Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How to Cheat and Win

Soon after Ed Wedig became president of FunDancers, he and the club's founder / caller met for lunch. They talked about many things including how Ed makes a ton of money by cheating at casinos. Read on for details.
A roulette wheel is a mechanical device.  Mechanical devices have flaws. Ed goes to a casino and watches the roulette wheel for about 5,000 spins. He keeps track of which numbers come up more often than expected. This phase of his scam takes 2 to 3 weeks.

After accumulating enough data, Ed exploits the weaknesses in the wheel. He bets and wins until the casino eventually catches on and throws him out. Ed claims that he typically wins $300,000 per casino.

In addition to stealing the casino's money, Ed seems to enjoy the notoriety. He brags about being immediately recognized at casinos. He's delighted when the casino manager asks him to please find a different casino to visit.

Here's something important:  Ed Wedig does not merely go into a casino and randomly cheat should the opportunity arise. Instead, he very carefully plans a cold pre-meditated scheme to steal 300 grand. Let's agree that _most_ people do _not_ earn money by swindling, cheating and robbing others.

So if your question is, "Where did you get the idea that Ed Wedig is a known casino cheat?" the answer is simply "From Ed's own bragging".

This same cunning, conniving, methodical and experienced crook is now president of a square dance club. Obviously, you can steal far more money from a casino than from a square dance club. Still, you'd be surprised by just how much money Ed and his band of thugs managed to steal from The Shukayrs.

Using cold, calculated maneuvers, Ed and his accomplices ripped off Nasser and Jeanna for thousands of dollars. His pre-meditated plan included defaming and discrediting his victims so that people will blame the victim instead of the criminal. Ed cheated an innocent couple out of their money, their club, their friends, and years of hard work.

If you find this report difficult to believe, it's probably because Ed and his cohorts worked very hard to discredit and defame the source.

Here is the current situation at FunDancers.
  • Most of the stolen money is already spent and will never be recovered.
  • The club's reputation is hopelessly tarnished: the club will never regain its pre-robbery stature as the region's strongest club.
  • Many fair-weather friends are now alienated against the club's founder due to Ed's expertly executed defamation campaign.
  • The years of hard work required to build up the club are forever lost.
 So, if the money is gone, the club is gone, the friendships are gone, the hard work has vanished ... how on earth can we turn this into something positive?

There is only _one_ option. We must shut down the crooks completely, BEFORE they can find and rob any NEW victims. We must not support ANY activities at the stolen club.

We must act together to rid the local square dance activity of a terrible disease. For months, the bad guys (robbers, crooks, slanderers, thieves, cheaters, swindlers, con artists, liars, etc.) have won, big-time. Let's turn it around. It's time for us good guys to win for a change.

Let's do the right thing. Ed Wedig and his band of thugs cooked up a crafty methodical plan to cheat, steal, swindle, defame and discredit their way to success. Let's turn out the lights on their party by actively AVOIDING their dishonest events. Tell all your friends and acquaintances:  together we will rid the area square dance scene of vile corruption and disease. Let's stop the cheaters cold, BEFORE they can find and rob any MORE good innocent people.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

You have a choice

Today you have an important decision to make.  I'll explain.

FunDancers elected a new president earlier this year.  He discovered that the club owed a lot of money to their founder and caller.  Instead of doing the right thing, the new president made a "shrewd business decision" to default on the debt, outright steal the money (thousands of dollars) the club owed to their caller, use the stolen funds to continue operations, then tell a huge pack of lies to try to cover up his crimes.  Sadly, many people immediately believed the lies, without even checking to find out if they contained even one shred of truth.

So now YOU have a decision to make.  Will YOU continue to support this dishonest club's events?  If so, you're sending a clear vote in favor of cheating, swindling, stealing, lying and just downright rottenness. 

Many of you have -already- chosen to support the crooks.  While it's far better to never support crime in the first place, you still have some opportunity to do the right thing.  You can still choose to STOP supporting any more activities from lying, cheating swindlers.

If you go to FunDancers dances, you are a knowing and willful participant in robbery, theft, slander, swindling and crime.  It's that simple.  This is not rocket science.  It's merely a matter of knowing the difference between right and wrong.  Supporting crime is wrong. Avoiding crummy lowdown rotten crooked stealing lying swindling cheating robbers is right.

Surely your mother taught you the difference between right and wrong?

The one and only purpose of this message is to persuade YOU to stop aiding and abetting the petty thieves and con-artists who took over FunDancers and stole the club by cheating innocent people.  Bad guys must not win.  The purpose of this message is to enlist YOUR help so that the bad guys will stop winning.

Yes, in 2012 a local club swindled and cheated their founder and caller. It is NOT okay to steal, cheat and lie.  It is NOT okay for you to pretend that it never happened.  It is NOT okay to participate or even listen to the rumors and lies swirling around.  NOTHING about this CRIME is okay.  To pretend that it's all okay is just plain wrong.

YOU have a choice.  You can stand up for what's right, or you can ignore all the facts and do exactly the wrong thing.  It's your choice.  Choose wisely.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Right or Wrong ... what's the difference?

Be sure to avoid the square dance club on Sunday in Schertz.  As you probably know, that club owed their founder and caller thousands of dollars.  They chose to outright steal the money and to use the stolen funds to hire other callers.  The club broke every guiding principle upon which they were founded.  Today the club operates dishonestly by using stolen funds to hire immoral callers.  It's a huge theft ring and, if you participate, you're being played for a fool.

Good people just do not steal, lie, cheat or swindle ... yet the Sunday club in Schertz did all of those horrible things and more.  Do you really want to spend YOUR spare time associating with a bunch of liars, robbers and cheaters?  Surely you can find a better class of people with whom to socialize.

The local area has many (okay, some) good honest square dances.  If you enjoy square dancing, simply choose a good honest club which does not participate in robbing people, telling lies, swindling their supposed friends, immoral crimes, etc.

Please don't pretend that you have no alternative. Your mission is actually quite easy.  Just stop supporting dishonest square dance events.

For those fake friends among you who see nothing wrong with cheating, lying, stealing and robbing a fellow square dancer, shame on you.  You really do need a major wake-up call.  You desperately need to figure out the fundamental difference between right and wrong (hint: robbing someone is wrong, telling lies to try to weasel out of what you owe is wrong, bilking someone out of thousands of dollars is wrong, using stolen money to run a square dance club is wrong, etc.).

Once you finally realize that there's a difference between right and wrong, here's your next step: merely gravitate towards "right" and avoid "wrong".  It's easy.  You should try it.  You'll feel better after you stop supporting theft.

Avoid the lying, robbing, cheating, swindling, slandering, stealing, criminal, low-life, back-stabbing, embezzling, crooked jerks on Sunday in Schertz.  Choose an honest dance event instead.  You'll respect yourself a whole lot more, from the very first moment that you decide to no longer support wrongdoing.