Saturday, March 30, 2013

Holiday Notice

Due to a religious holiday, the local crime ring is inactive this week. But don't worry.  Next Sunday they go right back to cheatin', lyin', gossipin', stealin', name-smearin', robbin', swindlin' and lootin'.
Let's face facts. Crooks and robbers have infested the square dance activity. It's much worse than "we've got a problem". It is probably THE single biggest theft (approx. $8500) in the _entire_ history of square dancing. And __YOU__ endorse the "Biggest Crime in Square Dance History" if _you_ continue to support events financed with stolen funds and run by cheating thieving lying swindlers.

Do you have enough backbone to do the right thing? For almost a full year, I have urged you to avoid dishonest events.  It's time to ask yourself a question.  Have you even _tried_ to do that ONE right thing which actually addresses the problem? Have you stayed away from the liars, robbers, cheaters, swindlers and gossips?

If so, congratulations! If not, there's still time.  You can still help straighten out this mess.  Here's the one and only thing you must do: Find a dance which does NOT involve stolen funds, cheaters, swindlers, gossips, robbers, liars, etc. Then go to that honest dance instead of a lying, cheating, swindling, stolen, defamatory, fraudulent event.
Help put the bad guys out of business. Don't let robbers, cheaters, swindlers, liars and defamers get clean away with their crimes. Stop supporting robbery.  Don't condone the biggest theft in square dance history.  Put an end to crime. 

Find a good clean event at an honest club instead.

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