Thursday, March 29, 2012

Don't be an April Fool! Come to FunDancers on April 1!

Everyone loves a parade!  Get Ready for a Parade of Guest Callers at FunDancers!
  Sunday, April 1 - Jimmy Johnson from Austin
  Sunday, April 8 - (closed for Easter)
  Sunday, April 15 - Ed Larder from Temple
  Sunday, April 22 - Nasser & Jeanna from Live Oak
  Sunday, April 29 - Darryl Lipscomb from Dallas
  Sunday, May 6 - Brad Caldwell from Georgetown
Dance schedule
  5 to 7 pm - January Beginners
  7 to 9 pm - Experienced Dancers
  9:15 pm - afterparty at Chuy's
January beginners are doing great!  Nasser will provide guidance to the guest callers so that everything remains on the straight and narrow path. :)  The beginner progress chart will continue to be posted each week at
Each person is vital to the success of the group because everyone brings something unique and special to the overall mix. Together, we ALL have more fun, fitness and friendship. Big thanks to all of the fantastic folks who make FunDancers such an wonderful party event on Sunday!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Get your fun, fitness and friendship at FunDancers!

Sunday, March 25
  5 to 7 pm - January Beginners
  7 to 9 pm - Experienced
Get ready for Guest Callers! Nasser calls at FunDancers this Sunday (March 25).  After that, we have "mostly guest callers" for three months. Nasser and Jeanna will still call at FunDancers once or twice a month.  Guest callers are fun!  It can be a wonderful experience to dance to a caller that you don't normally get to hear.  If the guest caller is any good, you get to enjoy a great dance.  If the guest caller is crummy, you'll appreciate your regular caller even more. :)  You will surely enjoy the variety of guest callers lined up.
January Beginners are right on track!  Actually they're a good bit further along than they're supposed to be.  Could they be the best beginner group ever?  Possibly!
We'll keep having January Beginner Dances (5 to 7 pm) as long as we've got people dancing that level. After all the beginners can comfortably dance the Experienced level, we'll all dance together from 7 to 9 pm.  For planning purposes, it looks like Beginner Dances (5 to 7 pm) will continue until the end of May. Let's go ahead and set an informal goal that we'll all dance together at the Experienced Level, starting in June. This plan can easily be altered later, to fit actual observed conditions. :)  But for now, that's my story and I'm sticking to it:  We'll have separate Beginner and Experienced dancing through May, and we'll all dance Experienced Level together starting in June.
FunDancers is YOUR party event!  Experts say that you should walk 10,000 steps a day.  We say that you might as well enjoy each and every one of those steps, at FunDancers on Sunday!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sunday March 18, featuring special Line Dance workshop event

Sunday, March 18
  3 to 5 pm - Special Line Dance Workshop with Ira Weisburd
  5 to 7 pm - Squares and Lines for January Beginners
  7 to 9 pm - Squares and Lines for Experienced Dancers
  9:15 pm - afterparty at Chuy's
This is the first time FunDancers has ever tried a special Line Dance workshop. (We're always trying fun new things!) Ira Weisburd is an international award-winning line dance choreographer. He'll show us his latest innovations. We expect (okay, we hope for) a bunch of first-time visitors from the line dance world.
Registration for Ira's special line dance workshop is at 2:30 pm. Dancing starts at 3 pm. Cost for the workshop is $15. For more info, go to and click around until you find the flyer. :)
The January Beginners are dancing extremely well!  Congratulations to these fun people.  Of course the Experienced Dancers at 7 pm are right up there among the very finest square and line dancers in the universe.  It's a party every Sunday!
Thanks again for your kind support, which makes it all possible.  Remember our simple philosophy:  "Sunday is Your Fun-Day at FunDancers".

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Reminder: dancing for all levels at FunDancers today

Sunday, March 11 at FunDancers
  3 to 5 pm - Special Beginner Review in Square & Line Dancing
  5 to 7 pm - Squares and Lines for January Beginners
  7 to 9 pm - Squares and Lines for Experienced Dancers (Mainstream with Announced Plus)
  9:15 pm - afterparty at Chuy's
The Beginner Review fits four kinds of people:
 - if you NEVER square danced before, the review will put you in step with the 5 pm January Beginner group
 - if you square danced before but it's been a while ago, the review will get you back up to speed
 - if you're in the January Beginner group and would like a quick refresher, the review will go over ALL the calls taught so far in 2012
 - if you just like to dance as much as you possibly can, the review gives you extra dance time

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Beginner Review at FunDancers on Sunday March 11

