Sunday, July 27, 2014


Do you have a checklist of things to do each day or week?  Let's talk about your checklist.  Surely items are on your list because they need to be done.  Surely you try to improve the world by using your checklist.
Ditto and likewise.  One of the items on MY checklist, to do every Sunday, is 'help stamp out robberies'.  Here's the deal:  dirty rotten cheating robbers bald-face stole a square dance club from a hard-working honest couple.  They smeared and slandered that couple's good name, and got clean away with robbery in broad daylight.
That robbery is just totally wrong.  It was wrong when it happened, it's been wrong ever since, and it will continue to be wrong until corrected.
So, every Sunday is "Attempt To Correct" day.  It's on the checklist, so let's get 'er done.  Let's start at the beginning.  It began with robbery, so let's start there.  Do you support theft and cheating and swindling and robbery?  If so, then shame on you.  You seriously need to stop supporting robbers.  You need to stop supporting FunDancers.  That club exists today for just one reason only:  someone bald-face stole it.  If you helped the robbers get clean away with the crime, then you did the wrong thing.  You're a dirty rotten individual.  Stop helping robbers.  That's it.
But what if you do not support robbery?  What if you do the right thing instead (by choosing a good honest event instead of a cheated stolen swindled one)?  If so, goody for you.  When you choose a good honest event, you're doing what's right.  Now all you need to do is encourage others to also do what's right.
Sunday is 'Anti-Robbery' day.  Do something today to make sure that bald-face swindling robbers don't get away with their crime.  Stop supporting robbery, encourage others to stop supporting robbery, then check it off your list.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Shortcut to Success

It takes takes years of time and thousands of dollars to build a successful square dance club. 
Or you can find a shortcut, like FunDancers did.  Let someone else spend years of time and thousands of dollars to build a club.  Wait patiently.  The very minute the club turns profitable, swoop in and outright bald-face steal the club from the hard-working people who built it.
Such a sick and twisted strategy only works if you can find immoral callers who knowingly accept robbery loot to call for crooks.  It only works if you can find two-faced double-crossing dancers who knowingly reward robbers and cheats.  In other words, outright bald-face stealing a square dance club in broad daylight only works in San Antonio, Texas.
If you helped the dirty rotten scoundrels at FunDancers get clean away with the crimes of outright swindling and robbery, shame on you!  San Antonio is the 7th largest city in the USA yet the local square dance scene is almost completely dead.  Square dancing died out locally because you completely lack morals and integrity.
Square dancing is an activity for good honest people.  The local square dancers do not meet that qualification. You're simply not good people.  Indeed, you're crummy rotten people who don't know the basic difference between right and wrong.  Your downright rottenness has almost completely killed square dancing in the USA's 7th largest city. Shame on you.
Here's some good news.  You still have the option to do the right thing.  All you have to do is avoid the crime scene at FunDancers.  Stop rewarding crime.  Find a good honest dance instead.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Play It Again

Once upon a time, a talented, hard-working, internationally-known square dance couple moved to San Antonio.  They built a successful club from the ground up.  They even built websites (for free) for the benefit of the area's square dancers. They certainly made the square dance world a better place. 
Then, one day, raunchy swindlers outright robbed them of their life's work.
You supported the robbers.  You helped dirty, rotten crooks put a hard-working square dance couple completely out of business.  Shame on you.
So, let's analyze what you did.  Do you honestly believe that you improved the square dance world, by helping crooked swindlers cheat a hard-working, talented, energetic couple out of a business which took years of labor and thousands of dollars to build?
If you really believe that you improved square dancing by cheating a hard-working, talented, caring, giving couple out of their life's work... then shouldn't you "help" square dancing again, by finding a brand-new hard-working couple to cheat and rob and smear?
Geeez, what a totally immoral, crime-enabling, sorry, rotten, disgusting slime-ball you turned out to be.