Get 'er done at FunDancers this Sunday!
- 6:15 pm - Quick Review
- 7 pm - Club Dance
- 9:15 pm - afterparty at Chuy's in Selma
All dancers (new, experienced, in between) are welcome at the Quick Review at 6:15 pm. You can even request that we review a call of your choice.
Here is this week's hint on what to do if you're lost in a square:
Hint #3: Let people know you're in trouble. Don't force the other dancers in the square to read your mind if you have a problem with a call. Do or say something to let them know. There should be a significant difference in your demeanor that demarks the "I'm in deep trouble" state from the "I know what I'm doing" state. I usually just say "Help, I'm lost". It's kind of boring but it gets the job done. As a corollary to this, keep your eyes open for help that is being offered. Don't expect someone to escort you to your position and tuck you in. You have to cooperate and be receptive.Lots of upcoming fun at FunDancers!
August 14 is our first-ever Root Beer Floats special! Did you know that a Root Beer Float can help you lose weight? It's a mathematical fact. Dancing burns 200 to 400 calories per hour. A root beer float is only 290 calories. Therefore, after dancing at FunDancers, a root beer float is actually NEGATIVE calories. Enjoy a frosty guiltless pleasure on August 14.
Wanna know how to make four minutes seem like forever? August 28 is "Amateur Caller night". It's your chance to call for the group. Call your favorite song or just do a little patter. It'll be fun. Get with Nasser to pick your music. Choose your favorite song before someone else gets it. Do it sooner rather than later, to give you more time to practice for the event.
Advanced Dancing is a Happening Thing in August! Intro to Advanced will be on four Wednesdays in August starting August 10. To find out the exact time and location, email or phone Nasser. If you're good at Plus and if you're looking for something beyond, you might enjoy Advanced. Come try it. If you don't have fun, or if you can't keep up, just drop out. :) At least you'll be able to tell people that you tried it once.
A brand-new beginner group starts just after the New Year. A Plus Class starts just after Labor Day.
Happy dancing! We'll see you on Funday ... oops, I meant ... Sunday!