You already know the story. You already formed your opinion.
Here's a recap: an honest hard-working couple started a square dance club. They invested years of hard work and thousands of dollars. Eventually it became the premiere club in the region.
Almost at the very minute it turned profitable, lowdown scumbags outright stole the club, the money, every last one of the caller's so-called "friends", all future bookings and the caller's sole means of making a living. They literally stole everything the caller and his wife had ever built up during three decades of square dancing.
The local square dance community seems to overwhelmingly support this theft. Dancers readily believed all the lies and gossip. Not one former "friend" stepped up to say "STOP the wrongdoing!" or "QUIT bad-mouthing people after you rob them!".
In the aftermath, let's find the caller's mistake. The actual fact is that the caller lost his club, friends, money, reputation, etc. Surely he did something wrong. After all, if you do things "right", you don't up and lose everything you ever had. Clearly, some mistake was made somewhere.
So, let's analyze it. Exactly what did the caller do wrong? What key mistake did this talented hard-working successful calling couple make, to cause bad evil crooks to steal everything they ever created? What inherent fault or shortcoming caused an internationally-known hugely-popular couple to richly deserve to lose all their money, friends, hard work, bookings, reputation, income, etc? What key mistake caused their whole life to fall apart?
Can you find the mistake? All the clues are right there, staring you in the face. How good of a sleuth are you? Can you find what they did wrong?
In fact, they actually made one critical mistake. Many of you are making that same mistake right now. Here's the key mistake: the caller and his spouse completely trusted people who, as it ends up, happen to be dirty rotten lowdown immoral cheaters, robbers, liars, thieves, swindlers, defamers and crooks.
Are you making that same mistake right now? If you support the totally immoral and illegal FunDancers club of today, you are in fact making that same mistake. You're trusting people who will gleefully cheat and rob you. You're pretending that these people are your "friends" when in fact, they're patiently waiting for the opportunity to rob you blind.
If you support robbery and swindling, you're in luck. If you like socializing with other people who steal, cheat and lie, here's good news. You can go to FunDancers and dance to callers who gladly and knowingly accept stolen money to call for cheaters and robbers at a club which was outright stolen in broad daylight by swindlers, crooks and thieves. While you're there, you can enjoy lies and gossip about how the crime victim richly deserved to be robbed.
At least you now know why he was robbed. You know exactly which mistake was made. Whenever you trust crooks and swindlers, you get robbed and cheated. Mystery solved.
As far as I can tell, some of you still support this crime. In today's spirit of investigation, one more question screams to be asked: WHAT ON EARTH IS WRONG WITH YOU?? How can you possibly justify robbery, cheating, lying, swindling, defamation and theft? Why on earth do you help lowdown scumbags get away with their crimes scot-free?
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