A little kid approached his mommy. He asked, "Mommy, are there any square dancers in our family? Are we in any way related to FunDancers?".
The kid's mommy replied, "I never really thought about it. Why do you ask about your relatives?".
The kid explained, "Well, someone offered to build me a top-notch website at his cost. If I'm related to square dancers then I'll offer an amount which is below cost. But if I'm related to FunDancers then I'll just bald-face steal the work instead".
So ... go ahead and ask yourself a question. Do you honor, reward and celebrate the vile acts of cheating, stealing, theft and robbery? If the answer is "no" (as it should be) then you have one very simple task on your agenda. Simply avoid events staged by robbers.
When you make the right choices, you help improve the world and you'll feel better too. Start improving the world today by avoiding organizations and people who rob, cheat, swindle and defraud.