Saturday, May 18, 2013

Who You Gonna Call?

FunDancers was founded as a welcome alternative to the unpleasant dysfunctional politics of other square dance clubs. Alas, the plan backfired when seasoned crooks silently infiltrated FunDancers. The bad guys waited patiently while the club organizers / developers / builders invested years of hard work and thousands of dollars to grow the new club.

The club eventually became profitable which also meant that it had grown large enough to be worth stealing. That's exactly what the swindlers were waiting for. They outright stole the club away from the founders / workers / builders. Unlawful crooks used their superior skills of lying and cheating, along with their well-rehearsed talent for gossip and defamation, to steal the club (along with thousands of dollars in actual cash money) and to turn hundreds of so-called "friends" vehemently against the good people who started and grew the club.

When it first happened, the situation still seemed manageable. After all, square dancers are supposed to be fine upstanding people. Surely square dancers know the difference between good and evil, right? Surely no square dance caller would help criminals rob and cheat honest people, right? Surely the crooks could never find a caller who will knowingly accept stolen robbery loot, right?


To avert the very slight chance that any caller was completely unaware of the robbery, the club's founder / organizer / builder / crime-victim personally contacted every scheduled guest caller. He informed each potential crime-enabler that the club still owed a ton of money to the founders. Robbers and swindlers outright stole the club in broad daylight, thus cheating the club builders out of years of hard work and thousands of dollars. The club planned to use loot from the robbery to hire guest callers.

What happened next was a total surprise.

Would you care to guess how many callers turned down the chance to call for cheating robbing dirty rotten stealing scumbag lying name-smearing swindlers?

Go ahead and try to guess how many callers refused to accept stolen funds. Remember, every caller the club ever booked knew ... in advance ... that they would get paid with stolen robbery loot.

Did you try to guess how many honest callers are at-large among us? Please take the time to think it through and make your guess. How many callers just will not help rob a colleague? Go ahead and guess right now, because you are about to discover how many honest callers can be found in the local region.

Okay, here's the answer you've been waiting for:

NOT ONE BLASTED CALLER refused to accept stolen money!

EVERY last LOWDOWN caller who EVER called for the lying cheating robbers KNOWINGLY accepted ROBBERY LOOT.

EVERY caller for the stolen club is a SORRY CHEATER-helping SWINDLER-abetting money-GRABBING unethical STEALING RATFINK who KNOWINGLY CHEATS their colleagues and ROBS the square dance activity blind.

EVERY caller who EVER called for the crooks UNJUSTLY PROFITED by GRABBING STOLEN ROBBERY LOOT offered by SWINDLERS who, in an UNPROVOKED and UNPRECEDENTED ATTACK, CHEATED good honest hard-working people out of THOUSANDS of dollars and YEARS of hard work.

EVERY STINKIN' CALLER eagerly grabbed as much loot as possible, as OFTEN as they could. Many of them CAME BACK for a SECOND or THIRD helping of loot! Today they STILL grab whatever's left of the robbery loot, as often as they can!

Callers totally LACKING in morals KNOWINGLY accept robbery loot from CROOKS and gladly help SMEAR the good name of their crime victims. Many of these lowlife backstabbing callers are actually AMUSED because one of THEIR OWN COLLEAGUES was robbed, swindled and cheated.

Frankly, I am embarrassed to be labeled as a "caller" because it unfairly lumps me in with so many lowlife robbing stealing double-crossing back-stabbing immoral scumbags. I am shocked beyond belief that every caller who had the chance to Do The Right Thing actually turned the other way and ignored all common decency. I am flabbergasted that any caller would gladly help cheating lying swindling defaming slandering proven crooks who dangle stolen robbery loot as an apparently irresistible lure.

To be fair, some callers avoided the crime scene. Perhaps they were never offered a share of the loot. The good guys (or perhaps the ones who don't call well enough to get offered any stolen money) are surely in short supply. Still, a surprising number of callers (actually, any number greater than zero is surprising) is totally willing to help rob and cheat and swindle one of their own. These immoral callers continue to cheat, rob, loot, swindle and profiteer even to this day.

Make good note of the callers who gladly participate in robbery and scandal. Just so there's no doubt, I shall publish a complete list of crime-enablers soon, on this website, for your handy and permanent reference.

If you ever want to plan your own robbery, you'll know exactly who to contact. Get someone with experience. Just look at the past, present and future callers at the stolen club. They all knowingly participated in robbery. Those are the callers you'll want to contact should you ever need help to pull off your own cheating swindling cut-throat robbery. Just be careful. The caller you get to help you rob someone else just might gladly rob and swindle and cheat and back-stab you.

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