Sunday, March 11
  3 to 5 pm - Special Beginner Review in Square Dancing
  5 to 7 pm - Squares and Lines for January Beginners
  7 to 9 pm - Squares and Lines for Experienced Dancers
  9:15 pm - afterparty at Chuy's
Because several nice folks asked for it, we've having just one more Beginner Review this year. The event fits FOUR kinds of people:
 - if you NEVER square danced before, the Beginner Review serves as your Crash Course to put you right in there with the January beginners.
 - if you square danced before but it's been a WHILE, the Beginner Review will get you back up to speed.
 - if you're in the January Beginner group and you'd like a quick review of ALL of the moves we've had so far, show up 2 hours early this Sunday.
 - if you like to dance as much as you possibly can because of all the fun, fitness and friendship you get from dancing, you can enjoy an extra two hours on Sunday.
The Beginner Review is "almost free" because it's the regular two-hour price ($5) but you get a whopping FOUR hours from 3 to 7 pm.  In other words, it's the same price whether or not you go to the Beginner Review -- so you might as well go.  It's the bargain of the decade.  But this isn't really about money anyway.  It's about people!  Here's our simple philosophy:  if you can WALK, then you really NEED to be at FunDancers on Sunday.  It's a party every Sunday, and parties are far more fun whenever YOU are present and accounted for. If you never danced before, it's no longer an excuse.  We'll teach you all the steps at the Beginner Review this Sunday from 3 to 5 pm so that you can dance with the January Beginners from 5 to 7 pm.
It goes without saying that this will be the very LAST opportunity for brand-new beginners to get into FunDancers this year.
Let's look ahead to next week's (March 18) super-special event.  International Award-Winning Choreographer Ira Weisburd is featured in a special line dance workshop.  Registration is at 2:30 pm and the workshop is from 3 to 5 pm on March 18. This is a world-class event and we need to charge $15 for the one special session with Ira Weisburd.  For more info, go to the FunDancers website and click around until you find the flyer. :)
Let's look even further ahead to the weekend of March 23-24.  Nasser will call a special event at Horseshoe Bay on Lake LBJ. Friday night is Mainstream and Plus, i.e. "Experienced" level.  Saturday and Sunday are a weekend package of three dances at the Hard Plus level.  You can go Friday night, or the Plus Weekend package, or both .... but you must make your reservations in advance. They have limited dance space and they hate to turn anyone away. If interested, contact me for info about reservations.  Don't dally around, as these events can and do sell out!
Of course there are always lots of dance opportunities in the area.  Check for full info.
 = = = =
We're so glad you found something fun, exciting, healthy, interesting, friendly, worthwhile and entertaining on Sundays!  Your friendship and support make FunDancers possible.  Thanks so much for being part of the FunDancers family!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fun at FunDancers on Sundays in March

Sunday, March 4:
 5 to 7 pm - Beginner Squares and Lines
 7 to 9 pm - Experienced Squares and Lines
Big thanks to everyone who helped make last week's Sadie Hawkins dance so much fun.  We'll do another one soon!
Also, extra-special thanks and appreciation to the wonderful people who dance the Beginner level from 5 to 7 pm. Square and line dancing are a LOT more complicated then most people realize, yet the rewards are tremendous: fun, fitness, friendship, mental engagement, American heritage, joy, laughter, strong communities, etc. It takes all of us to make it happen.  Thanks for participating in the world's greatest game!
Lots of fun happenings in March:
Every Sunday in March - Beginners at 5, Experienced at 7 with the Usual Suspects.  Enjoy it while it lasts because we have a slew of guest callers coming in during April and beyond while Nasser and Jeanna are globe-trotting.
Saturday March 3 - experienced Plus-level dancers can learn the next (Advanced-One) level at an all-day "Crash-Course". Your brain will turn to mush, but it's an alternative to taking a class for four months. If interested, get on the internet and click around until you find more info.  If you cannot find the info, don't worry ... it's just a signal that you're probably not sharp enough to dance Advanced anyway. :)  Go ahead and laugh ... it's supposed to be a funny remark.
Sunday March 18 - please tell everyone within earshot about the special Line Dance workshop on March 18 from 3 to 5 pm with internationally known choreographer Ira Weisburd.  Why do so many internationally-known dance leaders have such weird names?  Go figure.
Friday and Saturday, March 23-24 - Nasser will call a special event about 80 miles away near Marble Falls, TX.  Friday night is "Experienced" level (Mainstream and Plus).  Saturday and Sunday are "DBD (Dance by Definition) Plus" for experienced Plus Dancers.  The event is by invitation only!  If you're interested in a great weekend of tough Plus dancing, contact us and we'll try to scare up an invitation for you.  Act quickly as these things have been known to sell out.
 = = = =
Don't you just feel sorry for people who hate their workout routine?  Aren't you glad you found something fun, exciting, healthy, interesting, friendly and entertaining on Sundays?  We're certainly glad that you found FunDancers!  We look forward to seeing you on Sundays in March!