Friday, December 30, 2011

It's a New Year at FunDancers

FunDancers does not dance on New Years Day but we're pulling out all the stops for next Sunday (January 8):
  5 to 7 pm - Beginner party, suitable for anyone who can walk (even if they never danced before)
  7 to 9 pm - Club Dance for experienced dancers
  9:15 pm - afterparty at Chuy's
It takes a lot of courage for people to try dancing for their very first time.  Let's offer the normal encouragements such as "it's FREE" and "you'll have fun".  I suppose we could add "just try it for 5 minutes.  If you're not having a tremendously good time, just scurry out the same door you entered".  In other words, "How Can You Know, Unless You Try?".
More people would dance if they only had a CLUE about the benefits!  When you're talking to people about FunDancers, play up the benefits!  Where else can you have fun, be with friends, burn mega-calories, learn something new, enjoy an authentic American activity, listen to a huge variety of music, be entertained, feel great, etc ... all at the same time?  It happens at FunDancers on Sunday, January 8th at 5 pm!  Please talk it up among your friends!
Switching topics, a Caller School (to teach people how to call) is scheduled January 5 thru 9.  It's sold out:  there are no remaining spaces for student callers.  However we do need DANCERS for the students to practice their calling skills. The dance level is Mainstream (except for Monday morning when we practice calling for rank beginners).
Please look at the schedule below and reply by email with the time(s) that fit your schedule.  If you can help out once, twice or several times, it's great. If you can't help at all but you're at least thinking about us, that's great too. It's a wonderful feeling to help others learn to call.  You'll have fun.  You might learn more about dancing than you ever wanted to know. :)  In addition, you get to dance to your heart's content, absolutely free and with deep appreciation.
The Caller School is in Schertz at exit 175.  Please reply by email or phone (956-622-0557) and let me know your choice of time slot(s).  I'll email you back to confirm.
Thursday January 5
 - 11 am to 12 noon
 - 2:45 to 4:30 pm
 - 7:15 to 9:30 pm
Friday January 6
 - 10 am to 12 noon
 - 8:15 to 9:30 pm
Saturday January 7
 - 10:15 am to 12 noon
 - 2:15 to 4:15 pm
 - 7:45 to 9:30 pm
Monday, January 9
 - 10 am to 12 noon - for this session we prefer NEW dancers and/or people who have NEVER danced.  If you already know how to dance, at least act like you're new. :)
 - 3:30 to 5 pm
Have a safe and pleasant New Year and we'll see you at FunDancers Free Beginner Dance Party on January 8th!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Last Dance of the Year this Sunday (December 18) at FunDancers

Please join us at FunDancers' "Last Dance of 2011" on Sunday, December 18:
 - 7 to 9 pm - Club Dance
 - 9:15 pm - afterparty at location TBA
Our famous Beginner Dance Series kicks off on January 8th with a FREE Beginner Dance Party at 5 pm. The beginner level fits anyone who can walk, even if they have never danced before. Did we mention that it's free? Please talk it up among your friends ... the more the merrier! Dancing makes a fantastic New Year's Resolution. Add more fun, fitness, friendship and pleasure to your life. The resolution is so easy to keep because it's so much fun!
You'll also enjoy the beginner dance party if you previously danced but dropped out. We want all drop-outs to become drop-ins. :) You'll be pleasantly surprised by how quickly you get your dancing legs back.
Every Sunday is Special at FunDancers:
 - December 18 - "Last Dance of the Year"  7-9 pm
 - January 8 - Free Beginner Dance Party at 5 pm, club dance at 7 pm
 - January 15 - guest caller Nelda Eaton
Big thanks to everyone who helped make 2011 such a wonderful year at FunDancers. If you danced with FunDancers even one time during the year, you added something unique and special to the overall mix. Thanks for being part of the fun in 2011. We look forward to dancing with you again and again during a fantastic 2012.