchy Poem

You've all heard the famous rhyme:
Lizzie Borden took an axe
And gave her mother forty whacks.
When she saw what she had done,
She gave her father forty-one.
The crime happened in 1892. Today, we're still chanting rhymes about that long-ago crime. What's even more amazing is that Lizzie Borden got clean away with murder. It went to trial but the jury could not believe that a sweet adorable woman could actually commit such a terrible crime on her own parents.

She was acquitted.

Likewise and similarly, the crooks and robbers who outright stole the FunDancers square dance club also got clean away with their crimes. Square dancers are kind, trusting individuals. Whenever a situation clearly calls for us to recognize and react to vile despicable acts, most square dancers completely bury their head in the sand. They just can't believe that other square dancers are capable of downright rotten strong-arm robbery and theft.

To be fair, it's not _just_ square dancers who are easily hoodwinked. Mankind has been overrun with stupid gullible people throughout history. Whenever our friends and acquaintances engage in a horrible crime, our first inclination is to pretend it did NOT happen.

Yet .... in the case of the swindling cheaters who stole FunDancers ... it really did happen. The huge damage it caused to the square dance movement is severe and permanent. And those thieves got clean away with it, thanks to your inability to face the truth.

The rotten jerks who stole Fundancers owed many thousands of dollars in legitimate debt to the club founder. They never tried to pay even one cent they owed. Instead, they concocted a plan to outright steal the money in broad daylight while the club owners were out of town. Then they used the robbery loot to hire immoral callers to call for unscrupulous dancers.

If you dance or call at FunDancers, then you assist, support, enable and glorify rogues who swindle, cheat and rob. You help lowdown crooks get away scot-free with outright bald-face theft.

Let's put it in simple terms. If you don't do everything in your power to help shut down FunDancers, then YOU are a crime-enabler.

Here's the old rhyme from 1892, updated to fit today's reality.
FunDancers did a criminal act,
You helped the crooks, that's a fact.
How in the world can you call it fun,
to help swindling cheaters take the money and run?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Help the Children

A little kid approached his mommy. He asked, "Mommy, are there any square dancers in our family? Are we in any way related to FunDancers?".

The kid's mommy replied, "I never really thought about it. Why do you ask about your relatives?".

The kid explained, "Well, someone offered to build me a top-notch website at his cost. If I'm related to square dancers then I'll offer an amount which is below cost. But if I'm related to FunDancers then I'll just bald-face steal the work instead".

So ... go ahead and ask yourself a question. Do you honor, reward and celebrate the vile acts of cheating, stealing, theft and robbery? If the answer is "no" (as it should be) then you have one very simple task on your agenda. Simply avoid events staged by robbers.

When you make the right choices, you help improve the world and you'll feel better too. Start improving the world today by avoiding organizations and people who rob, cheat, swindle and defraud.