The human brain is very interesting. Do you know what your "Frontal Lobes" are? That's the part of your brain which takes the longest time (until your mid-20s) to develop. That same part of your brain lets you know the difference between right and wrong.
Have you had your frontal lobes calibrated lately? Do you know the difference between right and wrong? Here's a simple test to measure your own ability to tell right from wrong.
- A square dance club owes someone thousands of dollars. They default on the debt. They outright baldface cheat that person out of every penny owed. Right, or wrong?
- Someone spends years building up a business. Rotten crooks wait patiently until the business finally becomes profitable. Then they swoop in and flat-out steal the business in broad daylight. Right, or wrong?
- One of your "friends" is robbed, cheated and swindled. The robbers offer you some of the robbery loot. You know the funds are stolen but you accept the loot anyway. Right, or wrong?
- A special event is held at a stolen club and is financed with stolen funds. You go to the event anyway. Right, or wrong?
- A square dance club does not have a website. They create a website but it is not about the club. Instead, the website's only purpose is to smear the name of an internationally-known square dance caller in an attempt to put that caller out of business. Right, or wrong?
- An expert thief, crook, cheater, liar, name-smearer and swindler runs for office in a local association. You do not want to hold office yourself. To reduce the chance that you yourself might be asked to hold office (and/or perhaps due to sheer apathy), you vote for the scumbag. Right, or wrong?
While most people over age 25 have no problem telling the difference between right and wrong, people who support events at FunDancers obviously suffer from malfunction of the frontal lobes. Each of the above situations is clearly gregariously totally wrong yet some people still support these wrongs.
What might cause you to be completely unable to distinguish right from wrong?
One possible reason is that the frontal lobes of your brain are damaged. To find out if this applies to you, ask yourself, "have I had a frontal lobotomy?". If so, then you are no longer able to tell right from wrong. In that case, go to FunDancers where you'll fit right in. People at FunDancers don't know right from wrong either.
But what if you have no brain damage yet you still participate in the outrageous wrongs at FunDancers? What on earth could make you completely oblivious to the difference between right and wrong? The only possible reason left (according to science) is that your frontal lobes have not developed yet, i.e. you are under 25 years old.
Never argue with scientific fact. If you participate in the wrongdoing at FunDancers, then obviously you can't tell right from wrong. If you can't tell right from wrong, then the frontal lobes of your brain do not work. If your frontal lobes don't work then either you had brain damage or you're a teenager. If you have not had brain damage, then you're a teenager. It's simple logic.
So, if you're looking for a square dance club for teenagers and/or brain-damaged people, i.e. if you want to be with other people who can't discern right from wrong, go to FunDancers where they rob, cheat, steal, smear, swindle and loot. If you are brain-damaged, or under age 25, at FunDancers you can find other brain-damaged, teenaged and/or downright crummy people just like yourself. Come celebrate the loathsome human traits of robbing innocent people, not paying your bills, lying, swindling, looting, cheating, name-smearing and utter absolute nastiness.
Of course if you do happen to know the difference between right and wrong, then your choice is even more simple. Avoid FunDancers. Find something wholesome to do instead.
It's no longer enough to simply avoid wrongdoing yourself. You should also persuade your "friends" (even though there is no such thing as genuine friendship in square dancing, but let's pretend). Encourage other people to also recognize the difference between right and wrong, and to choose right over wrong. Of course, if they happen to be brain-damaged or teen-agers, send them to FunDancers which is a club for teenagers and/or brain-damaged people who cannot tell the difference between right and wrong.
Bottom line: If you are brain-damaged or a teenager, seek out other brain-damaged people just like yourself. But if you are able to tell the difference between right and wrong, avoid the wrongdoing at FunDancers. Find a wholesome alternative instead ... and convince the people who pretend to be your "friends" to do the same.