Sunday, December 15, 2013

Hey Elmer Fudd!

Hey, Elmer Fudd! Are you weddy for more wobbin'? As you awweady know, wascally weasels outright stole a square dance cwub fwum the wightful owners. Today they use the wobbery woot (thousands of stowen dowwars) to hire dirty wotten wapscallions who wike to caww for cwooks. It ain't wight. Twy to avoid such immowwal wobbing wascals, okay?

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Shortcut to Prosperity

Most square dance clubs nowadays have already folded. The few remaining clubs are sorry pathetic dying dysfunctional groups, barely hanging on by a thread. Square dancing is slowly but surely fading away.

There is little hope for the future because it is so extremely difficult to start and build a new club. Such an endeavor requires thousands of dollars and years of hard work. Let's be honest. Do you actually HAVE thousands of dollars and years of hard work that you can afford to invest into a crummy square dance club?

Good news! There's a recently-discovered shortcut! You can do exactly what FunDancers did. You can dupe someone ELSE into building up a nice club. Wait patiently while your victim invests thousands of his own dollars and years of his own time. Then, just as soon as the fledgling venture becomes profitable, swoop right in and bald-face steal the club in broad daylight. Then you can lie your pants off and smear the good name of your crime victims so that they can't start another club to compete with the one you outright stole.

Or, you can do the RIGHT thing instead. The RIGHT thing is to AVOID lying criminal defamatory cheating swindling crooks who rob and bilk their supposed "friends". You can REFUSE to REWARD robbery. You can STOP SUPPORTING THEFT and CRIME. You can find a good wholesome club to visit instead of a crummy rotten stolen swindled group of cheaters.

Do you endorse the idea of building up square dancing through theft? Do you believe in cheating and swindling your way to prosperity? Are you in favor of running up a huge debt and then defaulting on every penny that you rightfully owe? If so, you are a truly sick sorry screwed-up individual. Don't settle for being all screwed up and sorry and pathetic. It's not too late for you to turn over a new leaf. Stop supporting robbers. Just Say No to Crime. Do the right thing instead.