Sunday, October 5, 2014

How to Grow Square Dancing

A recent article in the Austin Square Dance association newsletter ponders the age-old question, "how can we grow square dancing?". 
Actually, that question has a simple answer.  Just trick people into investing years of work and thousands of dollars into creating a club.  When the club finally grows large enough to be self-sufficient, outright bald-face steal it from the rightful owner. 
While this idea might seem outlandish, it did in fact work well for FunDancers and the raunchy, lying, cheating swindlers who got clean away with their theft.  So, the next time someone asks you, "How can we have more square dancers?" describe the tried and true way.  Cheat and rob someone. 
If you have any questions about how to cheat or rob someone out of many thousands of dollars and years of work, ask an expert such as Ed Wedig, Fay Wheatley, Ken Wheatley, Ted Zahorski, Nancy Zahorski, K O Jeanes, Johnny Preston, Wade Driver, Jerry Story, Tom Roper, Dan Nordbye, Darryl Lipscomb, Sam Bloom, Billy Grimsley, Brad Caldwell, Jerry Jestin, Mike Sikorsky, Bob McVey, Les Hughes, Jim Douglas.
So, always remember:  if you ever want more of anything in this world, look around you.  Find someone who worked hard to build what you want.  Wait until the owner goes out of town, then outright baldface steal what you want.  It's the cheap and easy way to prosperity.

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