Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The future of square dancing in the local area

This message goes out to all area square dancers.  I'm concerned about the future.

Here's a quick question for FunDancers (a club which stole thousands of dollars and years of hard work from Nasser and Jeanna).  How's it going?  In other words, how are the stolen funds holding out? Will the thousands of dollars you stole last long enough? Or will you need to steal again in the future, in order to keep operating the club which was outright stolen from the very couple who founded it?
The reason I ask is that these things take time. Patience is a virtue! It took over two years for Nasser and Jeanna to build up their club to the point where it was even worth stealing. Let's admit it, most clubs nowadays are not worth the bother it takes to steal 'em. That's the main problem with square dancing today. There are so very few "builders" (like, for example, Nasser and Jeanna) who can actually build up a club so that people would even want to steal it. And there are so very many "takers" (like, for example, the officers of FunDancers) who hold meetings and vote to steal from people who cannot be at the meeting.
Planning is essential. If you ever hope to steal another club in the future (like you illegally stole FunDancers from its founders) please be aware that it can take years for your next victim to build a club to the point where it is finally stealable. Therefore you need to find another trusting caller right now and dupe him into starting immediately on the years of hard work and investment.  Allow your next victim enough time to build up something tangible and worthwhile. Then steal it.
I'm just afraid that you are not planning your next theft properly.  This sets the stage for major disappointment whenever it's time for your next crime.  Plan ahead!  Start building something big today so that you can tear down something big in the future.

Also, start making as many legally-binding contracts as you can. That's the only possible way to continue your long streak of ruthlessly and immorally breaking long-term contracts. Think about it:  the only way to break long-standing contracts (like you did to me) is to already have those contracts in place for a long time.  So, get those contracts in place right NOW (like we did over two years ago) so that you can break those contracts after they become long-term agreements (like you did to me recently).
In other words, get busy!  Time's a-wasting!  Start right now and build up a brand-new load of debt with an innocent caller, so that you can default on your debt in the future.  Huge debts don't just happen overnight!  It takes years to build up enough debt so that you can finally get the satisfaction of stealing thousands of dollars from someone.  So get started now!

Set up a bunch of new agreements today, so that you can break those contracts years from now! Dupe a trusting new victim today into spending years to build up a nice club, so that it will grow into something you'll be proud to steal in the future.  I'm afraid that if you don't start planning today, you won't be able to steal a nice big juicy club (like the one you stole a couple of months ago) in the future.  You'll only be able to steal a small pitiful club (like the club which you transformed FunDancers into).  Clearly, it pays to plan ahead, so that your future thefts can be grand.  With careful planning today, you can enjoy a continuous lifestyle of lying to, stealing from and double-crossing good honest people in the future.
Always remember:  rip someone off first and then start the rumors and gossip. It's easy to slander someone nowadays because people gladly believe almost anything they hear.  Don't leave out the slander:  it's an important step.  Stealing two and a half years of someone's hard work and thousands of their dollars ... is important. Smearing their name into the mud after you're finished ripping them off is equally important.
Hopefully, a nice crowd will visit FunDancers to show their support for the key ingredients which make this club unique: operating on stolen money, violating long-term agreements, immoral cheating, unethical leadership, kangaroo court meetings, defaulting on your debt, ruining someone's career through gossip, and plenty of good old-fashioned plain-old down-home bald-face lying.

It takes more than two years to build up a club so that it's even worth stealing.  Get started today so you can rip off other innocent people in the future!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Right or Wrong

Mothers try to teach kids the difference between right and wrong. Their efforts are not always successful because some people have no clue.  Here's a handy guide to "Right or Wrong" for the month of June at FunDancers.

June 3 - K O Jeanes - RIGHT.  Nasser is in Australia. Whenever Nasser is out of town, the club gets a guest caller. (However, guest callers always get paid far more money than Nasser, which is kinda sorta wrong.) Still, the club needs a local caller on June 3 because their internationally-known club caller is calling in another country.

