Sunday, August 10, 2014

Why Is This Happening?

A few years ago, a gang of robbers stole a square dance club in broad daylight.  They cheated an innocent, hard-working couple out of an entire lifetime of investment and hard work.
The crime has been written up repeatedly on the internet. Did you know that the write-ups follow a very deliberate pattern?  Do you have any idea what the pattern is?

You get an email, and a post gets added to a website, and the message goes around the world, etc., each and every time the club's original founder / investor / creator / builder should have called the club's dance, but someone else came in there and swooped up robbery loot to call a dance which was outright stolen from the rightful owner.

Think about it.  A caller invests much time and money to build a nice square dance club. Why would someone build a square dance club?  There's only one reason.  The caller hopes to eventually recoup the huge up-front investment by calling future dances at the club. 

But in this case, the very week that the club finally became profitable, dirty, rotten crooks outright stole it from the original founder / builder / investor.  The club-builder never gets to recover his investment.  The future payout goes to accomplices in the crime.  Other callers gladly accept a handsome return on the investment made by an acquaintance who was duped, cheated, swindled and smeared.
Every time another episode in this crime spree occurs, it's just flat wrong.  Every time someone calls a dance which rightfully should be a return on the founder's original investment, YOU get a email message and a blog post gets made and a bunch of other things happen. 

Think about it.  These are not random rants.  Instead, they are carefully planned responses to events which YOU control. Every time you see a message like this, it means that YOU helped swindling, cheating liars to freshly rob an innocent crime victim of an incremental amount.  Each message is recorded for all time on  website which serves as a permanent monument to the moment when YOU made a bad choice.  You took a bad situation and made it WORSE by continuing to participate in crime.

Nobody's keeping count but the total robbery amount is now well over $60,000 in direct losses that an innocent couple suffered strictly because Ed Wedig, Fay Wheatley, Ken Wheatley, Sam Bloom, K O Jeanes, Johnny Preston, Jerry Story, Gary Sanders, Arthur Wills, Bill Wright, Wayne Weston, Les Hughes, Arnold Gladson, Ted Zahorski, Nancy Zahorski, Brad Caldwell, Mike Sikorsky, Dan Nordbye, Tom Roper, Wade Driver and a host of other people happen to be robbing, cheating, swindling thieves.

There's a very good reason for "naming names" but that will be the subject of a different message.  Remember, you get a message every time you commit an additional crime.  You'll get the rest of the story soon, I'm sure.
Square dancers are supposed to be fine, upstanding, moral people but the plain truth is that you're just flat NOT decent people.  You helped completely rip off an innocent, hard-working couple.  You did it by claiming that someone went crazy and therefore deserves to be robbed.  Decent people just flat do not do what you did. There is no rightness nor justification whatsoever about the crimes in which YOU participated and in which you CONTINUE to participate.

The one and only purpose of this message is to explain WHY seemingly random info keeps showing up all over the place.  In fact, it's not random.  Every time a new crime occurs, a new message is born.  YOU control the messages.  The messages will stop the very minute that YOU stop participating in the robbery, cheating and swindling of innocent, hard-working people.

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