Thursday, March 31, 2011

Demo on Tuesday April 5 at Texas State University in San Marcos

FunDancers are invited to participate in a demo dance at Texas State University in San Marcos this coming Tuesday, April 5.

Alas, it's the same night as Waterloo Squares Anniversary in South Austin. If you were planning (or just thinking about) going to Waterloos anniversary dance, please go to South Austin on April 5. Their guest caller (Wayne Morvent) is fantastic ... and was Nasser's mentor for many years. However, if you have no Tuesday night plans, or if you're not yet an Experienced Dancer, or if you long to be part of unique fun (and FREE) excitement which can help square dancing grow, please consider yourself personally invited to the San Marcos demo on Tuesday April 5 starting at 7 pm.

The demo is suitable for everyone, from brand-new beginner to accomplished pro. Our timeslot will last about 45 minutes and will include a short demo of some very basic moves followed by audience participation with the college students.

The location is on campus at Sewell Park (near the intersection of Aquarena Springs Drive and University Drive). Maps and more info are easily found online from either Google or Wikipedia (search for "Sewell Park in San Marcos").

The message below is from Gary & Gini AAlen, presidents of the San Marcos Wheels & Deals club, super-fun people and frequent visitors to FunDancers:
"Greetings Area Square Dancers ~ We have been saying how great it would be to get more local college students interested in square dancing, and now's our opportunity! We've been asked to give an exhibition/intro dance next week at Sewell Park next to the river on the Texas State campus. Nasser has graciously agreed to call and this should be a blast! Expected are several hundred students to listen to various vocal artists that night, but the organizers also wanted something with some audience participation. So, we'll do a couple of fun tips and then invite the students to join us for a couple of intro tips. Dress will be ultra casual, and we're looking for at least a couple of squares of area dancers. So, pls plan on it and it'd be great if you could rsvp to let me know if you can make so we know who to expect. Pls contact me with any questions by email or at 512.392.4101. Thanks so much... see you at the river next Tuesday! = Gary Aalen and Nasser Shukayr."

If you would like to participate, please RSVP to Gary or simply reply to this email and I'll forward your RSVP to Gary.

With appreciation,

FunDancers: the Usual Suspects this Sunday April 3

Dance to the usual suspects this Sunday (April 3) at FunDancers:

 - January Beginners - 5:15 to 7:15 pm
 - Experienced - 7 to 9 pm
 - Lines and Squares alternate continuously
 - Informal afterparty at Chuy's (I-35 exit 173) - 9:15 pm

FunDancers is a fantastic place for fun, friendship, fitness and family values. Thanks again for your kind patronage which allows FunDancers to exist!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Beginners Halfway Dance this Sunday, March 27

Big thanks to all who made last week's Randy Dougherty event so special. Good people (i.e. FunDancers) working together can accomplish amazing things ... like hosting special dances with the world's top callers.

We're on a roll, so let's do another special event this Sunday March 27. It's our Beginner Halfway Dance Party. January beginners are actually -more- than halfway to the Experienced dancer level. Let's celebrate!

 - January Beginners Halfway Dance - 5:15 to 7:15 pm
 - Experienced - 7 to 9 pm
 - Line and Squares alternate continuously.

We invite dancers from neighboring clubs to the Beginner Halfway Dance as our guests, free of charge. What a deal!

You are also welcome to invite friends and relatives to check out your awesome moves and/or to try a free 10-minute sample of beginner dancing at 6 pm. Caution: nobody should even attempt the free sample unless the instructor happens to be experienced, licensed, capable, entertaining, accredited and insured. Fortunately, the instructor at FunDancers is all those things, so please tell your friends that's it's perfectly safe to try the free sample of dancing.

Do you keep track of the Beginner Progress Chart on the Fundancers dot Org website? It's usually updated late Sunday night so that you'll have the latest January Beginner info by Monday morning. Check it out! Also check out DanceWithSam dot com to find other dances in the region, such as today (Thursday March 24) when Nasser calls for the Wheels N Deals in San Marcos.

We look forward to seeing you at some or all of Sunday's festivities: Beginners Halfway Dance at 5:15 pm (including a free sample for brand-newbies at 6 pm), Experienced dancing at 7 pm, afterparty at Chuy's starting about 9:15 pm.

Hurray for Fun, Fitness, Friendship, Family Values and FunDancers!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

FunDancers welcomes guest caller Randy Dougherty this Sunday

Last week's Fast Forward beginner special was quite memorable! Thanks to all the wonderful marathoners who made this first-ever event so much fun.
Another first-ever event happens this Sunday March 20. Please help welcome guest caller Randy Dougherty to his first-ever appearance at FunDancers. Randy is one of the world's top callers and this Sunday is his only San Antonio area appearance. Be sure to ask for the Eskimo song!
It's the normal Sunday schedule:
   January beginners - 5:15 to 7:15 pm
   Experienced dancers - 7 to 9 pm
   Line and Squares alternate continuously.
The beginner progress chart on the website has a new feature. The most recently taught calls are in bold. Check it out.

Also check out for other dance opportunities in the region. This fantastic site is run by Sam and Sue, founding members of FunDancers. Several nearby groups have beginner programs: Gonzales on Monday, South Austin on Thursday, New Braunfels on Friday. There are also many dance opportunities nearby for Experienced dancers.

