Thursday, March 31, 2011

Demo on Tuesday April 5 at Texas State University in San Marcos

FunDancers are invited to participate in a demo dance at Texas State University in San Marcos this coming Tuesday, April 5.

Alas, it's the same night as Waterloo Squares Anniversary in South Austin. If you were planning (or just thinking about) going to Waterloos anniversary dance, please go to South Austin on April 5. Their guest caller (Wayne Morvent) is fantastic ... and was Nasser's mentor for many years. However, if you have no Tuesday night plans, or if you're not yet an Experienced Dancer, or if you long to be part of unique fun (and FREE) excitement which can help square dancing grow, please consider yourself personally invited to the San Marcos demo on Tuesday April 5 starting at 7 pm.

The demo is suitable for everyone, from brand-new beginner to accomplished pro. Our timeslot will last about 45 minutes and will include a short demo of some very basic moves followed by audience participation with the college students.

The location is on campus at Sewell Park (near the intersection of Aquarena Springs Drive and University Drive). Maps and more info are easily found online from either Google or Wikipedia (search for "Sewell Park in San Marcos").

The message below is from Gary & Gini AAlen, presidents of the San Marcos Wheels & Deals club, super-fun people and frequent visitors to FunDancers:
"Greetings Area Square Dancers ~ We have been saying how great it would be to get more local college students interested in square dancing, and now's our opportunity! We've been asked to give an exhibition/intro dance next week at Sewell Park next to the river on the Texas State campus. Nasser has graciously agreed to call and this should be a blast! Expected are several hundred students to listen to various vocal artists that night, but the organizers also wanted something with some audience participation. So, we'll do a couple of fun tips and then invite the students to join us for a couple of intro tips. Dress will be ultra casual, and we're looking for at least a couple of squares of area dancers. So, pls plan on it and it'd be great if you could rsvp to let me know if you can make so we know who to expect. Pls contact me with any questions by email or at 512.392.4101. Thanks so much... see you at the river next Tuesday! = Gary Aalen and Nasser Shukayr."

If you would like to participate, please RSVP to Gary or simply reply to this email and I'll forward your RSVP to Gary.

With appreciation,

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