June 10 - Chet Miles - WRONG.  Nasser is home on June 10.  The club has a very simple rule. The club caller calls for his own club (which he founded and into which he invested thousands of dollars of his own money, only to have it illegally stolen).  For the dance on June 10, the club wants to use stolen funds to hire a guest caller, in direct violation of the club's "raison d' etre" (pardon my French).  So, just in case you don't know the difference between right and wrong, here's a clue:  June 10 is WRONG because it uses stolen funds to break a long-standing club rule.

Hint:  following rules is RIGHT.  Using stolen money to break rules is WRONG.

June 17 - RIGHT.  Nasser is calling in Missouri.  I wonder if Missouri clubs have idiots for officers, like FunDancers does?  Anyway, it's simple:  Nasser is out of town so FunDancers gets a guest caller.  (Interestingly, the  guest caller, who invested nothing into the club, gets far more money than Nasser, who invested thousands only to have it illegally stolen). So, while it's "WRONG" to pay a local fill-in caller more than the club's own internationally-known caller, hey, it happens. Anyway, the dance on June 17 is "RIGHT", so ... enjoy.  Club caller out of town, get a guest caller. Simple, right?  Can you believe there are people so stupid (such as FunDancers officers) who just can't figure it out?  But as they say in Australia (where the club's own international caller is right now) "No Worries, Mate".  Hey, that's why I'm here:  to explain the difference between right and wrong.  Club caller is out of town on June 17, so it's "RIGHT" to get a guest caller.

June 24 - WRONG.  If you can't figure out why, then you probably can't do the calls anyway and you should not even try to dance.  The club illegally broke every rule in the book.  They're using stolen money to hire a guest caller on June 24. This is wrong (and it's also immoral, unethical and illegal) to intentionally cheat the club caller (who invested thousands of dollars) out of his own dance at his own club.  Wrong Wrong Wrong Wrong.  There is no rightness whatsoever about June 24.  Everything about it is just as wrong as wrong can be.  Here's a handy chart.

  Club follows their long-standing agreed-upon rules = RIGHT
  Club officers act crazy and use stolen money to break the rules = WRONG.

July 1 - Wayne Weston - both RIGHT and WRONG.  Nasser is out of town (in Seattle, Washington) on this date. So the club needs a guest caller.  (Did you know that the club pays local callers FAR more than they ever paid their own internationally-known club caller??).  Anyway, the dance itself is "RIGHT".  Club Caller out of town, get a guest caller.  Simple.

However, the club plans to provide free hot dogs and hamburgers prior to the dance.  While this might sound great, it's actually quite WRONG.  Have you ever thought about how the club might pay for the free grub?  Wait a minute!  Don't tell me!  Let me guess!  Could it possibly be from the thousands of dollars the club stole from Nasser and Jeanna?  BINGO!  (Bells ring, confetti fills the air, and you win the prize which in this case is officers with no morals and no brains).

The dance is RIGHT but using stolen funds to pay for free grub is WRONG.  It's even more wrong because the club stole thousands of dollars but all you get is a lousy hot dog?  Whaaaat's up with thaaaat?  The club stole THOUSANDS ... they oughtta feed you prime rib and caviar!  Here's a recap.  Using stolen money is WRONG.  The "wrongness" starts at 5:30 pm.  Doing exactly what the rules say (getting a local guest caller when the club's internationally-known caller is out of town) is RIGHT.  The Rightness starts at 7 pm. 

 = = = =

Always remember:  Do "right" things.  Don't do "wrong" things. This handy guide to Right and Wrong is necessary because some people (such as your club officers) did not learn the difference between right and wrong from their mommy.  Pity. For those who don't know right from wrong, here's a handy chart:

  June 3 & 17 = RIGHT
  June 10 & 24 = WRONG
  July 1 = WRONG at 5:30 pm, RIGHT at 7 pm
Happy dancing!