Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sunday May 1 at FunDancers

Did you enjoy your Easter holiday? Are you ready to enjoy the Fun, Fitness, Friendship and Family Values of FunDancers this coming Sunday? Hip Hip Hurray, just four more days!
Schedule for Sunday May 1:
  - 5:15 to 7:15 pm - January Beginners
  - 7 to 9 pm - Experienced
  - 9:15 pm until - afterparty at Chuy's
The Usual Suspects (Nasser and Jeanna) lead the square dancing each week in May.
Did you know that dancing burns 400 or more calories per hour? You get a good workout while having big fun with good friends ... now THAT's great news!
Check out the Beginner progress chart on It has video (live dancers) and two different animations. Animation-1 is from California while Animation-2 is from Germany. The resources can help you learn or review the calls. I think the German animations are the most useful while the California animations are the most complete. What's your opinion?
January beginners will soon be dancing Experienced level. The two groups are already acquainted with each other. For several weeks, we have all danced together during the first tip after 7 pm. Also, many Experienced dancers show up early and dance with Beginners before 7 pm. So the two groups are already friends. :)
We will gradually blend the two groups into one Experienced group, dancing 7 to 9 pm starting in June. We'll do everything possible to help all Beginners enjoy a smooth, easy, pleasant, comfortable, gradual transition to Experienced.
The best way to become extremely confident is to invite someone new and serve as their "angel" during the next Beginner Dance Series in autumn. Helping others learn will solidify your own knowledge. Besides, it's very satisfying to know more than a newcomer knows. :) In the eyes of a newcomer, you're some kind of Awesome Dance Expert. If you know any good fun people who might enjoy a very entertaining way to burn 800 calories, please talk up FunDancers to them.
Big thanks to all the beginners who make each Sunday so wonderful, and also to the Experienced dancers whose expertise helps elevate the entire group to excellence. We just can't wait until Sunday hurries up and gets here. We hope to see you at Fundancers!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

FunDancers does not meet on Easter Sunday

Are you ready for a well-deserved break from FunDancers? You get your wish because FunDancers is closed this Sunday, April 24 for Easter. We'll be back in full force the following Sunday, May 1.
The January Beginner chart at is up-to-date. It shows calls we're supposed to know and calls we are learning. It includes links to video and (now, two different) animated representations. Animation-1 is "Taminations" from California. Animation-2, which is not quite yet loaded for every call, is from Germany. Check out both. Please let me know which resource is most useful to you.
January Beginner sessions continue throughout May. Eventually, the beginners will be comfortable dancing Experienced (international Mainstream) level. The transition from "dance with Beginners" to "dance with Experienced" can be scary and/or traumatic. We will do everything possible to help you make a smooth, easy and pleasant transition to Experienced.
The best way to gain -extreme- confidence is to bring someone new and help "angel" them throughout the next Beginner group. Helping others learn is a great way to enhance our own learning! Besides, it can be fun when you know infinitely more than your newbie friends. :) :)
FunDancers is a wonderful group because of the wonderful people who have a great time doing a fantastic activity. Each person adds something unique to the overall mix. Thanks so much for being part of the fun, fitness, friendship and family values at FunDancers. From brand-new beginner to expert, we look forward to dancing with you on Sundays in May!
Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sunday April 17 - Spring Fling Party at FunDancers

Are you looking for a good fun dance at FunDancers in April? Because we're closed on Easter, this coming Sunday April 17 is the very last time you can ever dance at FunDancers in the month of April 2011! It's also our Spring Fling party, so come on out and expect some pleasant surprises.

Sneak preview of one of the surprises: The Entertainment Book is chock-full of hundreds of coupons and discounts. Somebody will win one this Sunday, April 17.

 - January beginners - 5:15 to 7:15 pm
 - Experienced - 7 to 9 pm
Lines alternate with Squares all evening

The January Beginner progress chart is up-to-date with the results of Jerry Lynn's teaching last Sunday. Find it at fundancers dot org then find Beginners then click on Progress Chart. This valuable resource can help you learn and review the moves. Even so, the internet will never replace human interaction. If you have questions about any call, please ask in person on Sunday.

This coming Friday, April 15, the New Braunfels club has a "graduation dance" for their first-ever beginner group. For more info, pick up a flyer on Sunday at FunDancers, or go to DanceWithSam dot com and click around until you find the info. :)

Although FunDancers is closed on Easter Sunday, Nasser will still call a dance somewhere on that date. Good news: show your FunDancers badge and you get in FREE. Bad news: it's in Hawaii. Wow, who'd have ever thought that going to Hawaii could end up as Bad News?

Thanks so much for being part of the fun, fitness, friendship and family values at FunDancers. Our fun group is an important local part of the worldwide square and line dance activity. From beginner to expert, we look forward to dancing with you on Sunday!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Guest Caller - Jerry Lynn - this Sunday April 10

Big thanks to the FunDancers who helped with the April 5 Demo at Texas State University. Those college kids will be talking for months about how much fun they had!

Do you ever get tired of the same old dance leaders on Sunday? If so, you're in luck. Nasser and Jeanna call in Oregon this weekend which means a guest caller at FunDancers. On April 10 please help welcome Jerry Lynn, a super-fine caller/instructor from Killeen.

 - January Beginners - 5:15 to 7:15 pm
 - Experienced - 7 to 9 pm
Lines and Squares alternate continuously

The January Beginner progress chart is online at FunDancers dot org then look for 'Beginners' then click on 'progress chart'. The internet resources can help you learn and review the moves. If you have questions about any call, bring your questions on Sunday and ask the instructor who will gladly tell you far more than you wanna know.

Upcoming events:
 - April 15 - Friday - New Braunfels Squares graduation dance, celebrating their first-ever beginner group.
 - April 17 - Sunday - FunDancers Spring Fling party. Expect the unexpected, like maybe a prize give-a-way, or Nasser's grown kids showing up from out of town, or both.

We appreciate and enjoy the fun and friendship each FunDancer brings! Thank you for helping to make Sundays such Fun-Days!