Friday, July 29, 2011

Sunday Funday July 31 at Fundancers

Wanna have fun? Wanna be with friends? Wanna good physical and mental workout? Wanna enjoy music, smiles, laughter, dancing, refreshments, teamwork, etc?

Get 'er done at FunDancers this Sunday!
- 6:15 pm - Quick Review
- 7 pm - Club Dance
- 9:15 pm - afterparty at Chuy's in Selma

All dancers (new, experienced, in between) are welcome at the Quick Review at 6:15 pm. You can even request that we review a call of your choice.

Here is this week's hint on what to do if you're lost in a square:
Hint #3: Let people know you're in trouble. Don't force the other dancers in the square to read your mind if you have a problem with a call. Do or say something to let them know. There should be a significant difference in your demeanor that demarks the "I'm in deep trouble" state from the "I know what I'm doing" state. I usually just say "Help, I'm lost". It's kind of boring but it gets the job done. As a corollary to this, keep your eyes open for help that is being offered. Don't expect someone to escort you to your position and tuck you in. You have to cooperate and be receptive.
Lots of upcoming fun at FunDancers!

August 14 is our first-ever Root Beer Floats special! Did you know that a Root Beer Float can help you lose weight? It's a mathematical fact. Dancing burns 200 to 400 calories per hour. A root beer float is only 290 calories. Therefore, after dancing at FunDancers, a root beer float is actually NEGATIVE calories. Enjoy a frosty guiltless pleasure on August 14.

Wanna know how to make four minutes seem like forever? August 28 is "Amateur Caller night". It's your chance to call for the group. Call your favorite song or just do a little patter. It'll be fun. Get with Nasser to pick your music. Choose your favorite song before someone else gets it. Do it sooner rather than later, to give you more time to practice for the event.

Advanced Dancing is a Happening Thing in August! Intro to Advanced will be on four Wednesdays in August starting August 10. To find out the exact time and location, email or phone Nasser. If you're good at Plus and if you're looking for something beyond, you might enjoy Advanced. Come try it. If you don't have fun, or if you can't keep up, just drop out. :) At least you'll be able to tell people that you tried it once.

A brand-new beginner group starts just after the New Year. A Plus Class starts just after Labor Day.

Happy dancing! We'll see you on Funday ... oops, I meant ... Sunday!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Big Fun at FunDancers on Sunday

Big thanks to all for making last Sunday so much fun at Fundancers! Let's do it again this coming Sunday!

Details: fun, friends, mega-calorie burn, lively music, square dancing, line dancing, mental engagement, socializing, jokes, laughter, meet new people, excellent refreshments, and just a general all-round party atmosphere!

- 6:15 pm - Quick Review
- 7 pm - Club Dance
- 9:15 pm - afterparty at Chuy's in Selma

All dancers (new, experienced, in between) are welcome at the Quick Review. You can even request that we review a call of your choice.

An extra big thank-you to all the FunDancers who successfully captured the banner from Wheels N Deals in San Marcos last night. We eagerly welcome their banner retrieval visit.

While we're in "thank you" mode, let's give a huge "THANK YOU" to the FunDancers board members. They freely give their time to meet and plan the club's activities. Clearly, a super club (FunDancers) has a super board as well. Hurray!

A Canadian caller recently wrote some hints about "what to do if you're lost in a square". We're covering one hint per week. This week's hint:
Don't Panic! As is the case with most pressure situations, dithering about in a panic when the square starts to look strange will accomplish nothing. Instead, concentrate, examine the formation, recite the rule of the call, and force yourself to think.
Plan ahead at FunDancers:

August 14 is our first-ever Root Beer Floats special! Although we don't actually need an extra incentive to enjoy Fundancers on a Sunday, August 14 is extra-special. Everyone (past, present or future ... FunDancer or guest) gets a free root beer float. How cool is THAT?

August 28 is "Amateur Caller night". Anyone who wants to call a tip (or half a tip) will get a chance. Get with Nasser to choose your music and to get some hints on how to practice for your big moment. It will be fun and memorable for sure!

