Thursday, August 23, 2012

Good News

Nasser Shukayr is now the club caller for Belles N Beaus on Thursday nights. This was Les Hughes' club for years.  Things change.
Here's what happened:  Belles N Beaus owed a lot of money to their longtime caller, Les Hughes. Les asked his club to start making payments on their debt. The club decided that it's cheaper to simply cheat their caller out of the money, so they outright stole the amount they owed (and still owe) to their caller.  They're using the stolen funds to continue operations.  Nasser gladly agreed to "help out" by accepting stolen money to call for Les Hughes' group.
The only remaining task is to organize a smear campaign to spread bad rumors so that Les Hughes won't be able to call in the region again.  Some of the best liars and rumor-mongers of all time are working on the smear-campaign right now. The main idea is to convince people that Les went crazy (which makes it okay to cheat him).  This is actually easy to do because dancers are gullible and will believe any cockamamie story they hear. 

Executive Summary:  Les Hughes was unceremoniously cheated out of his club and thousands of dollars. We're in the process of ruining his calling career permanently.  This is all normal procedure in the local square dance scene.  Nasser will gladly step in and help the club get away with theft.
Wait a minute .... let me double-check the facts ...

OOPS!  The STORY is right but the NAMES are REVERSED!  It's actually LES HUGHES who is helping a club commit robbery!

Don't miss FunDancers this Sunday, when they use stolen money which they outright cheated from the club's founder and internationally-known caller, to hire local caller Les Hughes.  Be a participant in dirty politics, dysfunctional people, theft, cheating, slander, etc. 

The excuse "I Didn't Know" does not hold water. Les has already been notified (repeatedly) that when he calls for FunDancers, he will be paid with stolen funds.  The fact that he's participating in a robbery doesn't even slow him down.  Don't let it slow you down either.  Go ahead and do your part to reward criminal activities.

Or, here's an alternative.  DON'T participate in any more robberies. Let the club know that you will gladly do business with them AFTER they return the stolen funds.  It's really quite simple.  A club stole money, which is just plain wrong.  There's an easy way to make things right. It's a fundamental rule of life: if you steal something, GIVE IT BACK.

You can make a difference. For those who are tired of hearing about all the cheating, theft, robbery, slander, etc .... there's a simple way to put an end to it. Stop rewarding robbers and cheaters! Wow, there's a simple solution for almost every problem. If you're tired of hearing bad news, STOP enabling bad things to happen.

It's your choice.  With so many honest dances from which to choose, why would you choose to go to a dishonest one?

Saturday, August 4, 2012

FunDancers Update August 2012

It's been a while since I've written so it's time for an update. Otherwise, people might misinterpret the silence as approval.
As a quick review, in April the officers of FunDancers found themselves in a dilemma. They wanted to strip all voting rights from their caller, yet they owed him substantial money. What to do, what to do? Through the magic of dirty politics and secret meetings, the club decided to default on their debt (not pay one penny) and to use the stolen funds to hire guest callers.
The exact amount of the theft, along with many other details, can be found on the club's official website (which they never paid for) at:
The good news is that this month's update also suggests a solution to the problem. First, let's define the problem, which is:  "The Club Stole Thousands of Dollars". Here's the proposed solution: "GIVE IT BACK".  Simple, elegant, do-able.
Let's remain positive.  Let's all try to do the right thing as individuals and let's urge other people to do the right thing as well.