The separate "newsletter from Nasser and Jeanna" goes out each month to thousands of dancers all over the world. Most FunDancers are subscribers. We sent this month's issue to all FunDancers, mainly to give Beginners a glimpse into the worldwide square dance activity. If you enjoyed the newsletter you may subscribe (or view past issues) at

Planning ahead, March 27 is FunDancers' Beginner Halfway Dance from 5:15 to 7:15 pm. In fact, January Beginners are MORE than halfway to the Experienced level. I previously wrote that the Halfway Dance is March 20, but the correct date is March 27. We'll have a dance: no instruction, all party. We'll invite beginners from neighboring clubs to enjoy FunDancers hospitality with us. You are welcome to invite non-dancing friends and relatives to check out all your awesome moves and to even try a free sample of dancing.

We treasure each Beginner and each Experienced dancer too. Every person adds something unique to the overall fun, vibrant and friendly atmosphere at FunDancers on Sunday! Thanks for being part of the specialness!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

It's almost time for FunDancers

Clocks are set forward one hour tonight (Daylight Savings Time), which is great news because it means one hour LESS waiting time until FunDancers on Sunday!

  2:30 to 5:15 pm - Fast Forward for beginners
  5:15 to 7:15 pm - January Beginners
  7 to 9 pm - Experienced - St. Patricks Dance - Wearing O' The Green

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fast Forward and St Patrick's celebration this Sunday March 13

Lots of cool things happening at FunDancers! This Sunday March 13 is our first-ever "Fast Forward Special" for Beginners.  It is also our "St. Patrick's Day dance" for Experienced dancers. (Wear green if you want to.)
  2:30 to 5:15 pm - Fast Forward Special
  5:15 to 7:15 pm - Beginners
  7 to 9 pm - Experienced
  Lines and Squares alternate continuously from 5:15 to 9 pm.

At the "Fast Forward Special", every Beginner call will be taught again. This offers many benefits:
 - January beginners can improve their skill and confidence with a total review.
 - Beginners who missed some weeks can catch up.
 - Brand-new dancers (even if they never danced before) can join the January Beginners already in progress.
 - New dancers from neighboring clubs can learn the calls from a different instructor.
 - People who dance just one role (Boy or Girl) can learn the other role.
 - It's great practice for future all-day dance conventions and weekends.
 - It will be a lot of fun!

The Fast Forward special is optional.  It's $5 per person, but it's free for experienced dancers who serve as angels.  It's also free if you bring a newcomer who has never been to FunDancers this year:  both you AND your newcomer get in free.

Whether or not you bring someone new, everyone is welcome at "Fast Forward" from 2:30 to 5:15 pm. It's the first time we've ever done this kind of experiment.  If the experiment works then everyone is a brilliant genius.  If the experiment is a flop then we'll blame it all on the caller. :)

From 5:15 to 7:15 pm we'll dance the regular January Beginner program, picking up exactly where we left off last week. People who do the Fast Forward (even if they never danced before) will be at January Beginner level by 5:15 pm.

You can review the moves online at

From 7 to 9 pm we'll dance the Experienced level (as usual).  It's our St. Patrick's Day celebration, so feel free to wear green.  We'll either do Irish songs or we'll come up with a great excuse for not doing them. :)

If you want to (but you don't have to) bring an appetizer or a dessert or a non-alcoholic beverage to share. For extra points, bring something green. :)

Continued thanks to all the wonderful people who make Sundays so festive.  Each person is important because each person adds something unique to the overall blend.  We look forward to seeing you at FunDancers!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

FunDancers on March 6, plus details about Fast Forward on March 13

This Sunday March 6 you can enjoy the usual suspects (Nasser and Jeanna) as dance leaders.
  5:15 to 7:15 pm - January Beginners
  7 to 9 pm - Experienced
  Lines and Squares alternate continuously.

Next week (March 13) is our first-ever Fast Forward from 2:30 to 5:15 pm. Every beginner move will be taught again.  It's wonderful as a quick review, or as a Second Chance for those who missed a few weeks, or as a First Chance for brand-new people to get into the fun-tastic January Beginner group.

Let's talk finance.  Normally, $5 covers you the entire day. There are some money-saving plans.  The most popular plan for beginners is "6 weeks for $20".  A new 6 weeks starts this coming Sunday (March 6). 

On March 13, Fast Forward from 2:30 to 5:15 pm costs $5 extra for beginners.  (It's free for experienced dancers who serve as angels.) If you're on a plan, you are already covered from 5:15 onward, so you only pay an extra $5 for 2:30 to 5:15 pm.  If you pay by the week, it's $10 (your regular $5 for the week plus $5 extra) for the entire day from 2:30 onward.

Here's some -great- news.  If you bring someone new (who has not been at FunDancers this year) to Fast Forward, then both you AND your newcomer get Fast Forward for FREE.  You'll save $5 each.

If all these options are confusing, don't worry.  We will NOT let you pay too much.  Just pay until we make you stop. :)  We do want it to be quick and easy, which is exactly why we offer plans such as "6 weeks for $20".

Okay, we're finished talking finance.  Do you agree that the discussion was painless?

Whether or not you bring someone new, you are still very welcome at "Fast Forward" on Sunday March 13.  If you can benefit from and/or enjoy a fast-paced review of everything taught so far this year, we'll see you (and your $5) at 2:30 pm on Sunday March 13.  If you bring someone new, we'll see both you and your newbie at 2:30 pm (and you'll both get in free).  If you choose not to partake in the once-only Fast Forward event, we'll see you at 5:15 pm on Sunday March 13.

You can review the moves online at

Dancing provides a healthy activity but YOU provide most of the fun and friendship which make Sundays so intensely pleasant. February was fantastic and March will also be super: the normal program on March 6 and 27, Fast Forward on March 13, international superstar caller Randy Dougherty on March 20, and a trainload of fun, fitness and friendship each Sunday. Thanks for being a key part of the festivities!