The next Plus Class starts September 11 and lasts 12 weeks. Plus will be from 5 to 7 pm followed by the regular club dance from 7 to 9 pm. We will also have a super-duper bargain deal for those who want to dance both sessions (4 hours, 5 to 9 pm). It'll be great practice for weekends and conventions and marathons.

A new Advanced Group starts soon on Wednesday nights. If you are interested in Advanced, please let Nasser know.

The next Beginner group starts January 8, 2012 with a Free Beginner Party.

The website has the latest club info. has info about dancing all over the region.

We hope to see you at FunDancers this Sunday, July 24 for fun, fitness, friendship and family values!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Fun at FunDancers on July 17

WOW, what an excellent fun time we had at FunDancers last Sunday! Let's do it again this Sunday!

Details: be with friends, burn about 800 calories during a very enjoyable workout, have fun, listen to lively music, square dance, line dance, keep our minds sharp, socialize, laugh, meet new friends, enjoy excellent refreshments, and celebrate the good fun people in our lives ... all at the same time.

6:15 pm - Quick Review
7 pm - Club Dance
9:15 pm - afterparty at Chuy's in Selma

The Quick Review is mainly for newer dancers but all are welcome. You can even request that we review a call of your choice (one request per person). Send your request by email and/or let the caller know before a tip begins.

A Canadian caller recently wrote some rules about "what to do if you're lost in a square". Of course FunDancers will NEVER need this advice, right? But just in case, we'll try to cover one hint per week. This week's entry:

Hint #1 Admit When You Need Help. Everybody needs help sometime. If you're confused or unsure, ask for help. You will usually find that those you ask are more than willing to provide it.

Plan ahead at FunDancers - The next Beginner group starts January 8. Plus Class starts September 11. A new Advanced Group starts "soon" on a weeknight. If you are interested in Advanced, please let us know which nights work best for you.

The website has the latest club info. has info about dancing all over the region.

We hope to see you at FunDancers this Sunday, July 17 for fun, fitness, friendship and family values!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sunday July 10: Quick Review at 6:15 pm, Club dance at 7 pm

Here's a fantastic idea. Please listen to the ENTIRE idea before you decide how wonderful it is.
Here's the idea: let's all get together at FunDancers on Sunday July 10 to be with friends, burn about 800 calories in an enjoyable workout, have a lot of fun, hear lively music, square dance, line dance, keep our minds sharp, socialize, laugh, listen to some great jokes (well, kinda), enjoy excellent refreshments, and celebrate the fun things in life. Let's meet at Schertz Community Center North, 3501 Morning Drive (the usual FunDancers location) from 7 to 9 pm. Let's go to Chuy's in Selma afterwards.
Okay, now that you have heard the entire idea, you can go ahead and admit how wonderful it is. :)
We will have a "Quick Review" each Sunday in July from 6:15 to 7 pm. It's mainly for newer dancers but everyone is welcome. We'll go over a few calls which are known trouble-makers. You can even request that we look at one call of your choice (one request per person for now). Send your request by email and/or by letting the caller know beforehand.
The Quick Review is free of charge! However, some people have requested the option to pay extra for the extra floor time. We are happy to oblige. Donations for the Quick Review are accepted at the door, but again, there is no charge for the Quick Review from 6:15 to 7 pm.
Summer vacation schedules can make it a challenge to be at FunDancers each week. Your dancing skills can become rusty. It gets worse: it could actually seem like the caller is MUMBLING even though he's speaking clearly. We realize this and we want to help. That's why we offer the Quick Review at 6:15 pm, to help keep you sharp and up to date. It's also fun (because the fun people are there).
Beginners start January 8. Plus Class starts September 11. Advanced Group starts "sometime soon". Please let us know if you're interested in Advanced, as we need to find a weeknight and a location based on how many people are interested.
The website has the latest club info. has mucho info about dancing all over.
We hope to see you at FunDancers this Sunday, July 10 for fun, fitness, friendship and family values!