Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Beginner Crash Course on Sunday, February 12

FunDancers will have the regular program on Sunday February 12 (Beginner Dance at 5 pm, Experienced Dance at 7 pm), however the purpose of this message is to spread the word about a special event at 3 pm. 
 = = = = =
For good friendly people seeking fun and fitness during 2012
“One More Chance!”
FunDancers’ January 2012 Beginner Dance Series started in … wait for it … January!  Each week the group gets to enjoy fun, fitness, friendship, music, laughter and team spirit.  Perhaps you’re wondering when the next Beginner Dance Series will start.  Here’s the answer but you probably won’t like it.  A Beginner Dance Series starts every January.  So in January 2013 you will once again get the opportunity to have fun, get in shape, meet new friends and enjoy the numerous benefits of a most wonderful social activity.
But wait!  There IS a way for YOU to join the January 2012 Beginner group already in progress.  Can you say Crash Course? On Sunday, February 12 from 3 to 5 pm, FunDancers will re-teach EVERY move or step introduced so far to the January Beginners.  After the Crash Course you will be in fine form to dance with the January Beginners.
Can you think of even ONE reason to wait until 2013 to finally get all the fun, fitness, friendship and entertainment you so richly deserve today?  Go ahead and get it right NOW at FunDancers Beginner Crash Course to be held One Time Only on February 12, 3 to 5 pm.
The Crash Course is ideal for:
-  People who have never danced before.
-  Former dancers who are looking for a convenient way to ease back into the activity.
-  January beginners who would like one more look at ALL the steps used so far this year.
You’re probably wondering “What does it cost?”. Well, that’s the best part!  It costs far less than a movie yet does far more good for you!  During an hour of dancing you’ll walk about a mile (over 2300 steps), burn 500+ calories, enjoy good friends, gain a genuine smile and have the time of your life … simultaneously.  It’s the ultimate time-efficient way to get the most bang for your recreational buck.
Dance sessions at FunDancers normally cost $5 each.  So, on Sunday, February 12, the normal cost would be $5 for the Crash Course (from 3 to 5 pm) and another $5 for the Beginner Dance (from 5 to 7 pm).  Four fantastic hours of healthy fun entertainment for only ten measly bucks … that’s a bargain!  Still, let’s find a way to make it an even better bargain!
How about this?  Everyone at the Beginner Crash Course at 3 pm gets in FREE to the Beginner Dance at 5 pm(If you already prepaid for the Beginner Dance at 5 pm then you get the Crash Course at 3 pm for free.)  Now THAT’s a deal!  Pay for two hours but get a whopping FOUR! 
Let’s sweeten the pot even more!  Throughout history, community activities grow by one principal method:  “Friends Bring Friends”.  We want our FunDancers family to enjoy the Crash Course but we also want brand-new friends to try it.  The unique thing about line and square dancing is that almost everyone who tries it, LOVES it.  We’re looking for a good incentive to get newbies to try it.  We know they’ll have a blast and will want to come back.
So here’s the deal:  If you bring a first-timer (someone who has not been to FunDancers in 2011 or 2012), both you and your first-timer get in FREE.  The free admission is just one way to say “Thank You” for participating in “Friends Bring Friends”.  Bring a friend and you BOTH get in FREE.
Please realize that you are always welcome at FunDancers, no matter what.  Please do NOT get the idea that you must bring a newbie to the Crash Course in order to feel welcome.  If you bring a first-timer, both you AND your first-timer are welcome for free.  That’s four big hours of entertainment for free!  If you show up all by your little lonesome, both you AND your five dollars are equally welcome.  That’s four big hours of entertainment, the kind which happens to actually be good for you, for only five bucks.  Whether or not you bring someone new, you’ll always get a very warm and enthusiastic welcome at FunDancers.
Don’t wait until 2013 to start harvesting the many benefits of Fun, Fitness, Friendship and FunDancers.  Get those benefits right NOW, at the Line and Square Dance Crash Course.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Crash Course at 3 pm (a re-teach of every beginner move)
Beginner Dance at 5 pm (dance the moves you know and learn new moves too)
Location:  City of Schertz, Community Center North
3501 Morning Drive at Country Club Blvd.
Questions?  Comments?  email

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